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TOP PHILOSOPHY -- unbounded by earlier cultures "There is a difference between infantile arrogance and the interesting, sophisticated arrogance which is humble at the right spots." Aristo Tacoma ...a living enquiry into the world [Note: there are several images on the main pages and which is not on this somewhat more text-oriented version of the same page.] Yoga4d von Reusch Gamemakers, or Yoga4d:VRGM, orgnum 985230560, Scandinavian-based (Oslo etc). //Note to those who fear sensuality: leave this site, NOW, and put on all and everything called "family filter" on respectable sites such as and, and put on telly, and go to sleep. This site is for people with a real heart./// Stein Reusch, who has Aristo Tacoma as letter-by-letter composed artist name. Enquiries into ancient greek later on indicated that the proper ethymology is 'Aristo ta Cometes', meaning 'best of (philosophical, sometimes longhaired) comets.' Lately, despite his blue eyes, he has fallen in love with the concept of toning his hair black, and, most curiously, finds that it is easier to develop new software that way. Another peculiarity is that, although programming involves handling numbers all the time, he hates applying the concept of an age number to himself -- and generously extends this to others, as long as it doesn't break a law. At least, no number higher than "eighteen and some more": how much "some more" depends on whether he is in what P.G.Wodehouse would have called "mid-season form". The best way to ensure friendship with this guy is NEVER to talk about birth dates, years, and age groups, and such, except when formalities demand it. At least never after eight. His main asset is, peculiarly, also what he is most often critisized for: that irritating, unfailing happiness of his. Some people thinks he is called "Henning" but that's just an ancient middle name; or that "Reusch" is constructed but it goes no further back than it being mother's maiden name. "Braten" is still applicable, of course. But, much like when it comes to numbers, his idea about names are: the more, the better, for then it becomes so confusing they vanish, and REALITY APPEARS ;) Sensuality, by the way, includes sexuality (something the human being is born with, and by). PART I Aristo Tacoma M Y N E W L I S A G J 2 F I C L A N G U A G E ON STAMASH, SPIRITUAL QUESTIONS, COMPUTING: WEBPAGE PRODUCED APRIL 18, 2008 UPDATED AUGUST 24, 2008 [Click on image beneath for previous website content -- there is the full operating system / platform for Y2000-compliant PCs of Firth234 Lisa and more. See also and for Lisa GJ2 installation info. You will find inside several gigabytes of honestly programmed original open source. The image, by the way, is a drawing in one of the earlier Lisa programs -- one of my favourites, used also in the Yoga4d chess-like games which are among the several products I provide on the side for stamash students, girls 18-24 yrs. This text replaces the earlier plan for a book shown under (at 'taste of this book'). The second image (beneath) links to the earlier content, and there is some overlapping between these gigabyte sites.] [The following document is re-rendered to Courier in the Internet Excerpt of this document.] [PRODUCED BY YOGA4D VON REUSCH GAMEMAKERS, OSLO, ORG.NUM 985230560, REGISTERED AS PUBLISHER, OWNED BY: ARISTO TACOMA HENNING BRATEN REUSCH WHO ASSERTS THE COPYRIGHT OF THIS TEXT, WORLDWIDE, ON ALL FORMATS. STAMASH, YOGA4D, FIRTH AND LISA GJ2 FIC ARE TRADEMARKS (INFORMALLY) OF THE YOGA4D VON REUSCH GAMEMAKERS COMPANY. NOTE THAT THE 'TASTE OF THIS BOOK' GIVEN AT MY SITE, IS A VERY SUITABLE INTRODUCTION TO THE SUPERMODEL THEORY AS FOUND IN MY 2004 BOOK, PUBLISHED UNDER MY PEN NAME STEIN VON REUSCH, WITH ISBN 82.996977.0.0 (ALSO AT NB.NO), ENTITLED 'PASSION WITHOUT GREED OR HATRED; RESONATING OVER DANCERS; CREATING NEW PHYSICS'. MY WEBSITES ARE NOT COMPLETELY UPDATED, BUT I REGARD THE INTERNET APPROACH AS A KIND OF LIBRARY BACKGROUND. THE MORE FORMAL APPROACH IN THE 'TASTE OF THIS BOOK' EXCERPT WAS FOUND TO BE NOT FULLY COHERENT WITH THE STRONG INFORMAL PHYSICS AND OVERALL SUMMARY FOUND IN THAT WHICH I INTUITIVELY REGARD AS A COMPLETE ACCOUNT OF MY SUPERMODEL THEORY IN PHYSICS (THE 2004 BOOK), WHICH BRIDGES GRAVITATIONAL PHENOMENA, BIOLOGICAL COHERENCE AND QUANTUM PHENOMENA IN A NEOPOPPERIAN WAY. STUDIES OF SCIENTIFIC QUALITY HAVE RECENTLY CONFIRMED WHAT I EARLIER WROTE ON WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO SCIENCE PUBLICATIONS -- WHY THEY DON'T MATTER SO MUCH ANYMORE, FOR THE QUANTITY AND FRAGMENTATION HAVE OVERTAKEN AND RENDERED THEM SUBSTANDARD; MY ENERGIES ARE NOW DEVOTED TO MORE THAN A DOZEN PROJECTS INCLUDING ALSO NEW HARDWARE TYPES AND OTHER PROGRAMMING AS WELL AS STAMASH MARTIAL ARTS DEVELOPMENT, FICTION WRITING AND SO ON, RATHER THAN THE OTHER PROJECTS HINTED AT IN SOME OF THE LISTS AT AND; HOWEVER THE LISA GJ2 LANGUAGE IS USED THROUGHOUT AND VERY ENTHUSIASTICALLY SO -- IT HAS OVERWHELMINGLY GONE BEYOND ALL EXPECTATIONS!! THE 2004 BOOK HAS SINCE MARCH 2006, WHEN THE FIRST FIRTH OPERATING APPROACH FOR COMPUTERS WERE RELEASED ON THE INTERNET AND STILL PART OF, BEEN PART OF THE ELECTRONIC MANUSCRIPTS THERE, AT YOURTEXT/A.HTM, ALONGSIDE THE MANHATTAN TRANSFORMATION MANUSCRIPTS WHICH SETS FORTH THE METAPHYSICAL NOTION, AS FIRST PRESENTED (AND WHICH INSPIRED A FRIEND TO DO A DANCE PERFORMANCE WITH HER GROUP ON A TITLE WHICH DERIVED DIRECTLY FROM A CONVERSATION WITH ME, AS SHE DOCUMENTS IN HER TALK PUBLISHED TOGETHER WITH A. JANIK IN A SEMINAR AT THE UNIV. OF BERGEN -- 'PAST IS SIMULATION' / HERSTAY, SEE HER EXCELLENT AND ORIGINAL WORKS AT HERSTAY.NET), NAMELY THAT THE PAST IS, UP TO A POINT, AFTER WHICH SPACEDURATION TOOK ON ACTUALITY, A KIND OF SIMULATION. MORE ABOUT THIS HERE AND IN OTHER WRITINGS. AT] [GENERAL TEXT INFO: THE FONT USED FOR THIS TEXT PRIMARELY IS MY B9 ARRYTHMIC CHARACTER FONT (SOMEWHAT LIKE THE TYPE USED ON BLACKBOARDS) WHICH SPELLS OUT STRONG CONTRASTS IN WHAT MIGHT BE CALLED A 'SLIGHTLY ATONAL' MANNER, IF ONE COMPARES TO MUSIC; A FONT WHICH AN INCREASING NUMBER OF YOUNG PEOPLE HAVE LEARNED TO ENJOY AND READ AND WRITE FAST WITH. THE PAGE NUMBERS ARE ON THE PAPER-VERSION AS NONEXISTING AS ON THE ELECTRONIC CD VERSION, WHICH IS SUITABLE FOR THE LISA PROGRAM. THE PAGE-SHIFTS WHEN READ WITH LISA PROGRAMS FOLLOW COMPLETELY THE FLOW OF THE ORIGINAL "UNPLUGGED" TEXT WHICH HAS, LIKE THE FONT, FEATURES OF THE ARRYTHMIC. THIS DOES NOT AIM AT A LAYOUT ON THE PAGE AS IF EACH PAGE WAS A UNIT OF THE TEXT; RATHER, IT AIMS AT ALLOWING "PAGES" TO HAVE AS LITTLE IMPORTANCE AS POSSIBLE, EMPHASIZING THE TEXT AS AN ORIGINAL FLOW, IN WHICH AS LITTLE HAS BEEN CHANGED FROM THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT FORM AS POSSIBLE; AND ONLY THOSE SPELLING MISTAKES WHICH COULD CAUSE SEMANTIC CONFUSION ARE CORRECTED.] (( )) (( )) Welcome! Whenever I use the (( )) I indicate here a (usually untitled) paragraph which, in many cases, can be a starting-point if you open this text quite freely, and start anywhere -- and the theme will usually be more or less completed, at least in some sense, at the next (( )). So the (( )) notion is a grouping of ideas, and this symbol I also use within my programming language Lisa, also in its newest edition, the GJ2 FIC edition, planned (2008) to be the basis of the GJ2 PC hardware built from solid components of a non-micro kind also as an illustration of first-hand mechanics and electronics. The Lisa GJ2 programming language is available at the Internet, at and the GJ2 FIC edition extends on this and is provided along with other programs. These versions are syntactically basically the same, but there are some luxuries and beauties about FIC and these other programs illustrate these (notably the SF Space Fiction programs). These programs provide solid proof of just how good this language is -- and I will illustrate a little of the language and discuss most of its features here. The spiritual discussions involves a brief visit of the philosophy of my new martial arts form, related to yoga and aikido, called 'stamash', as well as touch on other philsophical themes. This might have interest for some kind of forward-oriented consciousness-expanding type of educational organisations, and for these I can provide programs available for whole classrooms very inexpensively. (( )) (( )) What is a programming language? Now, if you meet some kind of animal which you suspect have no idea of written language, it would take some time to convey that idea; and be sure it wouldn't evoke much interest in most situations. One has to come up with something such as a concrete use -- or, at the very least, a sense of beauty about it. A flower may not be of much use but it has beauty, the beauty may suggest that we learn something about it. I would say that my relationship to computer programming languages from the very beginning, when I dabbled with the language Forth made by Charles Moore in the 1960s for very tiny computers had something of this sense, this artistic longing for formal beauty about it -- and I am happy to say, and admit, that in Lisa Gj2 FIC I get the full monty. It is over-flowing with beauty. It is useful if you find a computer useful as a stand-alone unit in which you want a creative environment which invokes a sense of wholeness as you go along, which can be shaped by those whose brains are technically apt and ready to devote time to it, also meditatively. But I wish to call right now on the sense of beauty, as an introduction. Let us briefly remind ourselves what a prime number is. The whole numbers are numbers such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9. The prime numbers are numbers such as 3, 5, 7, 13, 11 and 19. Some begin with 1 and 2 for the prime numbers also but I think it is fully coherent with the overall thinking about prime numbers to begin at 3, regarding 1 and 2 as foundational numbers to shape the whole number series and regarding prime numbers as a subset of odd numbers above 1 which do not have any possibility of being divided without causing decimal digits to appear, if what they are divided by is a whole number. So 4 is not a prime number for it can be divided by 2, which is a whole number, and it gets a result which is 2, without any reminder or modulus or what we in Lisa calls a MOD. The MOD is zero, for there is no overflow if we try to calculate the number back. Take, on the other hand, the attempt to divide 7 to 3. We get, by whole number thinking exclusively, shaving away decimal numbers after the dot, as a result, 2. Multiplying 2 by 3 gives us 6. The MOD or reminder here is 1, since we didn't get to 7, only to 6, and 6 plus the MOD gives us 7. Now since no number less than 7 and greater than 1 can be divided into 7 without getting a nonzero MOD, then 7 is a prime number. That's dry stuff maybe. But let's just think very slightly about it. It appears that prime numbers are fluctuating, yet they are absolutely stable. Their distances are fluctuating. We are not talking random fluctuation as much as a sense of the arrythmic -- like this font, the B9 font which I have drawn, inspired by the Sanskrit sense of vowels as more important than consonants, and separating out numbers like 1, 2, 3 from the more upright letters (e.g., in Sanskrit, a is the most important sound, so here a is bigger than e.g. e). The prime numbers fluctuate, I say. An example, take a look here, at the first few prime numbers above 100000: 100003 100019 100043 100049 100057 100069 100103 100109 Just watch this lovely sample. We see that their distances are 100003 100019 100043 100049 100057 100069 100103 100109 16 24 6 8 12 34 6 Since each of the prime numbers are odd numbers it is not very surprising that their relative differences are even numbers. Apart from that, and apart from a slightly general trend that they increase with higher number (statistically speaking) -- at least I think they do -- these fluctuations have the appearance of a completely free and fun dance. What are they really? Where do they come from? Considering that the natural numbers can be presented as I II III IIII IIIII IIIIII how come we suddenly gets this free-jumping? This is an expression not just of the natural numbers but of the applications of multiplication and division, which are in some sense extensions of the ideas of addition and substraction. We can call these 'elementary arithmetics'. So take the natural numbers (which I will say something about later, relative to infinity), together with elementary arithmetics, and we get a type of novel order which has some interesting arrythmic -- but not completely random -- features. This order expresses itself by the prime numbers. And so, with the prime numbers, we are touching on something which lingers near the idea of the indefinite or even the infinite in some sense -- and yet, there is no question that given a concrete prime number candidate, it is possible to put the computer to a certain type of work -- the type of work that makes its fans go faster, for it gets quite hot by it, especially if you give it hundreds of thousands of these tasks -- to find out, doggedly we might say, whether the number is prime or not. But take any number like, 11311 or 1117111, and say by intuition, are these primes? Indeed they are. But 1113111 is not prime nor is 11711. It doesn't seem to be any rule which at all times works to filter out all candidates of the odd numbers which are not primes, and leave only the right ones -- except that all that ends in the number 5 are divisible by the prime 5 and so they are out, along with the even numbers. The only rule that has been found that works for sure is the rule to check, ALL the relevant divisions, and so the making of prime is a kind of quintessential computer task. I have not used before now the word 'mathematics' nor will I use it to describe the thinking we just did. We did something now which involved no such invention as the bag-concept of 'mathematics', which has a lot of assumptions this writer does not go along with. What we did was to talk only of whole numbers, not whole numbers in terms of set theory or anything; nor talk in any cock-sure manner about infinities; but merely discuss a clear range of them, at a time, with some operations, like division, found to apply meaningfully within this range. In the Lisa GJ2 Fic language, this means up to two billion, roughly (the 32-bit numbers, signed, are just a little more than that, plus and minus). And when we do computer programming, we are doing a programming which is supposedly human psychologically readable -- and this means that we should talk of something which is adequately clear, and not fussy-headed. We can talk of 'first-hand programming' when we have functions which work in a way that we can think clearly about, without having to deal with assumptions such as those which characterise the supposedly continous graphs in analytical mathematics with differentials and integrals -- and a lot of hogwash thinking which, as far as this writer can tell, is incongruent, incoherent and nonwise to engage in. Instead of mathematics, let us talk about good, clear ideas, and our intuitions into them, and not leave it to bygone textbooks to elucidate assumptions in a way which presumes authority to them. So in the first-hand manner, let us now appreciate this sculpture of thought, in Lisa GJ2 Fic: (LET IS-PRIME BE (( >N5 )) (( (( N5 ; 2 => DIV (COUNT (( N7 ; N1 => INC => MOD => ISBASIS = RMS ; RMS ; N => => ; EXIT === )) COUNTUP) )) (( Y => => )) )) OK) I will boldly refer the ardent would-be programmer to the manual, which is, with my FIC source, more than 8000 lines. Here, watch it like a rose, not trying to understand it all; or like an orchid, without having to know every detail about its copulative organ-threads. But watch the N => => and the Y => =>. These are what they look like: an attempt by the function to give an answer to the question. The => => usually means that this value is supposedly sent out of the function. The (( .. )) is meant to group ideas and the => and ; indicate relationship between elements in the language. The Lisa Gj2 Fic language is radically different from Forth and looks in many ways a little more like the LISP language (which goes back even before Forth). But unlike LISP, which also has the parentheses-love, the ordering of the functions are so that parameters come before the functions as in Forth. But yet, unlike both Forth and Lisp, the numbers and texts can be treated as one and the same thing, and instead of lists in Lisp, we have something we call 'warps', which is an extension of a latent idea inside both Forth and C, which here consciously takes the place of object orientation as found in Simula-67 and e.g. in C++ and Java (indeed I had many conversations with Kristen Nygaard around 1998-2000 when I worked on the first phase on this language, Nygaard with Ole-Johan Dahl made the notion of object orientation with their Simula). My experience is that the Lisa GJ2 Fic language is incomparatively better than all object-oriented languages and also all non-object-oriented languages that I have tried, and I have tried basically all the langauges that have ever been made for the computers insofar they have reached a certain popularity, at least. (Including, but not limited to, C, C++, Cobol, Fortran, Basic, Pascal, Lisp, Java, C#, Forth, Prolog, Scheme, JavaScript, Perl.) Here is the function in a slightly quicker version: (LET IS-PRIME-FASTER BE (( >N5 )) (( (( 20 ; N5 => INTGREATER = N5 => IS-PRIME => => ; EXIT === )) (( N5 => LENGTH => CHN => SWITCH => RM ; 53 => EQN = N => => ; EXIT === )) (( N5 ; 7 => DIV ; 5 => ADD (COUNT (( N7 ; N1 => INC => MOD => ISBASIS = RMS ; RMS ; N => => ; EXIT === )) COUNTUP) )) (( Y => => )) )) OK) Note that whenever there is a = to be found in this function, you also see a === pretty soon thereafter. This type of thing, the = .. === is what is called a 'conditional expression', an expression, that is to say, which is performed by the computer on the condition that it gets an affirmative input, a Y type of input, rather than a N type of input. The (( )) after the (LET xxxx BE holds some indication of what is expected by the function, defined to have a new name in that line, after the (LET, to be given as input to the function. If it is one number only, there is usually something like >N5 or >N7 or something, which means that the number is put to the so-called 'simple stack', which is on the side of the text/number main stack of things, where each function has N1..N11 as 11 free slots in this simple stack automatically allocated rather like local variables. This notion I worked out in going from the first form of language, when I called it the Yoga4d language, toward the Firth language, I used originally Pascal to experiment towards a compiler before I, with the help of the DJGPP tools, achieved basically an assembly-near version which I refine towards assembly in an even purer form now that I am working on the GJ2 light tube computer. The line (( N5 => LENGTH => CHN => SWITCH => RM ; 53 is an example of the ease with which text and numbers are treated in a similar way -- yet in a fairly fast way (that can not be said of Perl). N5 => LENGTH means, give the length of the number, ie, its amount of digits. If we give the number 1117111 to it, we shall see 7. The function CHN says, let's get the ASCII character number for what's there, and those who are so initiated knows that 48..58 holds the numbers for the digits themselves, 0..9. We are after filtering out any number which holds 5 as the final digit, and 5 is ascii 53. So you see 53 appears on the line. All in all, those first lines filter out those numbers we don't want to look more on by the present function. Then the function does a (COUNT .. COUNTUP) in which it tries to divide a lot of numbers, up until the seventh of the number and a little further, just to be sure. If the MOD anywhere is 'basis', our positive-affirmation word for 'zero', -- this is shown by the function ISBASIS -- then we have something which is nonprime, and in that case, the function exits rapidly. The RM removes stuff at the main stack and RMS removes at the simple stack, we also have more stacks. The (COUNT .. COUNTUP) function uses N1 and N2 at the simple stack and so for a quick'n'clean exit from it one does RMS RMS before the EXIT there. If it loops through all the numbers without getting to the notion of a zero reminder, then we can safely say that this is a prime. Now, for even more speed, we should not divide with all the numbers, but only with all the prime numbers. That takes a little bit thinking. Are we going to do it? Answer: of course. We want to do it, because given the natural pleasant speed of a good 32-bit first-hand computer, which is something like a gigahertz in CPU (it should not be superfast for then the programming is no longer having a first-hand relationship to duration to the natural psychological times for the complexity of the programs one would like to do with meaningfully sized data banks -- more about this elsewhere), then filling up with a goodish amount of prime numbers to a database shouldn't require a week of constant running. We want it to take, let's say, four-five hours. For that I made HEFPRIM3. Wanna have a look? ((DATA LONGLEGGED-HEALTHY )) ((DATA SCR-POS-X )) ((DATA SCR-POS-Y )) ((DATA MILLION-MATRIX )) ((DATA MATRIX-POS-X )) ((DATA MATRIX-POS-Y )) ((DATA QUANTITY-NOW )) ((DATA AMOUNT-IN-MILLIONS )) ((DATA COUNT-MILLIONS-HOUSE )) ((DATA HIGHEST-IN-MILLIONS )) ((DATA GLOW-HEALTH-HOUSE )) ((DATA PRIME-YET-FASTER-UP-TO )) ((DATA FOUND-TO-BE-PRIME )) (LET IS-PRIME BE (( >N5 )) (( (( N5 ; 2 => DIV (COUNT (( N7 ; N1 => INC => MOD => ISBASIS = RMS ; RMS ; N => => ; EXIT === )) COUNTUP) )) (( Y => => )) )) OK) (LET IS-PRIME-FASTER BE (( >N5 )) (( (( 20 ; N5 => INTGREATER = N5 => IS-PRIME => => ; EXIT === )) (( N5 => LENGTH => CHN => SWITCH => RM ; 53 => EQN = N => => ; EXIT === )) (( N5 ; 7 => DIV ; 5 => ADD (COUNT (( N7 ; N1 => INC => MOD => ISBASIS = RMS ; RMS ; N => => ; EXIT === )) COUNTUP) )) (( Y => => )) )) OK) (LET GLOW-HEALTH-ESSENCE BE (( )) (( (( LONGLEGGED-HEALTHY >>> ; V11 => MOD => ISBASIS = 5 => TOV2 ; 200021 => TOV3 ; FOUND-TO-BE-PRIME => SETBASIS === )) (( V11 ; PRIME-YET-FASTER-UP-TO >>> => INTGREATER = 5 => TOV2 ; 200021 => TOV3 === )) )) OK) (( }GLOW-HEALTH-ESSENCE} => ? GLOW-HEALTH-HOUSE <<ASSERT )) (LET GLOW-HEALTH BE (( )) (( (( FOUND-TO-BE-PRIME => SETDANCE )) (( LONGLEGGED-HEALTHY >>> ; 2 => MOD => ISBASIS = FOUND-TO-BE-PRIME => SETBASIS ; EXIT === )) (( 20 ; LONGLEGGED-HEALTHY >>> => INTGREATER = LONGLEGGED-HEALTHY >>> => IS-PRIME => NOT = FOUND-TO-BE-PRIME => SETBASIS === EXIT === )) (( LONGLEGGED-HEALTHY >>> => LENGTH => CHN => SWITCH => RM ; 53 => EQN = FOUND-TO-BE-PRIME => SETBASIS ; EXIT === )) (( LONGLEGGED-HEALTHY >>> ; 7 => DIV ; 5 => ADD PRIME-YET-FASTER-UP-TO <<ASSERT )) (( 0 ; 5 ; 200021 ; # => PM )) (( GLOW-HEALTH-HOUSE >>> ; # => FORVPM )) (( 0 ; 5 ; 200021 ; # => PM )) )) OK) (LET IS-PRIME-QUICK BE (( ; )) (( (( MILLION-MATRIX >>> => & )) (( ; LONGLEGGED-HEALTHY <<ASSERT )) (( GLOW-HEALTH )) (( FOUND-TO-BE-PRIME => VISDANCE => => )) (( && )) )) OK) (LET HEFPRIM3-INIT BE (( )) (( (( 5 ; 200021 => RAM-PM MILLION-MATRIX <<ASSERT )) (( 3 LONGLEGGED-HEALTHY <<ASSERT )) (( SCR-POS-X => SETDANCE )) (( SCR-POS-Y => SETDANCE )) (( MATRIX-POS-X => SETBASIS )) (( MATRIX-POS-Y => SETDANCE )) (( QUANTITY-NOW => SETDANCE )) )) OK) (LET RUN-HEFPRIM3 BE (( )) (( (( MILLION-MATRIX >>> => & )) (( CLS )) (( GOLABEL4: )) (( GLOW-HEALTH )) (( FOUND-TO-BE-PRIME => VISDANCE (MATCHED (( MATRIX-POS-X >>> ; 5 => EQN (MATCHED (( MATRIX-POS-Y => INCVAR )) (( MATRIX-POS-X => SETBASIS )) MATCHED) )) (( SCR-POS-X => VISDANCE ; SCR-POS-Y => VISDANCE => AND (MATCHED (( CLS )) MATCHED) )) (( LONGLEGGED-HEALTHY >>> ; SCR-POS-X >>> ; SCR-POS-Y >>> => B9-POP )) (( 200 ; SCR-POS-X => ADDVAR )) (( MATRIX-POS-X => INCVAR )) (( QUANTITY-NOW => INCVAR )) (( LONGLEGGED-HEALTHY >>> ; MATRIX-POS-X >>> ; MATRIX-POS-Y >>> ; # => PM )) (( SCR-POS-X >>> ; 924 => INTGREATER (MATCHED (( 50 ; SCR-POS-Y => ADDVAR )) (( SCR-POS-X => SETDANCE )) (( SCR-POS-Y >>> ; 668 => INTGREATER (MATCHED (( SCR-POS-Y => SETDANCE )) (( KEYTOUCH = MANUAL-CLEAR-KEYBUF ; && ; EXIT === )) MATCHED) )) MATCHED) )) MATCHED) )) (( LONGLEGGED-HEALTHY => INCVAR )) (( LONGLEGGED-HEALTHY => INCVAR )) (( LONGLEGGED-HEALTHY >>> ; 2000000000 => INTGREATER ; QUANTITY-NOW >>> ; 1000000 => INTGREATER => AND => NOT (MATCHED (( GOUP4 )) MATCHED) )) (( && )) )) OK) (LET COUNT-MILLIONS-ESSENCE BE (( )) (( (( AMOUNT-IN-MILLIONS => INCVAR )) (( V11 HIGHEST-IN-MILLIONS <<ASSERT )) (( V2 MATRIX-POS-X <<ASSERT )) (( V3 MATRIX-POS-Y <<ASSERT )) )) OK) (( }COUNT-MILLIONS-ESSENCE} => ? COUNT-MILLIONS-HOUSE <<ASSERT )) (LET COUNT-MILLIONS BE (( )) (( (( MILLION-MATRIX >>> => & )) (( AMOUNT-IN-MILLIONS => SETBASIS )) (( HIGHEST-IN-MILLIONS => SETBASIS )) (( COUNT-MILLIONS-HOUSE >>> ; # => FORVPM )) (( && )) )) OK) (LET LOAD-IT BE (( )) (( (( HEFPRIM3-INIT )) (( MILLION-MATRIX >>> => & )) (( }MILLION.TXT} ; # => FILENUM2PM ; RM )) (( COUNT-MILLIONS )) (( HIGHEST-IN-MILLIONS >>> => INC INC LONGLEGGED-HEALTHY <<ASSERT )) (( AMOUNT-IN-MILLIONS >>> QUANTITY-NOW <<ASSERT )) (( && )) )) OK) (LET SAVE-MORE-MILLIONS BE (( )) (( (( MILLION-MATRIX >>> => & )) (( }MILLION.TXT} ; # => PM2FILENUM ; RM )) (( && )) )) OK) (( LOOKSTK )) (LET HEFPRIM3 BE (( )) (( (( }STARTING UP HEFPRIM3.. (THIS FAST-EXPANDS YOUR MILLION)} => POP )) (( }THIS IS ONE OF THE HEF-MOD / HEF-CHEMS EDUCATIONAL SCIENTIFIC} ; => POP )) (( }PROGRAMS CREATED BY ARISTO TACOMA IN HIS LISA PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE.} => POP )) (( }HEF-MOD, HEF-CHEM, AND HEFPRIMS ARE AMONG THE TRADEMARKS OF} => POP )) (( }YOGA4D VRGM, AND THESE PROGRAMS ARE SUBJECT TO LEGAL COPYRIGHT.} => POP )) (( ENTERPLS )) (( GJ-ON )) (( CLS )) (( }WELCOME!! HEFPRIM3 PRESUMES YOU ALREADY HAVE MADE MILLION.TXT WITH} 20 ; 20 => B9-POP )) (( }HEFPRIM2. THIS WILL EXTEND IT, USING RELAXED BUT SLIGHTLY FASTER} 20 ; 60 => B9-POP )) (( }ALGORITHMS. IT WILL THEN WRITE THE EXTENDED VERSION BACK TO SAME.} 20 ; 100 => B9-POP )) (( }HEFPRIM3 EXITS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN AFTER A KEYPRESS EARLIER.} 20 ; 140 => B9-POP )) (( A-KEY )) (( CLS )) (( }OKAY TO READ THEN WRITE TO (OVERWRITE!) FILE MILLION.TXT?} ; 10 ; 10 => B9-POP )) (( 10 ; 40 => B9-YNIN (MATCHED (( LOAD-IT )) (( }FOUND } ; AMOUNT-IN-MILLIONS >>> => CONCAT ; } PRIME NUMBERS IN MILLION.TXT} => CONCAT ; 10 ; 70 => B9-POP )) (( }WHERE HIGHEST NUMBER IS } ; HIGHEST-IN-MILLIONS >>> => CONCAT ; 10 ; 100 => B9-POP )) (( 10 ; 130 => B9-ENTERPLS )) (( AMOUNT-IN-MILLIONS => VISBASIS (MATCHED (( GOFORWARD4 )) MATCHED) )) (( RUN-HEFPRIM3 )) (( SAVE-MORE-MILLIONS )) MATCHED) )) (( GOLABEL4: )) (( GJ-DONE )) )) OK) (( LOOKSTK )) (LET AUTOSTART BE HEFPRIM3 OK) Okay, if I am going to quote many more programs, there won't be space for any writing in this text, so I guess I better hold back a little. I will not apologize but explain why LONGLEGGED-HEALTHY is a variable, rather than PRIME-NUMBER-CANDIDATE or something like that. The reason is very simple: programming as far as the computer goes has need of consistency in naming; programming as far as the human heart goes has need of fun and spiritual optimism in meaning. For doing the HEFPRIM (which lists), HEFPRIM2 (which stores to a file), HEFPRIM3 (which expands the file much, much more rapidly than HEFPRIM2 could go on creating it) and HEFPRIM4 (which does quick look-up in the same database) beginning yesterday morning -- and now it is nighttime, and it all works, after plenty of back and forth, -- it even looks good on the screen -- and perfectly tested for hundreds of thousands of primes -- means that one expose oneself again and again to these phrases. To keep a bright outlook, to encourage oneself to think about the form of playful intelligence which makes one bright and happy while one works that much, one cannot only and all the time stick to technical naming notations -- and the computer don't seem to care what one calls it, as long as one is consistent. Right? Call it GREEN-VEGETABLES-ARE-NOT-AS-NICE-AS-FRUITS or THE-SUPERNAL-STRUCTURE-OF-SUBTLE-FEELINGS and the computer is just as happy with it. Of course, while I program, I use the editor B9, written in this language, and I use the font, drawn by the program MAKEFONT also written in this language, and we're talking of thousands of hours of programming so I have a certain amount of empirical grounds for saying that this approach really works. However, if all variables have funny names, rather than some of them, the meaning of the program starts getting a bit wild. Also, one must be careful not to have too many names -- that's why the N1 N2 and so on are so important, so that there is some sense of division between the words which are predefined and which actually do something, and those things which merely holds a variable. Now what are warps? It is a philosophy which is in manys the key to the heart of first-hand programming; this I can say, for I have coined the notion of the use of 'warp' (as far as I know) in programming languages, and I have also coined the phrase 'first-hand programming', and the way I apply these words these are related in just that way. I will quote a bit from a very warp-friendly program, my Hobby Electronics Fun with playful MODelling package, the HEF-MOD, which does a modelling of electronic design with many components together, like this (LET ASCII-107-K-LIGHT-OFF BE (( )) (( (( IT-RIGHT-E ; IT-LEFT-E => SUB => ABS ; 1200000 => INTGREATER ; IT-RIGHT-P ; IT-LEFT-P => SUB => ABS ; 1200000 => INTGREATER => AND (MATCHED (( 108 => FRESH-MANUFACTURE-KNOB )) MATCHED) )) (( 1700000 => MODULATE-THIS-MUCH-E => LOVE-THIS-LEFT-RIGHT-E )) (( 1700000 => MODULATE-THIS-MUCH-P => LOVE-THIS-LEFT-RIGHT-P )) )) OK) (( }ASCII-107-K-LIGHT-OFF} => ? 107 FANTASTIC-WARPS >>> => %PUT )) (LET ASCII-108-L-LIGHT-ON BE (( )) (( (( IT-RIGHT-E ; IT-LEFT-E => SUB => ABS ; 1200000 => INTGREATER ; IT-RIGHT-P ; IT-LEFT-P => SUB => ABS ; 1200000 => INTGREATER => AND => NOT (MATCHED (( 107 => FRESH-MANUFACTURE-KNOB )) MATCHED) )) (( 1700000 => MODULATE-THIS-MUCH-E => LOVE-THIS-LEFT-RIGHT-E )) (( 1700000 => MODULATE-THIS-MUCH-P => LOVE-THIS-LEFT-RIGHT-P )) )) OK) (( }ASCII-108-L-LIGHT-ON} => ? 108 FANTASTIC-WARPS >>> => %PUT )) **** Many more components here. { (LET SMOOTH-ELECTRICITY BE (( )) (( (( SMOOTH-ELECT-UNIT-NUMBER => SETDANCE )) (( SMOOTH-ELECT-COMP-NUMBER => SETDANCE )) (( ACTIVE-LINES-UP-TO >>> (COUNT (( 79 (COUNT (( N1 INC ; N3 12 MUL ; # => GM => >N5 ; N5 => ISBASIS = RMS RMS GOFORWARD4 === )) (( N5 => IS-LOWERCASE (MATCHED (( N1 INC GOOD-FUN-X <<ASSERT )) (( N3 ; 12 => MUL GOOD-FUN-Y <<ASSERT )) (( N5 ; FANTASTIC-WARPS >>> => %GET => HYPERCONNECT )) (( SMOOTH-ELECT-COMP-NUMBER => INCVAR )) )(OTHER (( N1 => ISDANCE ; N5 ; 42 => EQN => AND (MATCHED (( SMOOTH-ELECT-UNIT-NUMBER => INCVAR )) MATCHED) )) MATCHED) )) COUNTUP) )) (( GOLABEL4: )) COUNTUP) )) )) OK) (( LOOKSTK )) Now pay attention, please, to the line FANTASTIC-WARPS >>> => %GET => HYPERCONNECT )) above. The funny word is just a variable, a holder, and this line (( }ASCII-108-L-LIGHT-ON} => ? 108 FANTASTIC-WARPS >>> => %PUT )) which is found higher up in the program, is one of the many lines in HEF-MOD which shoves stuff into that variable -- which is really an array of numbers, or warps. These warps are functions. So the functions are connected to an array, the array has that which in Pascal or C would be called a 'pointer'. The notion of warp is similar to that of pointer only it is more strongly present in the program in an effortless, worked-through, noncomplicated, standardized manner. In this, we learn from the easiest of object-oriented languages, such as Java and Python, to do things rather straight-forward. For instance, let us make two functions, which does something ultra-simple, like printing out two different words on the screen, then we'll look at the warps and connect to the warps -- by the word HYPERCONNECT or the letter H. To find the warp for a function, we use the question-mark, ?. Just watch now: (LET PRINT-A-WORD BE (( )) (( (( :JOY-KING => POP )) )) OK) (LET PRINT-ANOTHER-WORD BE (( )) (( (( :SUN-KING => POP )) )) OK) Suppose now that we want to get these two functions into an array. We'll then make the array. ((DATA OUR-ARRAY-OF-FUNCTIONS 10000 => %MAKE OUR-ARRAY-OF-FUNCTIONS <<ASSERT )) It's made, we gave it ten thousand slots, why not? Let's fill up the first two with warps: (( :PRINT-A-WORD => ? ; 1 OUR-ARRAY-OF-FUNCTIONS >>> => %PUT )) :PRINT-ANOTHER-WORD => ? ; 2 OUR-ARRAY-OF-FUNCTIONS >>> => %PUT )) Now we have put the warp of the functions into slot 1 and 2 of our new array. In order to allow the interactor with the program at run-time to select which of the two functions we want to have performed, we could do something like this: (LET INPUT-MENU BE (( )) (( (( }HI AND WELCOME TO OUR GRAND PRINT-MENU!} => POP )) (( GOLABEL4: )) (( }WHICH DO YOU CHOOSE? (1 OR 2 OR NONE FOR EXIT)} => POP )) (( READLN => >N5 )) (( 1 ; N5 => INTGREATER = EXIT === )) (( N5 ; 2 => INTGREATER = 2 => >N2 === )) (( N5 ; OUR-ARRAY-OF-FUNCTIONS >>> => %GET => HYPERCONNECT )) (( GOUP4 )) )) OK) One thing one must do well when one does warps is to make sure that we hyperconnect only to places which are real and safe. That is why, when the interactor has given a value which we put to N5, we check really well on N5 -- is it less than 1, the program exits, is it more than 2, it is set to 2. Warping is great fun -- it has the feel of machine language and yet when done so clean as here it becomes an extremely versatile way of programming, which can be called on exactly as much as one wants, without compulsion, and which allows plenty of such things as modelling of many parallel processes. One of the brilliant features of the Lisa language, which sets it apart from languages in which functions or objects have to be spelled out before the data to them, is that it is easy to test things in a very relaxed manner line by line with the language fully operative, program loaded. Whenever one wonders how a function is doing things, then instead of looking up in manual, one can type it in, with some example values, and get them out on the screen. A program which behaves odd at some point can be stopped, by commenting out the rest, and then one can proceed to manually look into what is in the variables if one has a suitable graphical mode. Now, in HEF-MOD, there are many things to warp to -- the light-component is able to go from an off-state to an on-state and vice versa depending on whether electricity flows in to it from both connectors or not. (( 107 => FRESH-MANUFACTURE-KNOB )) This line is the type of thing that does that. You see the number 107 is referred to, which is the ascii number of the letter in the HEF-MOD modelling package for electronics fun which indicates a light. And this same number is used to organize the warps in the array in this case. The FRESH-MANUFACTURE-KNOB is defined this way: (LET FRESH-MANUFACTURE-KNOB BE (( ; )) (( (( ; GOOD-FUN-X >>> ; GOOD-FUN-Y >>> ; # => PM )) )) OK) And this simply means, put the number given to the function (indicated with a semicolon inside the (( )) at the first line), to the present X and Y in the active matrix of the fun-package, PM short for put into matrix. The # refers to the most current used matrix at the moment, at top of the so-called variable stack. One puts things to this stack by the & operator and, when done, cleanses it away with either RMV or the && operator, which are synonyms. In any case, we see here something which sets warp-friendly programming entirely apart from all more stylized, schematized forms of programming including object-oriented programming, which is that these programs can modify their own structure at run-time without complications and without any loss of speed. The numbers used for warps are easily and directly accessible and changable. There is no overlay such as a lot of checking operations in the language. The programmer defines inside the same program text, higher above, the meanings of the arrangement and sticks to that and it is easily checked for consistency merely by looking in the very same text. So with the Lisa GJ2 FIC language you get not only that huge manual, but also the B9 editor, the I9 first-hand image editor, the WORDWRAP and TIMING and CONVBAT utility programs, the latter which does batch conversions of any sign alphabeth into any other sign alphabeth -- or phrase change -- as well as a drawing program, the LAB, which makes matrix out of each drawing. The HEF-MOD extends the B9 editor so that one can draw electronic circuits diagrams in it and then emulate some features of these so as to check the results before one starts doing things in the workshop, where pieces might burn if connected wrongly. The HEF-CHEM uses warps in a similar way to show a number of key examples of organic chemical reactions. The Yoga4d game, also another commercial program in this language, enables a combination of photo-art, drawn art (erotic kind), and a strategy-type of board game which is far more active than chess, far quicker, and kinder (the computer plays against you in a varied way, but yet allows you to get the upper hand basically all the time -- however how it does it is interesting due to its particular variation each time). These, and many other programs, illustrate the joy and craft of warp-friendly programming as something which works as a coherent whole, realized to completion -- with a fantastic esthetics -- in the Lisa GJ2 FIC language. Nothing else in the computer world can be compared to it. (( )) (( )) Next follows what can be said to be just about as different style as writing as possible. But it is true, I find, that nothing is more stimulating for meditative, perhaps, with luck, poetic thinking/writing, with metaphors and flow, done on a more artistic basis, than the work with ultra-sharp programming in which consistency is king, and meaning a mere sharp product of what you by your consistency weaves. (( )) When we meditate, we are in the world, and it's not the same world when we've done with our meditation, but a healed one, more or less. This is a simple statement, meditation is not simple. At least, it's not simple to explain, although perhaps on occasion very easy to do (just do nothing, what could be simpler than that?). When we meditate, we must deal not only with own thoughts, but that of others also -- at least to some extent. For all minds are areas of interconnectedness and motion, with feeling streaming through, endlessly. This is love, to see all this. There is no condemnation of sex orgies, then. (( )) (( )) Meditation is a flower of love, born in your heart, when you have left your ego aside. There is an intelligence of love which is so that you can trust it, when it's there, as a higher security, a manna from heaven and the stars at night. The world is benevolent; grasp that simple, elementary fact (that there is no evil nor satan), and you'll see cunning for what it is: an expression of boredom; and boredom again an expression of an illusory division between yourself and the world, leading to clinging to social relations (socialism, marxism, communism). Don't be a groupie. Be a sexy, charming cosmos-individual intead. (( )) (( )) Reincarnation isn't as buddhism will have it at all. Nor as hinduism nor ancient egyptian books will have it. Each of these prescribe the one soul, one individual view, instead of two, three, four or five, or more, individuals pr soul, which is usually the case, of course. None of these traditions really talk of God's endless opportunities for rotating the combinations within an instant. Their karmic laws are too mechanical, their view of the possible human future manifest existence too grim. Many branches of buddhism speak of leaving manifest existence altogether as a goal: that is wrong, and ungodly. Creation is like an eternal flower in ever-young new, refined unfoldment, with manifest humanity as its petals around the manifest immortal God. (( )) (( )) I say these things not because I've read them, or heard them elsewhere, but they are given to me, by my own subtler natures. I do not presume you'll take my word for it, but I'll say it anyway: I know all this. These things are unshakeable, ever-robust facts to me, more rock-solid than the fact that there'll be sunlight tomorrow or soon enough, when it's not cloudy. For so is my nature, that there is no level between me and essence. So rely on this, it'll always be there for you. (( )) (( )) You are most God when you're a dancer. In your gait, you must always: (( )) Feel the heat of your skin, firmly, (( )) Feel, and make sure you (only) use, the periphery of your footblades, grabbing ground with toes, where toes rise as foot rises (even within shoes), (( )) Walk not too wide, but a little wide, with, (( )) Shoulders enough back, and stomach flat, that the torso is felt as a strong whole, perhaps with just a little 'strutting of the butt', (( )) Though girls naturally undulate-sway a little from the hips, not too much of this sway while walking / dancing, (( )) Rather, in dance, the forward-backward sexual thrust is the quintessential tomboy esthetics which works for both genders. (( )) (( )) There are days of ecstasy. They may start by surprising but convincing sexual flirt between young people, connected to the good looks of having trained stamash well, also with massage, and intuitively selected the right clothes, and whispered 'I am the world lover girl' (or boy -- the word 'boy' can be used by girls who wish to strengthen their shoulders and their thigh musculature towards the tomboy esthetics), as the photogenic intent of radiance. It is then sex is right, ripe, healthy, holy, relaxed, an ease, a way to forget oneself, yet fulfill oneself. (( )) (( )) Some have said, with eloquence -- but misguided -- that themselves or others are / have been enlightened or awakened. But nobody in humanity up to including 20th century has ever been even nearly enlightened. True, there has been meditations (and each orgasm is a meditation). Also true, there has been glimpses of awareness into what enlightenment is about, on a purely intellectual level. Also, there has been flashes of divine love. But nowhere there has been, in any human, a realised enlightenment -- obviously not. It's all been ego, though perhaps very subtle, cultivated, and convincing for mostly all but God. And thousands of centuries later, no longer counted sequentially, individuals will be enlightened, more and more (it starts then) -- and then all souls. And after this, still more progression, in infinity. (( )) (( )) Punishments are there to help the ego, or even the enlightened individual, not to yield to really nonrighteous temptations. What one tells oneself again and again is impossible one does not long for, and thus not get sad for not having or getting. But rewards are of another nature. They quickly conceal the real joy of doing something truly orderly and rightly, bearing the stress of a rewarding pleasure external to the action, into the action. That is why capitalism (the money-centered society) doesn't work (although a little bit rewards now and then of course is nice and harmless, and gifts of joys which are surprising infinitely good. (( )) (( )) Sex is not a being of pure essence, but very near it, when it's good and lovely like a playful dance, without motives or fears or rewards or competitions entering into it at all. Then sex can advance your godnearhood. It can give you a statesmanslike character strength, a new friendliness, a new sense of brilliant light permeating your body day and night. This is real. Sullenness, darkness of soul, sluggishness, apathy are unreal, put simply (but if very prolonged, they send a signal to the body to wither, that it is to be cast off like worn-out clothes and a new body, before it's eighteen months and after it's twelve months, after physical birth, must be found). (( )) (( )) Hunger is not the state of mind of having no ego, but it lingers near it. The state of mind of having no ego permits a channeling of messages like these direct from God or his muses or their submuses, into your life, through whispers in your brain, operating in parallel with sensory impressions and the rather voice-like 'self-controlled' thought in the brain. (( )) (( )) When you see a really beautiful face, a face which sheds a light on you, then it's your beauty, your harmony within which either has just found or will (very soon) find a new artistic shape. And so the artist is an "orgyist", finding ecstasies and never trivilities in young people's faces. (The same artist, honoring the fact that each has soul, spirit and inner worth, does not send out waves of arrogance towards faces not so appealing. But one has the right to look at what one looks at -- namely, that which is beautiful; one does not focus on the other.) (( )) (( )) As this author sees it, there is only one object of art, and that is the beautiful, young girl, whether as face portrait or with slender gaits and long limbs in dance, or these in some act of orgy. What is elsewhere in a work of art is but to enhance perception of the beauty of the young, graceful body and its dancing elegance, arrythmically, lively. The beauty is not feminine vs. masculine, but the tomboy girl, slender hips, small breasts (except when pregnant and a time after), perhaps strutting nipples, long thin relatively straight ankles and slender, attractive feet, a cute uptilted or not too powerful nose, not too long jaw in profile, flat stomach, massive mane of hair (but shaved elsewhere on body, to smooth perfection), hair which is curly or not, black, brown, golden or blonde, the girl is slender, skinny -- also under jaw -- her eyes large and/or slanted, mouth full (wide or not), pure complexion without spots, unwrinkled but smiling or laughing (yet peacefully so, even if exalted), and very long legs compared to torso. This is objective, God-decided, an orgasm beyond ego for all who are good. (( )) (( )) Meditation occurs in freedom from worry. Children's play and pleasant cries are part of the dance of the nonworrying mind -- the word 'distraction' has no role in that type of meditation. This is able to focus yet not exclude. It's about will, but not ego-will; but the will fostered by earlier resoluteness and insight into the urgency of meditation. (( )) (( )) The truth of young love is that it belongs to human happiness quite apart from -- high above -- any fruitful aim this love may lead to. Love is its own goal -- that's one of the key insights in enlightenment. This love is the process of loving beyond names, the force, the energetic activation, the embracing of life it involves. There is but faint truth in the idea, for one who is young, in assocating contact with one individual in some form of semi-permanent relationship of sorts. Only the relationship to God is permanent for all -- and that is from within, knowing you are, by your body, carried within the mind and heart of God and his muses. (( )) (( )) Meditation is when you have discovered that you are one with all life. Then God is, for you, in that meditation an intense aliveness beyond all dogma, fairy tales and cults. It is no longer merely a question of belief, it is a fact of existence, without any loneliness. You do not measure your soul by money or prices, then, for if it is but a droplet in God's ocean it is infinitely worthy and will always exist. (( )) (( )) Those who know my theory of active models -- or supertexts -- or supermodels are not surprised when I say that by a certain finesse of quantum coherence, a large-scale object like a house or a thousand of them can vanish in an instant and re-appear millions of lightyears away, safely, and with all its animate life, perhaps human beings, completely healthy in all ways. This is not easy, and mere technology is not enough. It is a collaboration of technology with the more subtle forces of coherence at the roots of life and mind which is called for. When I say, therefore, that humanity has an infinite future, it is not idle talk, but something which it is, peculiarly enough, easy for me to have a role in (for I master this coherence movement, also called "warps"). When you have a larger faith, you'll easily see what I really imply. We're alive, we'll be alive, and happy, and when the birth-planet is no longer habitable, then you'll have a place to reincarnate. (( )) (( )) When Alexander the Great, Cleopatra and Julius Caesar shaped ancient Greece, Egypt and Roma as cultural empires, they did so in a context of a mythology of godlike beings, muses and helpers, whose sensuality, female beauty, and sexuality were a natural part of this worldview, at the time considered rational. Was it so much more rational to make the cults around the sterilized forms of godhood one saw in the newer, more modern religions of the world, the two thousand years later on? Did mind ever evolve in isolation from the senses? Can one really believe in an originator without sensual lust? It was the faith of noble Socrates that each child is born with insights coming from an infinitely recurrent past, related to the pure ideals of wisdom, and to the godhood within, which has to be 'remembered'. Though all I associate strongly with are adults above eighteen who declare, by contract, that they follow and cherish the ideals of my 'stamash' (as I call it), forever, do we not all see traces of this wisdom of the feminine which Socrates hinted at in all children? (( )) (( )) So I sense that a human being has infinite worth, is capable of salvation, an enlightenment going beyond the more (slightly morbid) ideas of transcendence in certain far east versions of the story. Life is not something one should wish to transcend, but rather open up to, wisely, and with righteous concerns. Do we not get happiness by giving happiness -- especially when we give good to those who are so good that they maintain the balance of the natural inward justice in things? In meditation -- on goodness -- and more so, in each reincarnation, a joy (which never needs any drugs or anything narco-like) can be found; a joy which is also a love for all, which knows, trusts, and feels good about this solid, infinite fact: we all meet again, infinitely many times. (( )) (( )) I do not know whether you have thought on the various branches in Christendom in history; how they divided, and why. I have; and I don't presume that you haven't, but will you hear what I have to say about it? One must admire the folks in 300 A.D. and 400 A.D. who discussed, hotly, whether Jesus was two natures -- human and divine -- or one single unique person made of some different substance than humanity. The Coptic church -- the ancient Egyptian version of Christianity -- with close connections especially to Ethiopian churches -- decided on one unique person of a different substance than humanity. This was tolerated, then faded out, then largely excluded from both Roman and Eastern Catholisism. Not quite coherently, several influential church writers and also, later on, the Protestant Church talked of bodily resurrections, which, abstractly, resonated slightly with the Coptic idea, but they did not think it through to the bottom, like these folks in 300 and 400 A.D.; so they kept on saying that Jesus was two natures in one person. Why did it matter so much? Isn't it completely a purely verbal fight without any consequences, whether the saviour figure was human+divine, or a physical deity? Turn your attention to the future, -- their future -- with their notion of the coming-back of the saviour, and you'll see why it matters. It matters, in fact, so much you get an entirely different brand of believers out of the two. Those who believe that Jesus was divine plus human, two natures, are likely to believe that they will meet Jesus again in the after-life, not in the manifest life. As a consequence, they will not think much of manifest life. Their orientation becomes their image of the etheral kingdom of heaven. They regard their existence on this (or on any planet) as of no more consequence than their waiting for a train at the train-station -- something to be endured, with all the paraphernalia around the glorification of suffering and tough work. The various inventions of a 'temporary stage' between the coming-back of the saviour became, by and large, in the dominant real understanding of christianity -- and taken further in islam -- the etheral type of kingdom of heaven. On the other hand, take the notion that the saviour figure is physical. Not merely a prophet, like Muhammad, not merely enlightened, like the Buddha, not merely wise, like Socrates, not merely poetically pure, like Lao-Tse, or brilliant, like Aristoteles, or visionary, like Moses, or intellectual, like -- for that matter, Leonardo da Vinci or Einstein or my teacher (on occasion) David Bohm, but something more like the Krishna figure in ancient Sanskrit songs -- someone, not human, but like human, yet purely God, and all of God. (Or Allah, or Samadhi, or Brahma, or whatever we call the essence of all life, if one has such a belief at all, -- which, if one takes a very calm, dispassionate look at the whole map of existence, also as elucidated by modern science, can make a whole lot more rational sense than the atheistic platform of ideas, however much intellectual effort has been put into this platform by ingenius neodarwinism -- me believing more in neo- popperianism). I do not know if I make myself clear. This is a subtle issue, yet rich in implications. Are we at all a believer in some kind of great origin, pulsating and vibrating with life, overseeing the synchronicities which mould, by quantum fluctuations and still more subtle fluctuations, the apparently chancelike events which bring about the beauty and resillience and mindfulness of humanity and all life in general? Then if we believe in this origin, and sense it, and in meditation perhaps, if we are so gifted with brain cells, also feel it, then do we have any notion that this origin could be physical present among us? That is the quintessence, as I see it, of the early schism in Christendom -- termed then, as now, 'monophysism' -- 'one nature'. And the Coptic Orthodox Churches, existing even to-day in Alexandria and in cities in Ethiopia and elsewhere in the near east, teach that monophysism is right; and that was also what Haile Selassie Ras Tafari, who inspired Bob Marley so much, felt. One sees then that those who reject monophysism do not look for much of anything divine in manifest life; one sees then that they may not cherish manifest life so much; one sees then that their faith may be very other-worldly, in a way which makes them long to something else. But unlike India, those in Christianity who reject monophysism do not have the refuge, the dignity, of looking forward to reincarnation into a next body; for Christianity is beset with the idea of 'one soul, one body'. Their salvation is then either to get this soul to an etheral kingdom of heaven, or it is to get the body up from its dusty condition again. Contrast this to e.g. Tibetan Buddhism, which teaches that one certainly will get enlightened, after perhaps a million summers or so, -- with lots and lots of experiences in bodies according to the justice of a larger law of goodness in it. Do they not at least touch a truth -- even if not perhaps the way they want it? According to Gothama the Buddha's teachings, in the survived forms, enlightenment for them consists in breaking with the reincarnation cycle. Why? Why would not enlightenment be within manifest life, a life in which one is reincarnated, -- why would it mean leaving it all? Is it necessary to be so cold against manifest life as buddhism often is? And so perhaps buddhism is not fully the light they want to be; and so perhaps Christianity has something to tell them. But then, which version of Christianity or Christendom? Monophysism or not? If we rescue the very logical, natural idea of reincarnation and do not merely say that it is an illusion of the far east, but a very principled, dignified understanding that mind and heart and spirit are more subtle than matter, and that the feeling of being, always young, is immortal, and survives bodily death, and is subject to a completely exact scheme of giving great joys to those who give joys, while those who send out pain must feel it themselves -- non-autistic, we might say! -- if we rescue this understanding, which lingered in some parts of early Christianity, and bridge it with Coptic Christianity, what do we get? We get an honoring of manifest life, of the human body, and of the possibility of human life to always have a future -- in the bodies to come -- and that these bodies will be together with the divine origin, called Jesus or whatever; the divine origin being human-like but of a divine 'mono-nature', this time coming to be immortally present. I ask you to not consider this merely a personal ideosyncracy of the writer, who knows what it is to apply the cleansing and purifying factor of doubt and dialogue, of waiting and meditation, of rational good work and contact with empirics, but something you can weigh over in your own time. Know then, also, that there may be a certain humour in creation. You who know well the Greek dramas of the Olympic beings also know of how they enjoyed veiling their activities; your friend, walking beside you on the street, might suddenly be beautiful young Athene, taking the form of your friend. For I agree in one thing: if all of humanity's history happened as recorded, in every unfolded detail, then Elie Wiesel was right: God must have forgotten about humanity, and left it to its own devices. But if history is there rather as the first page of God's own novel, implying a vastness of history which had to be put there in order to give the confluence and reverberance of great meaning to the present, then can you not admit that past is a simulation? Pure logic teaches us this much -- even the atheist Bertrand Russell admitted that the fossils of dinosaurs might have been put there, for fun, by a God wanting to delude humanity as to the past of life on the planet. And those who talk with such certainty of the Big Bang, what more do they really know except that two dozen very precise measurements indicate that there is a certain increased distance between stellar processes? They reason with dozens and dozens of ad hoc hypotheses, never bothering about the fact that on their way, they employ theories, such as Einstein's, which never were properly met at the idea-level with other theories these scientists uses quickly -- namely the quantum theories. They assume that some day, these theories will coherently meet at the idea level, and that they know well enough how to bridge them in a rough manner, relevant to the discussion of the origin of the universe. Tell them that they are guessing, when they talk of the number of billions of years since the Big Bang, and their cool scientific heads will grow red with anger: for they are the real zealots of this day, not those who voice the many perspectives. So turn it over, if I may point it out, letting go of your original ideas of God as an angry old goat with a stick, sending some flames into a human body making it Jesus for a while. Rather, take the monophysism of the Coptic Church seriously on its own, quite apart from what else it may teach. Perhaps the face of the real Jesus was exactly the creator -- physically -- though not maybe the narrow-faced sufferer depicted in the various artworks long after he had gone. Perhaps this was the presence among people of the one who had made these people. Miracles or not, it is a logical possibility, right? And so, if these people turned against him, naturally there would be some millenia with trouble -- or else there would be no balancing out of that deed, would there? -- again, please, just look at it calmly. I am saying that if you intuit it all, you will find that some elements of Coptic Christianity may have touched on something far, far more significant than any scientific discovery in the 20th century or later. Something which speaks of an entirely fresh, optimistic, promising way, bridging the dignity of trusting reincarnation as a justice in which there is no eternal damnation -- with the delight of knowing that in manifest life, sensual, lovely, and ever-more happy with each reincarnation, there is the presence of the physical God, immortally there, immortally young, as an immortal young man of a different flesh, yet similar enough to have a lot of fun with. Possible, eh? Now, for those, like me, who has worked many thousands of hours with building computer programming languages and advanced modelling, they know that a simulation, of certain types anyway, can have a lot of extremely precise elaborations of events within them, which, to almost all appearances are alike actual events. But there is a tremendous different between, say, a simulated universe and an actual universe: the actual universe is full of feeling and duration, whereas the feeling of a simulation is far more, shall we say, superficial. For instance, a simulation may span two thousand years in five minutes. It still has feeling -- in it being observed. And this is how I (largely in accordance with Bishop Berkeley and to some extent the Archbishop of Canterbury, Anselm) suggest that much up to, and including, the 20th century and a little bit onwards, took place. Metaphysically, it is possible. Logically, it cannot be refuted. Finally, it is a question of intuition. In this grander balance of events, then, you may find that an analysis of the past less in terms of individuals and more in terms of finding the right modifications of events so as to provide a rich enough stimuli for the new, enlightened human mind to arise, may make sense. Let us with this perspective boldly ask, then, for the role of Islam. You may at once notice that the arguments of Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, are fully in concordance with Islam: God, or Allah, is the ever-greater. This greatness means that in some sense God is the container, or, as Bishop Berkeley would put it, the visualiser. The day-dream of God is our reality; he day-dreams also our minds, our bodies, our souls, our spirits, and all of the material world with its plants, planets, and animals; and this sophisticated mind naturally also has a heart -- there is, as Spinoza said, a wholeness of free movement in it, with compassion and joy, what he termed 'hilaritas'. Now after the schism in early Christianity, God, Jesus and all important things became etheral, relatively unreal. There is no doubt that this feature of Christianity led to a cultivation of a combination of sexuality and atheism which is peculiar to Europe, such as in vampirism, and not reasonable for instance in the rich sensual context of the Krishna-influenced Hinduism, in which their Jesus-like character was fond of lovely young girls. The dark minds of the dark medival priests, many of them, saw to it that noble heroes like Joan d'Arc were burned for what they called 'black magic'. They misused the work 'black', which is really a lovely word, the word of a color incorporating, like white, all colors, and thus warmer than blue, yet not so fire-like as red, and, as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe pointed out, in the vibration field between black and white, all colors arise. Black is not evil, evil is not black. What is evil is not the product of any arch-satan, for there is only God as the greater, but rather, when something shields itself from God it becomes a darkness, a shadow of attention -- like the shadowy figures in Tolkien's enormous writings -- and it is this darkness, not blackness, which leads them to associate lovely young Joan, founder of France, with something which is against God -- she, who is more in favour of God than perhaps any person before her. So by their burning of Joan and other people like her, Christianity in its anti-monophysism version proves its fatal lack of sensuality: and the premonition of this leads to the arisal, I propose, of Islam, as a Great Corrector on this issue. It stays very, very near the teachings of Christendom in very many senses, but it callibrates the notion of Kingdom of Heaven to something vastly sensual, in which young female beauty acts as a reminder that God is -- as pointed out even more strongly in its Sufi direction -- extremely sensual, and an artist, indeed the maker of the lovely young female body and realizing how important it is to both genders to look up to it. So thereby the tremendous force and vitality of the revelations to the prophet Muhammad, and, indeed, he could say he was the last, for, with that enormously significant ingredient, humanity could at last breath, and say: it is all here, now it is up to us, considering all the eclectic elements at our table, we have left nothing out. We have it presented here, with various names, in various shapes, with various schisms and alternatives, and now each individual must reach skyhigh and call for a new form of faith and intuition, the intuition into what the Mind of God wishes the Mind of the Human to think -- about what it is to be human, relative to what it is to be God, including what, indeed, is the shape and physical format of God. (( )) (( )) Sensuality is not in itself evil. Nor can one say of the condemnations e.g. in ancient Greece or the modern Vatican of some forms of sensuality that they are wise, enlightened, or right. Was it wrong of Alexander the Great to be homosexual? Was it wrong that the Northern Greek general who took over Egypt after him founded three hundred years with close-breeding, keeping the Macedonian brother-sister-bride, the philodelphis, as an archetype of Egypt for that long, producing wonders such as beautiful, sensual Cleopatra? This girl, and her sister-brother grandparents before her, in several generations, proved that sex is greater than military might. One might say that it came to nothing since she didn't make it beyond some 38 years or so; but what 38 years! She practical evaporated Rome with her seductiveness, getting first Caesar, then Antony to slave for her, making them forget their own elementary principle of state security. The alternative would easily have been the Roman invasion of Egypt, and, if it had not been for her, the Roman empire might have been the controller of Earth to this day. It is not improbably that she was more than the dot over the 'i' which led to Caesar's downfall. Intoxicated with her sexual charm and finesse, her sensual lips, her sexual grace, cultivated since childhood, in an obviously sex-loving aristocracy, they thought of sex as worthier than personal security. Was it wrong? Yet this has to be said: without human existence -- and human existence is allowing for greater beauty when civilised rather than in a primitive tribal sense, I think we should admit -- far greater beauty -- though some might protest -- then we have no sex, no worship of God. We must live to have sex. We must live to worship. We cannot simple let things fall apart around us. And this, then, is the danger of intoxicating sexuality. Not that it is bad in any sense in itself, neither in the close-breeding version which produced beautiful Cleopatra, nor in the aspirant-loving-teacher version dominating the pupils of Plato and Aristotle, including Alexander the Great, nor in the Sapphic poetry at the island Lesbos, with schoolgirl crushes on schoolgirls lifting language to new heights of love. Jesus himself reputedly found more quality of character and strength of soul in a beautiful girl whose career consisted in charging money for sex than in those learned in the scriptures, the scientists of his day. But sex, and sensuality, must be tempered. I think few who are noble and enlightened would deny that sexuality is the quintessence of the woman. It is womanhood. This sexuality procreates the human race, but it is also a meditation of the body, leading to dance, and related to the meditation of the head which is prayer, also the prayers of forgiveness, the melting away of the unnecessary forms of sentimentality, the dissolving of unnecessary fears, so one does not fear death, does not fear reincarnation, and finds the freedom of being obedient to the sensual, lusty, yet wise creator -- God, whatever names humans are giving to God. In ancient days, the mythology of the horse without a rider, versus the horse with a rider, signified sensuality gone off the rockers, not steered by a mind, versus sensuality blended with reason, piloted, steered. The corruption of the animalistic idea -- the beast -- involved the being who has two horns but no head in between those head which is cool and rational and enlightened enough to guide. The third element, between the two horns or arms (or whatever) must be that temperatedness which cools down sensuality, and brings an order, a frame, -- something which says, enough is enough, at certain points, at certain days, at certain times, so that society is sustained. If all past was an experimentation, what does it teach us? It teaches us, I think, that all human being in its ultimate essence lies with the young girls, that all the vivacity of their leaping and dancing youths must be what society will honor; that they wishes their bodies to be as their souls, always young; and so, as Marilyn Monroe is always young for she sent herself into a recinarnation before she became something she did not want to be, and Virginia Woolf also, and countless others, so one must never condemn those who have the powerful sentiment to be always young by an always new body, rather than prolong and prolong with a thousand specialisit medicinal techniques. The condemnation of those who commit self-euthanasia must stop: but it is the duty of all to honor good life, to honor it strongly and vividly and beautifully and not to focus at all on morbidity or death. It is but a pointless drudgery of self-therapy to speak of such idiotic nonsense as 'memento mori'. Those who love life strongest love youthhood and those who focus on youth rather than on fallenness sustain their youth and find it easier to stay on for a good while; those, as the Greek myths loved to tell people, do not mistake the immortality of one such as Zevs to be your own, that would be hubris, avoid that. In any case, Zevs, becoming the Latin Deus, and related to the Egyptian god Ammon, becoming the Latin Christian Amen, is the archimage of what God means to Christianity. It is Zevs who is in the mind of those Christians who associate God with a particular type of man who is unshaven and quite a ruffian and with a stick and what not. One has to say: not all Greek myths nor sculptures were right!! But it is interesting that the Northern Greek Macedonian instigated a powerful era in Egypt lasting for centuries, not decades, in which their lives resembled remarkably, for the better as well as for the worse, almost all the Greek myths. Then is it as Joseph Campbell suggested, that the myths are there to extend human consciousness towards God, and that one must keep myth going on an enlivened, enlightened basis so as 'not to get stuck in the metaphor'? If Cleopatra can teach us something, and I think she can, then, very briefly, I would put it like this: let girls be girls, let them copulate wildly, unlimited, but -- realizing their fantastic beauty, and letting art be inspired of all this -- keep them away from the rulership of the society. Let that be a firm person, whoever much in love with the senses, not dominated by one girl. Let the society be a girl-society, sapphic-style; let the one who is the immortal be the king who lets beauty not become ego, who puts goodness first, sensuality second. (( )) (( )) The philosophy behind stamash martial arts involves a very clear faith in the force of goodness, and in that it has a source -- that all life, in fact, has a source, a male, personal source, call it Samadhi, God, Brahma, Dao, Allah or what you want. Stamash is a physical form of prayer, and its powers come from that source. So stamash owes its "magic" not to any cunning tricks, but to an obedience to conscience, to the protection of what's good and innocent, allowing this source to act through you. You fortify your action by training in fighting, by honing your capacity to hit and kick in air and on certain moving targets, but it is all a dance of meditation. And so to learn about, know about, and try meditation helps stamash, and stamash, as a form of prayer in action, must be on the side of good, -- it cannot be misused. There is a validity to beauty, exploring beauty also within, and beauty in physical body, -- the two goes together, for only a truly good person is shapely physically in an impressive way in the long run. So exploration into harmony and bodily anatomy -- as art, also -- is part of getting a contact with the powers of meditation. This universe has amazingly complex structures. As you probably know, even each cell of the body contains enough information about what the healthy body should look like, how it is to be maintained, how it is going to experience sex and produce offspring, and so on, -- the "DNA" molecule, so-called -- which, if translated into written natural English would fill many, many books. In the air, there is not just this and that substance, but almost innumerable many tiny substances. And all this universe as manifest is merely a tiny part of a far greater subtle form of existence, which, in my so-called "supermodel theory" or "theory of active models" or "theory of supertexts", I call "spaceduration". Here, the implications -- among other things -- of what's about to potentially happen has an influence on what might appear to be coincidences. Meaningful coincidences we call, as you perhaps know, "synchronicities". It is possible for the sake of primitive discussion to speak of all this structure as something which has, so to speak, created itself (atheism). However the emotional grounds to argue in favor of atheism are usually the narrowness and unlikeliness of a stale, twarted form of spirituality as represented by one book (e.g. the "Christian Bible", so-called). A rich, ripe, real spirituality doesn't condemn sex orgies, doesn't trivialize theories of cosmos, and yet can be rational in its assertion that spaceduration is in some way part of the mind of a being, God. In (my version of) socalled "coptic christiantiy", this being, God, is understood to be within his creation, physically (always). This is the approach taken with stamash, of course. Now, in this spirituality, synchronicities and causality (cause-and-effect) are the two ways in which things happen. The causality is in a sense derived from synchronicities (ref. my presentation of "quantum phenomena" in supermodel theory for how this happens, in a way which is related to the concept of "nonlocality" or "alocality" -- that beings can move about, given certain conditions, across spaceduration -- also socalled "warps"). Put relatively simply, it means that God ensures that each gets the deserved events, -- including the deserved body. This happens by synchronicities. This cannot be tampered with -- there is no "voodoo" -- but one can pray (and each good artwork is a reminder or affirmation towards good prayers) -- and God or his muses will always respond, in some way. (( )) (( )) A brief note on consciousness expansion relative to drugs. As I see it, inner freedom is compatible with certain forms of physical freedom, but not with all forms of physical freedom. The physical freedom to be orgiastic, yes. The physical freedom to do drugs, no. What dance -- tantrism -- vegetarianism -- food concentrates incl. B12 -- coffee -- meditative reading -- painting -- dialogue -- etc can give, esp. to the young person, is fantastic. The brain can come to new forms of sensitivity. For some, they may find themselves too disharmonious, perhaps due to childhood issues, to make it through a period when the brain starts getting self-active; for most, it will work fantastically well. But those who even once touch a strong drug like cocaine or amphetamine or ecstasy do get, I think, an irreversible reduction of the finer brain fibres which are important for enlightenment. One can recover from a little bit of mild marihuana or from the occasional alcohol-experience easily enough. I myself have never even once touched anything stronger than alcohol and but a few times marihuana, which a little stronger than tobacco. But my intuition is that those who have touched anything stronger must accept that they have become more robotic, less smart, and less able to experience religious states. That is why I confine my teaching work to those who are young -- hopefully, too young to have been corrupted by drug-infested groups in society. (( )) (( )) Perhaps you associate spirituality also with prayer -- and rightly so, in my opinion. Now, if you want to be an expert in prayer, then good luck!! Even after a trillion seasons, and ditto reincarnations, you'll find that a trillion more are needed to get further in learning about it. For prayer is great art. It is about communication with higher beings -- the muses -- and the highest, God. (Instead of muses we might say angels, of course.) So your communication must be genuine, and seen so: in intent, and also by your improvised, dignified, suitably humble words. After a request, some five minutes of meditation in which -- semi-consciously as it were -- a negotiation with them takes place. Then, the sense, the idea, of a suitable action to settle the terms of negotiation; in a society with perfectly righteous laws, the GJ2 society, the action will always be fully legal (clearly so), while in a society with more fuzzy laws as far as righteousness goes, the action may sometimes break them. It is important not to fool oneself on this. Any desire / fear complex must be blocked for the passageway from the creative intelligent source to be clear in your consciousness. The understanding of all this will always be relative in a human being, as enlightenment will be relative (only God has absolute light). There is in your mind a kind of "elite" of thoughts, aims and goals, and this is normal, it sets a direction, it encourages learning and progress -- at least it can do so, this "elite" or peakpoint of all your intents and aims. When this elite area in your mind and heart is aligned with God, to be an artist expressing, ever-more, the highest beauty you can, you are on your way to enlightenment, or to more and more enlightenment. The aims must not be mechanical, nor bitter, nor self-contradictory, nor based on a selfish interest like quenching loneliness. In an objective creation, an objective and interobjective process by God and his muses, in which it is all, in a sense, God's imagined artwork, made stable by God's imagined computers, one doesn't go around saying "beauty is subjective". Hard subjectivism is merely a feature of atheism, of the silly denial of life's and love's divine origin. Up to a point in time, the past is a form of simulation, a preparation by God to unfold the actual universe by equipping it with a tantalizing past, a set of opening challenges. This shift, I maintain, happened in early 21st century. Still, the past is not subjective nor intersubjective but, simulation or not, has a steady objectivity (changable only by God) which determines your karma -- do not lie about it!! For only in being earnest about it, you have grounds for right prayers for forgiveness, showing how ashamed you are. From time to time, even in a perhaps enlightened society, a group of people can get infected by what can be called a "bourgeoise attitude"; ie, they are the bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie, like a bacteria causing an easily spread cold, vary -- in rhythms, in manners of speech, etc. There are some common features, however. One such feature is that they are quickly sarcastic (albeit not always showing it) relative to all those not belonging to their own group, typically by a form of dry, mirthless laughter, accompaigning a "reminder" of what it takes to "qualify" for membership in their group, which supposedly, according to them (despite the fact that it is lowest on the scale of worth as seen by God), is highest in society. It is a hobby among the bourgeoisie to pick on those who appear to be half-way within their group, so as to "expose" these individuals. A way is to ensnare them into making promises shaped so cunningly that these promises cannot be fulfilled by these half-bourgeoise individuals. These may then be called "loosers" by the bourgeoisie, in all the sick shamelessness of the bourgeoisie. In God shaping consciousness of humanity, simulation space was made, where some stages or pillars, as it were, in consciousness evolution was established. I sense that it is fruitful to regard these as reference points to understand the map of consciousness also in the future. I will begin with Daoism. Here, sexuality is postulated as essence. Then Judaism. Here, the anger of the Creator is spoken about so as to incite fear against doing wrong. (The pantheism of so-called "Kabbalah", however, can be seen as little more than glorified atheism -- an attempt to say about the manifest universe that it is "God".) So Hinduism. Here (as in the Greek and Egyptian religions, which are aspects of it) the muses ("gods") are understood as well as reincarnation. Then, Buddhism. In it, the personal fight against the ego is detailed to a fair degree, with reincarnation also of insights in progress toward enlightenment. A fifth stage is the female sensuality inside Islam. Here, with the prophet getting his child-bride, Aisha, the ultimate goal is spoken about in terms of God's creating of so many young girls in overflowing sensuality. The far, far more mature, sixth stage, is the notion of the Christos, with Christianity, in which the important correction of the overly angry picture of the Creator in Judaism occurs, and in which God is portrayed (esp. in the Coptic way), as immortally a young, loving male. All the foregoing stages must be combined with this (e.g., God is also the harsh judge on occasions; reincarnation also happens, young girls in a bisexual sense is preferred, etc). Historically, the sequence couldn't have Christianity before Islam (even though the seed elements of Christianity preceeded Islam with six or so centuries), because the Christianity I talk of is encompassing also of a global variety of eclectic approaches it took computing technology to gather and present as one whole (rather than kept apart geographically). That is, I do not regard any of Roman Catholisism, Protestantism, or other institutionalized forms of early Christianity as any other than fragmented elements. This writer, of course, speak from an intuition which effortlessly encompasses the six stages or pillars in human consciousness. This, I claim, flow from my own nature, which I initially, to myself, called The Buddhahood. The power of it came leaping through in my consciousness as I explored synchronicities, and I learned also telekinesis -- that it directly controls lightening etc. Anything was (is) open to it -- total telepathy also. As it became clear it sourced duration (and could change earlier parts of it), at a consciousness level I connected with what the semi-consciousness wanted to express, thereby the name Aristo Tacoma, its -- or mine -- truest name, correcting earlier names, including Christos. This statement, I know, has -- and rightly so -- when modified and put in the lips of a human, been seen as hubris or lunatisism. For the Christ principle is one of monophysism. (( )) (( )) Then to something far, far dearer to many people than metaphysics: how to make money ;) For a long time I have been inspired by some features and some aspects of what George Soros, who studied also quantum physics and worked directly with Karl Popper, did with his Quantum Fund in terms of earning money not by exchanging stocks in other people's companies, but by exchanging one currency for another, having a sense of the resonances and reflexivities as the curves dance up and down, and as the world's currencies fluctuatate in ways which are significant when you operate with large sums. As has been written many times for many many seasons, Soros single-handedly affected the status of the GBP, the British Pound, in the European monetary market collaboration, by forcing it to swing in a certain direction that even the central bank in UK could not supercede -- thus earning himself billions which he has later also spent in philantropical work. My fascination with all three items -- quantum physics, Popper, and money -- led me to constantly think about this possibility even as I ventured into one non-money-making project after another, sponsored a little here and and a little there by relatively well-to-do friends -- some who had earned money by real estate, some by selling paintings, and some by consultancy work. In the first Firth operating approach for computers, as of 2006 (as said, still found at, there is, then, a 'monetary pattern recogniser' which, in a preliminary way, suggests some way in which an individual can study some of the many possible patterns which are found within the fluctuating world currencies. I have now developed a much more far-ranging program in Lisa Gj2 Fic, called CTIN -- Currency Transaction Income maker -- and, at the moment of writing, I am preparing for doing real work with real money, by running a series of hypothetical investments. It has occurred to me, as I have contacted various banks and spoken with various people about earning money in this way, that not many, even of those with economical education and profession, really understand much of what day-trading or spot-trading with currencies is all about. This surprised me; I thought everbody but me knew everything about economy -- but several conversations with bosses in banks recently has convinced me that there is not still that culture around thinking about making money based on currencies that people have an easy time thinking about it. And so, in this series of reflections which I hope can be useful on occasion for some, sometime, I thought I might as well include some observations also on this. Let me motivate it a little bit by indicating why I find it offensive to buy and sell stocks in other people's companies as a way of making money -- and so, why currency transaction work can be a far, far more ethical way of making money, albeit often a slower one, since it involves, typically, relating to curves which swing more slowly than stock trading, at least if we speak of the grand, stable currencies. Thus, even when one says that a certain currency, even dollar or euro, is 'very low these days', it doesn't usually mean that it is affected more than a couple of percent, at most. IF a stock is very low, however, it may be that it has been reduced to maybe a tenth of its former value. So working with currencies involves typically a robust, stable, safe way of earning money, in which, the more you have, the more you can earn, and even if you don't act so smart as you could, you still usually won't have much of a risk element. It is somewhat comparable with having money in a bank account with a very, very high interest rate, with luck; and with a not so high interest rate if your currency transaction works are not so well done. But compare it to what it means to trade in shares of other people's companies. As long as you buy just a percentage of a percentage of a company, you do not affect that company much, usually. But if you happen to earn a lot of money, then suddenly your buying and selling actions, whether you like it or not, starts affecting that company. And so, you are affecting more and more people the more affluent you are, doing these types of transactions: and if you have an ethical understanding of life, in which you stand in relationship to the pains you send out, and must face the consequences of these and even reincarnate so as to work out what has not been worked out before, then you do not merely want to make a lot of money quick: you want to make what you make of money right. And it is not possible in any easy way to gauge what is right, ethically speaking, as for the effects of buying and selling stocks. The effects are big, but monitoring them is simply a too huge job generally speaking -- exactly because it is not your own company. If your selling and buying means that you contribute to the exit of the founder of the company from that company, is that a good or bad thing? That is something you will have to stand in relationship to if you are an affluent person buying and selling shares on the world stock market. But if you say, 'I don't want to have any relationship to that,' then you are no longer in this interconnected web of reality, you are living in a little dream-world, and you'll have to face your karma when your time comes around, and good luck to you. Take, on the other hand, the fact that every day, many times every day even, there is a slightly altered relationship between the vast currencies, such as euro, pound, dollar, yen and such. This slightly alterered relationship is the product of hundreds of different factors of great magnitude and this relationship is even for affluent investors not very greatly affected by them -- unless they lend a lot of money and deliberately try to affect a certain currency in a certain way. Whether what Soros did then was ethical or not I do not want to give any judgement of here; but the fact is that you can operate even with several billions of euro or dollar and still not have much impact on the overall flow of the currency relative to other currencies (if you stay away from lending so as to "gear up" the investment and thus also increasing the risk -- the type of CT I talk about involves changing the ground currency of your own money, not trading with a gigantic sum lent from a bank with your own money as risk-base). So, suppose your natural currency is kroner, or euro, or dollar, or rubles, or canadian dollars or whatever. That is the currency you want to have as much as money in, after the completion let's say of an 11-month period of good work with day-trading or weekly trading with currencies in what is called the "spot market", perhaps by an e-market account in a very solid bank offering good relative rates for buying and selling currencies relative to one another for your account, operated quickly and easily from a computer. But inside that period, let's say of 11 months, you shift the currency ground. Perhaps dollar is on the rise this week, according to the forecast of your own program, or your intuition, or you read that this seems to be the case. Early in the week, then, at a time during the day when the exchange rate from the currency you had the week before to the new currency is a good one -- and you have maybe five, seven or ten seconds or so to decide, before the price fluctuate again, as you operate the computer -- you switch the ground currency into dollar. Maybe next week, it seems that the dollar is not rising more relative to your own currency, but that the euro is going up. So you switch to euro at a fruitful moment. If you are wanting to do many other things than earning money, you will want to do this not too many times a month, and remember that the bank takes a margin of your money each time relative to a midprice between buying and selling prices for currency -- perhaps along the range of 0.1 percent, bad banks exceed 0.17 percent. The fewer transactions, the less you pay to the bank for your service, in other words. So perhaps you had, say, a million euro to start with, in a local currency, perhaps kroner, other than euro. This you regrounded into, let's say, australian dollars. You find that at the end of the week, if you convert euro to your local currency, it would give you a million and, let's hope, fifty thousand extra euro. But you don't got to your local currency yet. You want to keep on working it up, this sum. So you go to dollar instead, because the dollar seems to be on the rise. Again, let's say, you have luck. Your forecast program, CTIN or another one, pointed out that the value of dollar rightly was going up; and, lo and behold!!, if you convert it to your local currency after that second week, it is even more money available: a million one hundred thousand euro, for instance. But still you don't convert it, you keep on working: and after this period, let's say 11 months, maybe you collaborated with other people who contributed some sums, they taking the risk, but you sharing the profits with them if it worked out to a higher sum than they contributed with, you might have come up with twenty percent more money than that which you started with. You see that after a couple of years this way you can, if you are good at it, multiply sums of money. And all the way, you have steered out of dealing with companies involving lots and lots of jobs; you are focussing on intelligent relationship to rather stable, robust curves, aiming at skimming the best of the up-curves, switching as often as it can be seen right to do. Unlike the stock markets, the currency market is not based (much) on gossip. These things are tough things when we are talking the big currencies. There is a lot of work to be done in coming to understand the numbers involved. Economists might have many concepts which in some cases confuse the issue -- for instance, they may say that if a currency changes from 5.0100 to 5.0200 it is a change of '100 points' or the like; but this is not a great way to look at numbers -- for if another currency changes from 1.0100 to 1.0200 it also changes '100 points' but the fact of the matter is that the change, measured in percent, is five times as large as in the former. When people type in numbers manually, type in decimals, and work with numbers in a sense that makes them acutely aware of the actual sizes of numbers, we can speak of a first-hand arithmetic, or a first-hand relationship to numbers, in analogy with that which I for several years has called a first-hand form of programming. Numbers tell a tale: we do not always need a fancy name or gossip around it in order to get a sense of what a number says. You can learn about numbers and this is not engaging in "number magic": there is no voodoo about it, and, no China, four is not a bad number. Each digit-number has a function, and you must realize the function, and understand the lovely flower-like fractals in spelling out the digit series, and listen to them, take them deep into your gut feeling. So it is important not to make too many things automatic, not too many things must go by the computer; one must watch out for overuse of computers, and consciously, very consciously, restrict the degree to which one lets oneself be un-empowered by the computer. (The same can be said for too heavy reliance on text messaging, mobile phones, or stupefying headphones full of pumping music instead of listening in to the dance of synchronicities in spontaneously meeting people at street and at cafees, learning how to relate to new people and not fortifying cliques based on a primarely second-hand technological way of relating to each other.) To strike a positive note at the completion of this reflection over making money by currency transactions, or spot day-trading in the currency market, let us see currencies not as emblems or symbols of nations or countries, nor strive to unify all money in a digital sense, but rather let us see pluralism and fluctuating curves as indicative of an interesting human sphere of communication -- a sphere which invites the first-hand approach of making money simply by sensing the relationships and being with the up-curves. In this understanding, we can see the digital pluralism of several currencies as part of what makes money interesting in itself -- its very diversity is part of the natural culture of trust we have in money -- and this complements the type of more informal currencies we have of the more solid kind, including direct trading in gold and diamonds and other such entities of natural intrinsic worth. It is my sense of the human spirit that each is born to be an artist, and find joy in knowing that a new day is a new day to make art in; in order to achieve a realization of a society which allows this and which assures -- not equality at a socialist mud level -- but equality in the sense that each has IDENTICAL LUXURY as any other, we can still engage in money-making as a form of art: and then, the fact of fluctuating curves relative to various forms of currencies is part of what makes this art possible. (( )) (( )) April 18, 2008 Oslo Aristo Tacoma / Henning B Reusch With a couple of corrections August 24, 2008 Oslo. ************** IT IS INTENDED THAT THIS PAGE WILL SHOW ALSO AS INFORMATION TO THOSE INTERESTED IN THE STAMASH EDUCATION -- PLANS WHICH COMPLETELY SUPERCEDE ANY OTHER PRACTICAL PLANS INDICATED INSIDE THESE SITES. THOUGH I AM PERSONAL IN MEANING, AND HINT HERE AT FORMS OF TECHNOLOGY I HAVE BUT TOUCHED BRIEFLY, WITH A CERTAINTY WHICH MIGHT SEEM SLIGHTLY SUSPECT UNLESS YOU HAVE SEEN IT IN PRAXIS, I MEAN HERE ALSO TO LAY THE GROUND FOR AN IMPERSONAL STYLE OF EDUCATION COMBINING ARTISTIC THINKING WITH SPIRITUALITY FOR MARTIAL ARTS COURSES FOR GIRLS 18-24 YRS.

Note: The information above, as for practical matters, may be subject to change without further notice on this site. Further note that the copyright pertains to all elements on this page unless otherwise specifically indicated.

PART II PHILOSOPHY, NOTES, BIOGRAPHY, IDEAS, SUGGESTIONS, AND INFORMATION ON HOW TO STORE FILES IN MINILISA ADDED NOV./DEC. 2008 Beneath you will, if you have Java runtime in your browser, get a miniversion of Lisa. Java runtime can be installed from Sun Microsystems, who has developed and trademarked Java, first called, and perhaps more aptly, Oak -- inspired by object-orientation and by C and more similar in vein to C than Firth Lisa is to Forth. Consult Runtimes for Java you have the right to distribute alongside your own programs in Java. A runtime which is fast and good and much newer than the version required for the window beneath is here, copyright Sun Microsystems, and read their license when installing. Runtime Java for Konqueror in Red Hat 8.0, go to also, or select Save Target/File by right (or ctrl)-clicking here. They can work with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Konqueror, Google Crown, Opera, other browsers, and some versions of Mozilla (not the earliest when we talk RH8). The Red Hat 8.0 compatibility I have tested through and through -- it is extremely well done by Sun Microsystems, their Java product there, so with the j160.rpm.bin you find a tested full-fledged Java 1.6.0 working with this Y2000 classical platform standard. Consult very clearly the license agreements from Sun if you have any questions as to the usage of the programs listed in this paragraph -- these are entirely their own origin and copyright and they have their own type of licensing, which has worked well to establish Java as a kind of side-religion to the other types of computer religions, the Microsoft type, the Apple type, and the Unix/Linux type, and such. Be sure we respect the copyright license agreement as indicated in the startup of these classical runtimes. The trick to install the j160.rpm.bin is to put it to /root, then do cd /root then chmod 777 j160.rpm.bin and finally ./j160.rpm.bin and you are of course logged in as root as explained in the INSTALL.TXT somewhere for the R CD's. It will install to /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_10/jre/bin where the command java is the one that you should feed to any browser later than Mozilla 1.0. The Konqueror in RH8 works fine. Red Hat 8.0 is as you perhaps know the free GNU GPL version made for Y2000 PCs and a kind of world standard, unbeatable, used by PC factories all over the world to test if their machines are worthy to be called "a real PC", just like perhaps some factories are by now using the Firth Lisa_OAC as I have woven it with FreeDOS binaries and tons of other things and many many novel things by myself into a first-hand coherent honest programming environment for the meditative creative intelligent individual. Consult of course the for the "R" CDs, which became the free Fedora -- open source, with the license) -- as said, the Java runtime installs very easy to Konqueror (not Mozilla 1.0); in Konqueror, specify (check it) a place like /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_10/jre/bin/java as the java plugin and set its preferences for running Java on, and it works wonderfully, even though the Konqueror is made much, much earlier than this runtime of Java. -- that completes the info on installing Sun's Java runtimes. Again, pls respect the licenses of these products. Then, as said, beneath you'll find a window -- if "windows" are apt names, which I doubt -- they are more like -- well something else. Anyway. It is a miniversion of Lisa Gj2 as applet. If you use the B9 editor in this (it is completed in December 2008, and then you can type the command B9 and press lineshift to start it), please set the .java.policy file right if you want to save any of your files, and get files into it -- we are talking SAVING AND LOADING FILES TO AND FROM YOUR OWN PC AND NO OTHER MACHINE ON THE PLANET -- but this is of course not easy to get a browser to do unless you tweak and touch it up a little bit. So if you want to do it, go ahead. If you do nothing, beneath is merely a READ-ONLY version of the mini-Lisa. By READ-ONLY I mean it in the sense of looking into something without altering anything, I do not mean it in the sense that the program reads anything on your disk. To do any read or write to your disk is something you must urgently and passionately demand, otherwise your browser won't do it. An email program such as the good one on Yahoo can ask, by a popup frame question, for a file to be uploaded and can offer a file for storage, but it must do so in ways which involve the standard upload/download frame and the standard protocol -- it cannot do so fluidly and as part of the way the mail program works. On the other hand, Lisa GJ2 is an alternative, platform-independent way to cloud-like networking for, giving certain modifications that I can explain here and which even the nongeek can get working for herself after a little bit of patient reading and exploration (and beware the likelihood that there are some minor spelling errors or other errors in this text here and there, for I like the sense of improvisation and only change when I feel it is urgently called for, not so as to prove I can write right English or right computerling, because I know I can and want to communicate meaning, or semantics, rather than show off petty skills -- and, of course, I never ever even slightly use Microsoft Office package nor any spelling checker of any kind, anywhere) -- anyway, after a little bit of experimentation, anyone can get GJ2 to do all they want with computers, fluidly, seamlessly, without popupframes for saving and retrieving files, and programming, even when started in a browser. This is not based on such idiot-schemes as "Signed" programs because any element of so-called Signing or "Secure lines" are not at all really secure nor signed but just a temporary, slight inconvenience for the experienced angry hacker. Instead of pretending to make something secure by talking about "secure lines", I spell it out how to do it on a normal line, in a normal Internet browser, for a program which has not been encryption-signed: and I also spell it out that this is insecure, yet in some first-hand sense quite possibly more secure than fog-like cloud networking where lots of computers interact constantly over your private files and with lots of pretentions of normality and security. The only way to have a secure private session with a computer is by the Lisa Gj2 platform installed on a PC which is having no network connection. And nothing is more scary for those companies who want people to get lost in networks than to see people liking to work with their own computer in their spare time, and worse, working time, with just electricty plug plugged in and no wireless nor wired connection to any network at all! That is the worst thing for those second-hand and third-hand thinking companies whose nonethical business idea is to keep people online to their shops of idiot toys: which is the whole, complete, sole reason why they propagandize, like Goebbels, again and again that "the network is the computer and that is the future and this is the new generation and blah, blah, blah". See through the poppygock. Turn it off. Dehypnotise yourself. Do an adbuster on your own mind. Meet real people, without the cellphone, without the microloan, without the big loan, without the quasi-interaction and quasi-messaging and quasi-securities that salesmen dressed up as nerds impress by TV commercial and Google commercials and Microsoft commercials. So while Java has had a role in fighting Microsoft, and Google also has had a role in doing so, -- and they have indeed succeeded -- we must now be great enough to give humanity the upper hand and say that ANY BIG COMPANY becomes a gambling institution by the fact that is big: it must keep the income in order to keep the people working in the company paid. And so they invent things which people don't want, don't need, and which are against the human spirit, and call on marketing companies to, goebbels-like, sell it in, like pseudo-truths born by repetition rather than the real truths which are born by meditation. Here, too, I say, you have a human right to be arrogant. It is not having a big ego to say of wrong things that they are wrong: it is having a soul. And when you have a soul, and you do have one, then you also want to turn of anything that smacks of artificial intelligence, nanocomputing, or other things which make the humanity aspect second-hand and which reduces the human being to something sniffing doggy-like. The reason of the popularity of cocaine and such in the marketing businesses (and in certain sections of art academies) is that it enhances cunningness, which is that sniffing dog-like aspect, or animal/beastly aspect, of the human brain, which a dignified, serious, independent individual with greatness in herself or himself want to go beyond. Those who control the computers control humankind; and while free enterprises are key building stones for the kind of compassionate anarchistic love-based society we must have, enterprises which has become monopolies of tens of thousands of people are units not belonging in a good humanity: they are like totalitarian book-based regimes, Quoran-dictatorships, they do not want any other than the sustenance of their power, and quench the liberty of girl's freedom, and the freedom of the human spirit to express the deepest intuitions. So it is possible to be hugely democratic, hugely spiritual, hugely sexual / tantric, hugely technologically able, hugely welcoming of earnest money opportunities, hugely in favour of enterprises, without in the slightest being what is called "capitalist". Growth from poverty into affluence is not the same as being capitalist. And preserving the jewels of what humankind has developed, such as the Year2000-compliant Personal Computer, is not "retro", it is intelligence. The word "retro" is yet another sample of the conditioning wrought by people who believe that the unfoldment of ever-more greed in economy is the same as progress. But when the real progress is somewhere else, then that which they name as "retro" is indeed the pinnacle and ground of progress. And with these insights, the Firth Lisa GJ2 platform is there to help the honest individual, who fears nothing but irreverence to this tantric God who has made us, and who wants to live beautifully and decently whether long or not, and earn money in right ways rather than at the cost of soul. And find a tremendous joy in the sexiness of a nonbible-based love of the essence of life, the essence of intelligence, and find that the computer can be a tool in liberating the mind: when the computer stops mimicking mind, and rather is as plain as a mirror of your thought processes. Not a mirror that bends like water, but a mirror which is mechanically true to its own perfection as a mechanical entity: that is what I mean by that immense concept I have coined of first-hand programming, and by analogy you can carry it into all areas of human endavour. For instance, the 45-minute recording I've made of myself at the piano at the went over to classical tape recording without any editing at all, a tape full of its own natural texture. Only in the sense of file formats did I then engage the Lisa GJ2 platform and got it into the form it is presented there: and whether the piano keyboard is electronical or not is then not the issue -- it is still first-hand. All playing by notes is second-hand. All editing except when it is purely functional makes a first-hand unit into something second-hand. So the GJ2 B9, benign editor, and the I9 first-hand image editor, are made so as to PRESERVE THE SENSE OF IMPRESSIONISM AND FIRST-HANDEDNESS, by refusing to do strong changes to your text and/or photo. They just add a little bit, shall we say, texture, sub-texture. This goes over into how they handle the question of font-fixing: here, we call on something such as CONVBAT, which assumes you know a little bit HTML script language for putting on italics by typing something like <i> before and </i> after and such things; which will lead you to think that perhaps the ordinary letters of the alphabet are indeed enough to express yourself fully. The fewer options when you type, the more the focus gets on the content of what you say, and then you will find that you can become dream-like funny in improvising all of a sudden ripe poetic penetrating assertions also live, for you are not merely a "user of a button-click program" but you are a hot writer onto yourself, making a vibration of love for text in the spoken sense override the attempts, such as by Microsoft Word in Office package (unlike their very much better Word for DOS which they very generously have made into freeware consult public respectable freeware sites), to glossify and overpolish the text so it looses its soul. It is with Microsoft Word and its imitation, the package (which is hugely better in spirit, though), and other typewriters made in awe and imitation over Microsoft, that one gets the sense that the programmers who have made it wear a suit. It is a terrible, terrible thing to wear a suit at work: a suit is something made for making parties and fiests be a bit special, a uniform made for fun. But worn in daily life when doing one's work it becomes a token that one is as the Agents in the excellent first Matrix movie: one merely represents the coldness of a system whose aim is to be and remain in charge. However, if you liked the Matrix movies, you will like the book of A.C.Clarke from the 1950s, made some forty years earlier, far more: for there he carries it much, much further, this notion of there being an implicate order from which things unfold (the City and the Stars, by far the best book by Clarke, and without the gloom, Kubrick-inspired elements of 2001, -- cfr some quotes from it, in addition to a quote or two from P.G.Wodehouse, my other favourite, inside the MTDOC and the definitions, at the MANUALS links inside the By the way, at minigj2.htm you find java.policy examples discussed further here, but do pls notice that you ought to select if the java.policy specifies, rather than using the These things matters immensely for a security manager program, if they don't get it exact to the comma nothing will work. An interlude:- The reason I have both 4 and 6 is of course that their conjunction is the image of 2*23 which is the most tantric number in all biology: the quintessence of conception: the birth of the physical human body in seed form: the mingling of the best of genes from mother girl and father boy: but the soul enters only the living child, who has been around for a year or so -- ask your intuition, if you have any; and you have any. You must have these two poles to get energy -- yoga4d with the symmetrical mirroring elements so feared by some asian cultures, but so necessary for logical honesty, and yoga6d with the dancing wheel not belonging to hebrewism or david-star-ism, but belonging to all people who are interested in flow and music and money, also -- the 4 and 6 beside one another are the number of chromosones in the healthy gene -- while 4 times 6 is the four dimensions to affluences, while 666 is when money, money and money is all that matters. The cure of 666 is 6666, or four times six, or both yoga4d and yoga6d, that you are not a commercial human beings whose only aims are to cater to a market -- which is as good as socialism as much as it is capitalism. The golden middle path, beyond even buddhism, is to be awakened to the nondogmatic stamash flower-like stamina of understanding the universe as having more dimensions and being based on, Berkeley-wise, a god-mind; and then you will also concede that one is in infancy getting full knowledge of all and that child culture must allow for sexuality or else it will be a child-stupifying culture, in denial of that which makes a child self-aware and self-empowered towards goodness in growing up -- I am grateful for a newspaper article by the respectable Norwegian child psychologist Langfeldt in the Norwegian Dagbladet in October 2007 for defending a sexually awakened child culture as a necessity for child-health and proper growth. He pointed out that "we all know of what became of, as adults, those children we knew as children and who denied their own sexuality -- they ran back to their parents and complained over the other children wanting to play doctor and patient and more. They grew into neurotic adults, they hadn't had a normal, healthy childhood. And with the controlled style of kindergarten common these days, in which adults watch over everything, they must also permit sexuality when they child takes the initiative or else they will be a burden to the child." (Quoted from memory, and I hope he forgives me if I have slightly misquoted this main point, as I understood it, of his much-read Norwegian article during a heated Scandinavian debate over what kindergarten personell should allow as for the games children play with themselves and with the personell. By the way, he won the debate with good margin. Yoga, child-massage and such play as he prescribed is now publically accepted in much of Scandinavian kindergarten culture according to several later media reports in various medias, also state radio and TV. So we need to rethink all, and rethink also taboos, and question the hypnosis which informs us that videos with violence are acceptable but that erotic stimuli must be far more constrained; the dogma that makes children stupid because the concept of real active love is asserted to be something only a fully grown human being can possibly know anything at all about: which is but powerplay, mafia-like, by parents hating to realize that each child is a universe unto herself which cannot be persuaded to accept such fantastic stupefying hypnosis as certain often bible-based politicians, and their wrinkled partners, angrily makes into the public law, state politics and which they then make the police waste time and money and energy on -- hunting down who watches which .jpgs instead of hunting down those who do physical violence to people. Do not deny sensuality when it does not harm physical health and do not -- as Norwegian High Court lawyer Staff often have pointed out in public media -- make something which is physically innocent into a mental problem and a social problem by projection. Try as one might, ever since Lucretia Borgia copulated with her Pope Alexander (like Anais Niin, daughter with father), there has been an apostolic succession of popes leading an organisation speaking of celibacy while ensuring that the world boils over with overpopulation simultaneously as that greedy as-if-religious monopoly gets little boys into their so-called sacred little rooms and do little things with them. With a little bit more honesty, a little bit more realism, a little bit more leniency in what one says, it is possible to make living and teaching meet: and that has something far, far more holy to it than so-called 'catholisism', scientology, mormonism, or other such -isms. The dictatorship of the mind must be battled with: then we can accept that a police can exist, even globally, US or UN or whatever, to ensure absence of terrorism, -- a police which no longer deals with censorship of sensuality when it's nonviolent. So, at the level of sensuality, we MUST have a compassionate anarchy: but at the level of violence, I believe more in the Clint Eastwood type as Sheriff than in the meditation teacher with her sweaty ashtanga yoga and her herbal tea; or in the Texas Ranger. Leave terrorists with some tea and they go about their business of blowing up millions of lives; but make the police start censoring which medical doctors watches which .jpgs on the internet, and soon the police has not time for anything else than watching .jpgs themselves, getting wrapped up in the chase of isp numbers and what not. The priority must be: sensually, compassionate anarchy; violence-wise, zero tolerance. And then the police must, with their renewed priorities, and with their new willingness to give liberty where liberty should be given, also be given more immunity from persecution when they do mistakes, for to bring down violent people cannot be done without bringing down innocent people, just as one cannot cure an infection in a body without also damaging some healthy cells around the infection area. A police has an immunity against many karma-influences if they only stop violence, not sensuality, but it is the politicians who are the bosses over the police and the revolution must come from them; and it is the duty of respectable people to talk to politicans and to the public, for just three respectable people can change the opinion of a whole city, or even a whole planet, with the present type of newsmedia -- if they act coherently. But to do this we must also give each other carrots of diplomatic energy, by being willing to point out the most positive aspects of certain cultures as soon as the priorities have gotten straightened out. That is why I wish to point out that, hidden underneath the idiocy of sharia and headscarfs and bearded singing hypocritical quasi-holy imams there is a completely astonishing female bisexual sensuality in the culture which grew up around the prophet Muhammad, and which you can eclectically and with intuitive precision -- and good prayers to good God, infinitely more holy than Muhammad or his book, pick out and further develop, refine and elucidate upon. Every muslim girl shines with natural sensuality and joy when she has not been exposed to violence and has had affluence: this is something all the rest of the world can learn of: but then, everyone must accept that terrorists must be capitally punished quickly, ruthlessly, and with maximum censorship of them -- and the dictatorships which cultivate them should be removed by invasive wars before they invade the rest of the world with their shit, and, yes, that will be a heavy burden for very many innocent people but better that humanity survives than that all gets undone -- healing is a tough thing and some forms of healing requires Aqua de Ammon in 100 percent concentration, the ammoniac of righteous but extremely hardhitting police against terrorism. Amnesty International are rightly calling for the release from prison of people but recently they have spent lots and lots of energies of working against capital punishment which is extremely humane compared to putting a person to rot in prison for thirty years; and it is not healthy for a society to have large prison camps so Amnesty should perhaps rethink their priorities and rather work for the abolishment of large prisons than work for something which, in the perspective of incarnation, has a different value than in the marxist perspective they sometimes seem to take. The grand perspective of innocence versus noninnocence -- ever a paradox in the past of christianity -- leading to the rediculous concept of limbo, and, as the eminent university professor Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland, pointed out -- an omniloving omniscient God cannot possibly accept the concept of eternal damnation. But then, with a flexible form of reincarnation concept, it logically makes sense: and obviously, it MUST make sense; anybody who has ever meditated FEELS that the universe make sense and does so especially when the brain is calm, just quietly energetic. It is not a brain-illusion, it is not mere chemistry. With a flexible reincarnation concept, and a flexible relationship of bodies to souls, one can take it for granted that the body about to suffer much will not have the same innocent soul as earlier on -- put very simply, and crudely, but, I think, right, and to the point: this is a central issue -- guilt -- which rules silently behind the political scenes, and the thinking, in many countries, still seems to not have gone beyond the kindergarten level. So, as I think I have written somewhere else, consciousness of humanity is still at a very early stage, a kindergarten stage. The ego, the bacteria-like infection of mind at a semi- conscious level, has very, very free room: and it is oriented towards power, more power, and yet more power. It is good for the ego to experience that it simply cannot get power. Instead, the soul must get power, the spirit must get power -- and there, first-hand contact with artworking, music, dance, and writing, also computer programming in GJ2, can be, or is, relevant. One must doubt much in order to cleanse, but then reaffirm a faith which is meaningful, and have what I call AMFAP: As Much Faith As Possible. Every religious individual has the right to question every book in the universe, and every religious individual has the means to do so: her own heart, in prayer to the Creator of the universe. My intuition is that this universe is full of habitable planets and many of them have mammals but only Earth, at this point, has individuals with souls and intellect and written and read language. The universe is a garden in which humanity can be a nomadic race and fly into, and move around in, as the suns of many galaxies are dying out and new ones are made, in a universe which only appearently began with a Big Bang -- a finite universe which is in infinite self-re-creation based on intent and fantastic intelligence and great laughter of all the muses, operating something like digital computers with their insurpassable minds, running testschemes of what is about to happen and very subtly and cunningly feeding it back into the apparent coincidences (which there are room for in what is called quantum coherence, when quantum fluctuations become coherent enough to statistically override the mechanical aspect) -- and perhaps in yet more dramatic ways. By being completely holy in priorities, which is to say, completely whole, you will attain to a greater authority than books, namely prayer to God, and ask God for what elements of which books make sense: and there will always be answers, but you must purify your capacity to listen without desire, greed, hope, fear, attachment, illusion, hypnosis, conditioning and so you have many, many incarnations ahead to become enlightened. In the meantime, let go of names, because no of the names in the Hebrew tradition, in the Muslim tradition, in the Christian tradition, or in Shinto, Zen, Tibetan Buddhism, Tantric Hinduism, Tamil, or any of the many, many other schools and orientations, are right enough, generally speaking, to be worthy of being called "holy". So let go of the flag, let go of the name, and start praying in the first-hand sense: IMPROVISE, otherwise you are like those birds with big heads. The Firth Lisa platform is made in awe of the beauty of nonviolent healthy human unfoldment. It does not agree with Sigmund Freud in that sexuality is a sickness element but it does agree with Freud in that sexuality is a focus element -- from the very earliest years, and that, in being adult, one must know the childlikeness of the sexual tantric daoist energies in oneself in order to be awakened to forms of rejuvenation, intelligence, impressionism, happiness, meditation, and prayer which can make the pseudo-ecstasies of drugs, alcohol, meat, violence and violent videos and violent videogames seem to be as boring as they essential are. Not all first-hand products are first-hand also in spirit, inspiration and intelligence: then drop them, instead of editing them. In that sense, we can adopt a playful darwinism in thought, the darwinism of ideas, which says: select, copulate, with the best of your products, and drop the rest. And with just this darwinism of ideas we select the word "evolution" and drop "darwinism" from biology. For humanity is in evolution and there are elements of truth and fact of evolution to the universe and to nature but that has nothing to do with the whimsical, sloppy ideas of biological darwinism. Biological darwinism dies by the liveliness of the darwinism of ideas, where the most beautiful idea wins. Biological darwinism is an ugly idea. The evolution of the human body and brain is by something immensely more subtle and sophisticated than by chancelike elements over millions of years, -- and this evolution naturally calls on the jewels of the past, including the best aspects of earlier mammals: but it happens at the intent level. And this intent, if you have noticed, creeps into all biological discourse of evolution AS IF they have at all understood anything at all about intent -- and they haven't understood more about intent than they have about synchronicities. So back to working with the first-hand GJ2 approach. This is suitable also for currency transaction work -- which is a term for the future, rather than the completely misleading term "ForEx" or "FX" (cfr e.g. Interbank FX), for it doesn't have to do with "foreign exchange" at all, but with the transactions -- not the concrete exchange -- of currencies -- not of anything foreign, but of familiar, first-hand acquaintancies, currencies. CT work which is an alternative to a conventional savings account, operated without the notion of "leverage", has no element of lending or borrowing and it is free from all sense of gambling and it has an ethical shield between its own activity and the world of effects (unlike stock trading). But then you need a daily update of currencies at the same time of the day, each day, and this is something you can make a computer do. I haven't decided at the moment of writing how much of my own CTIN work I will make public in the forms of programs and so on but I will at the very least make it clear how you can program yourself with the MINIGJ2 so that you can download currencies. These you should then RELATE TO FIRST-HAND-WISE by typing them in, not autoloading into something idiotic like MetaTrader -- which is a perfect example of how non-expert non-artificial intelligence can cloak itself into pretentious schemes and make gambling seem clean and perfect. The financial crisis, globally, of 2008, was nothing but one thing: the demise of second-hand thinking in economy. But this has yet to be spelled out -- now it is spelled out. And large companies are the carries of the bacteria of second-hand thinking. So, a lasting adbuster is this: whenever any large company, or book-based antisexual dictatorship, pronounces anything, it is untrue, except in such lucky circumstances as when they have spoken without thinking. To work with GJ2, then -- you would want an interface between GJ2 and the rest of the Microsoft/Google/etc etc dominated world. And so MINIGJ2 is a migration tool. It is a subset of GJ2, it is more sloppily made, it is not as flexible nor as fast nor looks as good -- but it serves to make GJ2 a real alternative to Java and to the copycat of Java, C#, with the confused thinking of the no-longer-young Bill Gates messing up the foundations. In other words, no imbecile arrogance here, just the right type, if you have got a mind, and a heart, and genitals: when you do what I specify here, and add a little bit luck, you can do WRITE AND READ -- or, more precisely, SAVE AND LOAD, but only of these ten files as written here, and only if you have full read/write access to the top folder of your own computer (for Windows, e.g. C:\ area), so that you can make a new folder there, named /luck3 or C:\luck3 or something like that. The folder name itself -- luck3 -- is in lowercase, while the filenames for programs for MINIGJ2, and the text files you edit in it, and so on, are all strictly short and uppercase and that gives a good and clear and distinct feel to them. So, when you use e.g. B9 editor, or the I9 mini first-hand image editor, or any program you've made yourself, it will try to save to the /luck3 or \luck3 folder, which you first must manully make -- just select "Create new folder" when you are at the top area (the root / area in Linux, the \ area in Windows) and it will allow saving to the file names test1.txt, test2.txt, test3.txt, test4.txt, and test5.txt, as well as read from these files, if you put these lines into the .java.policy file; and also test6.gjp, test7.gjp, test8.gjp, test9.gjp, test10.gjp. In general, for local fileaccess with minigj2, use uppercase. I recommend you do not give any more such permissions on filenames so that you have strict control over just what can be written/read by the browser relative to which website and no fuss about it. The .gjp is a 40k 200x200 GJ color pixel file and the .txt suffix is used for both documents, matrices, and programs which are run in Lisa Gj2. I will indicate, when the window beneath starts up the mini-lisa, an extra command to give you access to a couple more example programs which you can download and put to these locations, so as to get you something to play with. But if it doesn't work, it will (in all cases where it should work) work with the full Lisa GJ2 when it is in its own OS (cfr for install info -- it takes some hours and some patience and a great classical standard PC but it is SO worth it that I don't want to even begin to speak of the extent of the differences except so as to say that it is a different galaxy -- altogether -- something not touched at all by over-hyped later systems -- be with it to know what I say, it is not something one can intellectualize over, it is simply not possible to fit within any of Linux, Windows or Java, or similar extensions with clever-cunning arithmetics on 3d and music and such; and it is not plastic/neon-simulation like Apple OS X). So, here are the magic lines to enable you to do read/write with mini-Lisa, and explore it with the MTDOC.TXT manual as included in the .zip which has the GJ2 extension. There is an infinity to try, practically speaking, so there is no attempt to list this on the website. The manual is 8000 lines long and that's very very short for a language that comprehensive. It took me but four days to write the spreadsheet I am using regularly, in that language -- if not three. In the following lines -- which you find also in the "dot-java-dot-policy.txt" link at -- note that a folder, which you must manually create right underneath the top directory (root directory, in Windows it is often C:\), named, in lowercase, "luck3", is the container of the files, while the files themselves, in almost all local file access while you program, play and edit with the MINIGJ2 emulation, are uppercase. To make a folder named "luck3" on the current disk, you would do something like Start->Run and choose "cmd", then type something like: cd \ mkdir luck3 Or you would select "Create new folder" in a file manager when at the top volume. When you have at hand a PC with many disk drive letters -- C:, D:, E:, F:, J:, R: whatever, some maybe referring to a local area network -- you'll have to do a little research into it. Perhaps a way would be to start the internet browser, then open any page anywhere, and try to do something such as File->Save and just watch which drive letter comes up then. It is probably (but not certainly) here you should go to the top (root) area, and make the /luck3 folder, and why not do it at once. grant codeBase "" { permission "/luck3/TEST1.TXT", "read,write"; permission "/luck3/TEST2.TXT", "read,write"; permission "/luck3/TEST3.TXT", "read,write"; permission "/luck3/TEST4.TXT", "read,write"; permission "/luck3/TEST5.TXT", "read,write"; permission "/luck3/TEST6.GJP", "read,write"; permission "/luck3/TEST7.GJP", "read,write"; permission "/luck3/TEST8.GJP", "read,write"; permission "/luck3/TEST9.GJP", "read,write"; permission "/luck3/TEST10.GJP", "read,write"; }; grant codeBase "" { permission "/luck3/TEST1.TXT", "read,write"; permission "/luck3/TEST2.TXT", "read,write"; permission "/luck3/TEST3.TXT", "read,write"; permission "/luck3/TEST4.TXT", "read,write"; permission "/luck3/TEST5.TXT", "read,write"; permission "/luck3/TEST6.GJP", "read,write"; permission "/luck3/TEST7.GJP", "read,write"; permission "/luck3/TEST8.GJP", "read,write"; permission "/luck3/TEST9.GJP", "read,write"; permission "/luck3/TEST10.GJP", "read,write"; }; Be sure you write www. in front of also when you log on to your in your browser. Another way: Use You can learn to change .java.policy from all those netcafees around in the world who are generous enough to offer full administrator rights to those who hire a worthy PC as Internet terminal, and most ones, who are good, do so. They reinstall their platforms in the morning, to cleanse the machine, and allow therefore people to do such things. I do it often. By the way, use the minigj2.htm instead if you use konqueror at Red Hat 8.0, as it chokes a bit when given certain types of large .gif files in an 8-bit color context (at THAT point, Mozilla 1.0 is much better). This particular text you find with smaller .jpgs, instead of .gifs, suitable for Konqueror, at and Konqueror is inside the R CD's at, which, as said, is the GNU GPL Red Hat 8.0, at Red Hat itself perhaps not available (it was off their list last time I checked), they apparently(?) thinking that going ever-onwards with version numbers and commercializing things do have some notion of progress in it -- but they DID release the Fedora as a kind of 9.0 GNU GPL of the same as the classical version, only that it never reached the same status -- hasn't been even near it. Please inform me if this unchanged, free, open, GNU GPL version 2 licensed Red Hat 8.0 as represented at for some reason or another doesn't boot up your Y2000 compatible PC as it should -- it is always good to get feedback about the stability of large download bundles in case anything has been hacked or in case a disk drive has misrepresented a file, but people seems to get them to work with ease and I have of course many backups of everything on my four sites,,,, and In case, contact at (this is by the way the only email I use actively, second to that is, and the other ones, native at and, got so much spam input that they are switched off; I have noticed that spammers are getting up to new levels of irresponsibility, by even putting in their sender's name the very emails belonging to the person they send to -- may they be begone!!) By the way, when you use the freeware included to burn a CD at the download location at, be sure to rename the unzipped file which has been dogged together into .iso, rather than the .img which is required by the excellent program (as I have learned to know it) called xcdroast. The xcdroast in RH8 autoscans the .WAV files you put to the /backup area you tell it to look for source files in to check if they have the type of 16-bit stereo that audio CDs requires, and gives a nice icon for them if they are right. The U67 command in the Firth OAC partition converts, with great ease, a .MP3 file to a .WAV, and there is, in it, hundreds of utilities which can keep even astronauts in space, far away from Internet bandwidth intensity, active for decades. It must however be said that the damp machines they talk of as 'advanced rocket science' cannot even travel to Jupiter without spending more than a year and then only with a couple of people. That is not much of a platform to go to locations thousands of times further away. They have got bad physics. Too much Einstein, sloppy Bohr, and too little Broglie/Bohm, and way too little coptic christianity. Advanced Damp Machine Rocket Science. Like using Viking boats to cross the Atlantic, if that. But, of course, Firth is in the evolutionary chain tied hard to Forth, which has been in space, used for satellites and for rockets to the moon as well, for decades. Ever since the NASA scientists start sending Windows to outer space and abandoned the conventional classical machines in favour of a laptop with a mouse they have lost more rockets than they have gained knowledge. All they know now, compared to 1969, is that it (sometime) rained on Mars. Speaking of technological development, there is not ONE INSTANCE in computer technology that was not around in 1973. All and everything which has happened in computer technology 1973-2008 is completely and utterly in terms of making things smaller. And making things smaller is the type of things which require no intelligence at all, just nerdian precision work into the small hours. Smaller and, as a consequence of lower prices, faster as a sum. So while computers are ten thousand times larger than two decades ago in capacity, and smaller in dimension since then, there is no element whatsoever that wasn't around in some form in 1973, even a form of window graphics and mouse pointer device (yes, Palo Alto Research Center, I know, but even you built on elements which were already around, you know). The Internet was developed by the military to withstand centralized atomic attack. The HTML script language was just a token of hundreds of script protocols existing already in the 1950s. The distinction between 2008 and the 1960s and early 1970s is that back then, there was real development; now, there is, 98 percent, just the pretense of development, and head-shaking response to anyone who actually does something which is worthy of being called real development. Universities gives computer science professorship to people who have never really programmed, just imitated, very professionally, books. They have arrogance, but it is the wrong kind of arrogance -- the infantile type. They are arrogant against excellence, excellence in spirit, in generosity, in goodness. They fight it in their students for they distrust their own future if they cultivate greatness in their disciples. And so the whole university communities, once places which actually cultivated some real development, have become rather like churches. And you see on occasion the exalted look, or hear the snort of ecstasy from the students, when they talk of The Development From Algorithmic Programming to Object-Oriented Programming and The Prospects of Connectionist Neural Network Programming. If you raise your eyebrows to their ideas of progress, you may see their faces rather become rather as the mormons in suit with the book about gold tablets and their solemn, well-shaven Utah-manners, asking you whether you have right priorities in life. For what is holy to them, is holy to them, and not a million intuitions shall convince them to leave their illusions: the illusions that give them the nice clothes, the group they can report back into, and -- contrary to what the master himself said, in their own bible -- the group they pray with. "Go, and pray alone!" -- is not that what he reputedly said? And so the universities are religions, religions fighting other religions, tied up into church communities, and very very few stand so completely alone that they can meet other human beings in a respectable, full, dignified, honest, interesting manner. Also here, I have to say: The GJ2 is, with its B9, a vitamin tablet. You have, for sure, tried B12. Fresh eggs have B12 in them. They piff you up. Now try B9. I grew up with the dictum that only where there are complementary perspectives, there is consciousness: this was the type of thing my father Stein Braten said when he worked in cybernetics, and he had fellow researches adding such things as consciousness is a conversation. He fought marxist ideology at the University of Oslo, the institute of sociology, also by producing a theory of model power, modellmakt, or model monopoly, in which his key points was how to dissolve it -- a notion which several schools of therapists took to heart, for they realized that unhealthy states of minds often are in a condition resembling a model power. He then wrote a scifi book he never published, called Colosseum, in which all the world was ruled, 1984-Orwell like, but not by a person, but by the ever-present Computer, and in which the model monopoly theory had to be called on to dissolve it. The Cloud concept of computing is the attempt to make a dictatorship in humanity by the contribution of many people who couldn't care less: and to the extent people are plugged into the machinery Internet has become for many hours each day, they become completely stupid -- not in ways showing up on all forms of Stanford-Binet tests, but in ways you can check only if you yourself are not trapped in thought, in the model monopoly of mechanised quasi-communicating thought. As Bohm, who studied dialogue and assumption dissolution also with Patrick de Mare, a christian, said in one of his last books -- I think the one with Mark Evans, photographer for the British Crown, and a Jiddu Krishnamurti friend also -- 'Change of Consciousness': people use technology to, as they say, communicate more and more but in fact they communicate less and less. That was the gist of a portion of their message, I think. So in order to judge what's in, what's fashionable, what's trendy, in a real and genuine sense, in the sense that it has the glow of the substance of love and joy and the heat of inner insight and foundation in god-love in humanity, you must work hard, extremely hard, for a very, very long time -- or go ahead with stamash studies, being exposed to those who have done just that. And getting started with the B9 editor is part of stamash training. To write to yourself in a way which invites rethinking of all concepts, all schemes, even what the very letters and digits themselves can do to our thinking. I quote many so-called authorities, and respectable individuals, such as my father the scientist, but let me also add, here as other places, that what I say I stand for myself, and that the sum total of my approach and emphasis is something I have worked out as much as during the fifteen or eighteen months I lived and worked in Manhattan, New York, often utterly penniless, but never touching drugs, seeing things, thinking thinks, feeling things through without the security net of much affluence and many open doors. In New York, I wanted to disprove Abraham Maslow's hypothesis that bread must come before philosophy, that social life is a foundation before actualisation, -- I wanted to have the philosophical wavelength even though I didn't know where to get money from next week, or whether the apartment I was lending from extremely kind friends could be lent next week also. I wanted to test and check whether generosity can go deeper than property greed. I wanted to see what intuition can do, when that intuition is not forced to make quick solutions but rather brought into life by a constantly vibrant wavelength of generous good communication on a soul-level, without a bible as foundation, without making a cult or clan or organisation out of it, with many people. It worked wonderfully. I wrote then on what I called the Manhattan Transformation, and after rewritings perhaps a hundred times, the somewhat crazed-sexy papers which have been part of the Firth sex games in the Firth platform (text games, in a way, but more an art experience than a strategy game) since 2006 came to be a foundation in feeling which has been with me permanently since then. The first clear, radiant expression of this feeling was the motion from what I had coined as Firth, meaning, in Scotland, a fjord or mouth of river, to what I coined as Firth Lisa. A slight level of hierarchy was imposed on Firth. Just so very slight it was possible to group ideas more clearly. Once this had come, then a whole series of new projects began emerging, and this is now what is represented, in the forms of numerous beginnings that I will work more and more on in the decades to come. So the Red Hat 8.0 is what I call a USB utility partition. I use it mostly for communicating with peripheral entities. All the development of GJ2 works happen in essence while I am attuned to the first partition of the harddisk, which is the Firth OAC proper, with its Lisa GJ2 extension, and the extension to it again, which is the Fic extension, the latter something which I may want to sell or may want to just keep for myself, for the GJ2 is a wholeness which more naturally conveys in a way that is easily explainable this wholeness I am talking about, convinced about, and feel so much when I work. As you perhaps have noticed, if you have looked into any of my work at any level of depth, there is a sense of ecstasy about my approach, but much as high states of mind might be associated with either manianism or amphetamines or cocaines in some people's mind, it is for me calm, tranquil, strong, deep and perfectly natural, based on a vegetarian diet with eggs and vitamins and soy bean products and yoghurt-like milk products and tremendous stamash exercises, long long walks, and an alternation between utter solitude / long sleep hours and either hard private work or joyous interaction with people socially. Happiness as a byproduct of grand living with a heart, but which can defend itself by the type of arrogance which is sophisticated, with humility so as to breed righteousness and beauty, is the ground for this activity, and it is my intent not to reach as many as possible as fast as possible but to bring this quality into a formidable, strong, resillient, beautiful minority, who can take charge of consciousness matters in humanity but not do so on the basis of personal agendas or lasting attachments to anything except personal inner meditation and prayer -- the only thing really stable. In the future, given the variety of browsers, operating platforms, Java runtimes and what not, some of this may have to be modified -- in case, check with current info by searching on java.policy in a browser, check also up what IBM folks say on it. For instance, one might be in a situation where c:\\luck3\\TEST1.txt is more right to say than /luck3/TEST1.txt. One might be in a situation in which "cmd" is no longer the right command to show the UserProfile directory when in a Microsoft XP / Vista-like platform. If all else fails, get a Java Jdk1.1.8 with Appletviewer program, which is a predictable item; or search for a particularly Java 1.1 compatible browser or the like -- the is one of the best places to learn to program, since very advanced examples are provided there for all major programming languages. Yet another thing may be to modify the codeBase line so it says something like* or instead. In a world with many platforms, technical instructions cannot be easily made simple, if they are to be considered accurate enough to stand the test of time. This site I intend to have standing till the end of Earth's days -- except perhaps some very few additions now and then, entirely unchanged. For internet WILL prevail, in its present fashion, even if additional networks are erected to facilitate hyper-video-transfer and such toys for grown-ups who are still kids. The most movement-rich dance-rich item in the manifest universe is the text: second to that is the recording of improvisation of arrythmic free play or rock; third, I think, is the static image, the photo of the young nude girl or girls in bisexual unfoldment: for it does not say what is to happen next. It is an item of eternity, or, as William Blake would say, a crossing-point of eternity with the temporal. A program is next on the list, for it is not just a text, but prescribes a sequence, and the most static of all is the video, for it locks the sequence with petty details. The more static the brain is, the more it wants videos. Videos are for senile people, and it is a kind of nice two-way about it: senile people want videos, and videos make people senile. Add a little bit drugs, a heavy meat-based diet, an unhealthy love for diamonds, and there is complete collapse of brain functionality and goodbye to this incarnation. The alternative to simulate, quasi-simulate, intelligence in terms of videos and videogames is to sTimulate, and the ancient, proven recipe for stimulation is coarse-grained diversity. 256 colors, or 8-bit color depth, and 768*1024 in 3*4 monitor is what GJ2 gives, in a wild diversity, and something of this is found in minigj2 as well. As Arne Naess pointed out to me when he showed me his eminent Rachmaninov on piano, when you stick to one vocabulary, you can express all you want to express there. Low-res invites the brain to be self-active in putting it together, to make an inner hi-res. The outer hi-res suggests to the brain that it should go to sleep, because the world is so over-powering and un-empowering. Widescreen is the type of monitor which makes the brain go to sleep. And with widescreen laptops doing autotrading of stocks, the global business in 2008 went into a crisis not seen since 1930. Or as the SAS-pilot Kent (I don't remember his surname) told me in a midsummer party in the mountains -- "in earlier days, a pilot could feel the whole plane merely by touching the stick, for it was connected to the machine, physically. Now, they sit with joysticks, for hours and hours and do nothing but watch a display which does auto-takeoff and auto-landing and if anything goes wrong to the plane, the pilots have forgotten how to fly it. So," he added, carefully, "I try to get as many flights to off-metropolitan mountain-near destinations as possible, where one has to fly manually for the computers don't work there." This extremely educated and sincere, calm, expert pilot of high standing in a highly reputable airtraveller in Scandinavia said just a few sentences like that -- quoted by memory, forgive me please if I have slightly misquoted -- and they made an impression on me that has been with me for a decade, during the whole development of the new programming language. --The word "first-hand" does not mean that I despise "second-hand books": on the contrary, I love second-hand books, because they stimulate first-hand thinking as much as first-hand books, but it is used rather in the sense I first heard, in a recording, J.Krishnamurti use it, when he spoke of the importance of not becoming what he termed "a second-hand human being". One can critisize this man for much but he was a poet of the first rank -- greater than Walt Whitman, but building on him, as much as on theosophy and advaita vedanta. And while the language is full of over-statements no decent individual should try to live by, seen as poetry it has eclectical elements which charge ahead and across time. Anyway, back to the issue of configuring your browser to run MINIGJ2 fully, also with its JPG-BROWSER inner program for semi-anonymous browsing of the thumbnails jpegs of nudity sites for anatomical inspiration for your art and your muscles and your face toning and your shining hairs (I will add a note or two inside it or underneath the window with it about how to start this when it is finished in December 2008 -- and this text around it completed before it was done). So these lines -- in SunM's syntax with the Grants of Permissions -- are added to the .java.policy file, which exists already, or, often, you must create it yourself. Create it in that which is called "User Profile" area of your computer, and on some computers that is more easy and obvious to find out about than on others. On this page, I have assembled some of the rules of thumbs I know about. I also do not want to spell it out so clearly that those who don't give attention to it can do it in reckless speed. I want you to do this first-hand or not at all. So: If this file does not exist at the Java userprofile area if you run Linux, or as something like \Documents and Settings\USERNAME (the login name instead of USERNAME) if you run Windows or similar / better, like Wine, then make it -- just copy the lines above and save to that filename with the initial dot, .java.policy. If it does exist, extend it by adding the lines at bottom or at the top, gently, preserving what's already in it. To do this in Windows, select the command "Run.." or the like from the Start menu (or whatever menu, or choose Command Line from Accessories or the like), and then it will usually open straight into the right folder, the C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name Here. Then, type cmd (or the word 'command' or perhaps another, like cmd64 in the future, or try sth like \windows\system32\command) and press lineshift (or perhaps just write directly) notepad and press lineshift (or somehow start another useful editor, at some platforms the word edit will work, at Linux kedit is my favourite, with gedit a good number two) and copy and paste the lines into it and save to .java.policy if the files don't exist, and open it and paste into it if the file do exist. Note: Open it in Start>All Programs>Accessories> WordPad if this text-file looks cluttered when first opened in Notepad. Save it; THEN open it in Notepad. This is a general rule of thumb in Windows-like platforms, so I repeat it beneath. To get a directory listing in cmd, type DIR, e.g. DIR "C:\Program Files" or (when there is no open spaces in the foldernames), dir c:\programfiler. Put in flashdisks and check by the ordinary file manager (e.g., click on something like My Computer) to see which drive-letter it has assigned. On a flashdisk, e.g. DIR E: or DIR J:, CD changes directory (e.g. CD "\Program Files"), a command like C: or E: changes which drive is set as current, MKDIR TEMP makes a temporary directory and DEL TEMP deletes the files in it, but not the folders (use a file manager to delete the folders also), and RMDIR TEMP removes an empty folder named TEMP, while a command like CD LUCK3 followed by COPY E:BACKUP copies all files in the backup folder in the current active region set by CD in the drive E: to the present folder, which is LUCK3, and which you make first by typing something like C: then CD \ to go to top folder then MKDIR LUCK3. To cleanse a flashdisk, make sure it is less than 30 GB in size to ensure it doesn't get the wrong file format (incompatible:NTFS, compatible & right format: FAT32), be absolutely sure which drive it is located at (e.g. X: or J: or E: but be 100 percent sure), then, if it is e.g. Z:, type FORMAT Z: /FS:FAT32 and while this cleanses it fairly well, Microsoft is full of hidden scripts and to be really sure, insert the flashdisk in an ancient classic iMac OS 9 and format it there, or at least, in Linux, do a mount /dev/sda1 /a on it, if /a is a fully empty subfolder, and rm /a/* -fr which is a command you must take a deep breath or fourteen before ever typing in at a Linux console (because the -fr, which you can think of as a mnemonics for 'free', overrides all and every file and directory up to the level you give to the rm, the ReMove command). There is more to learn about cmd and such, try putting /? after a command like FORMAT to see more options. Cmd is a bad version of the COMMAND.COM which is the thin layer between hardware and the programs in the 32-bit Firth OAC, which is far, far more advanced and Dos-compatible than Microsoft's own as-if-dos'es. Firth is a SHRI DOS MAHARISHI, so to speak, to speak in Indian slang for a moment. As for issues with seeing textfiles in Notepad: If you open java.policy or .java.policy, it may be that instead of lineshifts, just some squares show, and it is looking rather cramped: but this is healed easily enough -- just open it in another editor with a little bit more flexibility Linux-compatibility, namely such as Wordpad, which is usually found under Start.. All Programs.. Accessories. Open the file in Wordpad, save it, and THEN use notepad as instructed just above. Wordpad is a useful tool to "heal" a cramped textfile which comes from Linux or Apple OS X (which is a form of Unix with all its as-if artistic pixel-arithmetic on top to mimick some illusions of 3d, making it look like a toy, and act like one). (Wordpad can also, like notepad, be started from command line, but it varies with the language edition, it can be something as long as "C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\wordpad" or, in Norwegian, "C:\Programfiler\Windows NT\Tilbe&oeslash;r\wordpad" as command to start it up. Not something to do in your sparetime unless you have absolutely nothing else to do. The above things are not complicated in content or meaning, just in notion, in "syntax" -- and in other words, it is quickly learned and then you can do it in seconds. If you learn to do these little nice things, in a perceptive way -- for some companies change things around just in order to make a new version number so they can sell the same baggy old product the next season all over again to the same customers, claiming it is a "must have" -- but Windows XP etc is still a sloppily made MSDOS program, in which the philosophy has been: if it can't be fixed, don't fix it, just add a lot more so as to mess it up and fragment the responsibility and make it seem like the "alien" programs to this platform are the sources of the problem. So learn to do these things and you can use the following mini-version of my programming language (a kind of emulation, I don't like hierarchical Java and hierarchical Linux and control-freaked Microsoft but when I do currency transaction work I need a little bit bridge so beneath is the bridge2.jar -- LIVE!! ;) (The suffix .jar means it is a bundle of those notorious ".class" files, which Sun Microsystems -- not the real Sun out there, but these nerds who are in love with hierarchical schemes have made so that others who do not know anything about real programming can do a "let's pretend programming" by developing some nonsensical hierarchical divisions which have no relevance at all either to the world, to perception, or to the lively interface with the user. For programming has always had to do with algorithms, more algorithms, and yet more algorithms, and nothing but algorithms, because that is what the CPU of every digital computer with respect for itself is all about -- algorithms, algorithms, and algorithms, and then RAM, and loops to handle external devices incl keyboard, mice, displays, printers, and network connections. Just as reading a book about walking is not the same as walking so is programming in terms of defining classes not the same as programming. More hints on getting you to have full save&load: If you cannot figure out where the user profile area for Java is, or the program seems to ignore it even if you have got it right, there is a more devastating way to do this -- something which every administrator with respect for herself&himself would say is quite on the edge -- but if you have got the flair of a good locksmith, ice in your stomach, and backups stored in a safe cold location dug into the ground, you can try it -- and it will, of course, work wonderfully well. And that is to go straight to the heart of the security manager, and type in something like this grant codeBase "file:/luck3/*" { permission; }; grant codeBase "" { permission; }; The security manager is, for Linux, with the above runtime, a place such as here: /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_10/jre/lib/security and so you go to that directory ('cd' to it) and then do sth like kedit java.policy and this time there is no dot in front of the java. This is the real thing. By the way, copy the original one first: cp java.policy Then you add those two lines, perhaps rather on top, or right after the initial statement. This will also give you full browser freedom in a folder named /luck3 where you can put whatever Java applets you want the browser to LOVE and give unlimited access to -- ftp and what not. But don't tell anyone I told you. I mean, it is legal, it is your own computer damn it, it is just that if you forget yourself, and leave in too many permissions, then these not-quite-extraterrerstial bored people who hope that they are genuises when they are not make what they hope will be regarded as a "virus" for they are not willing to admit that life is greater than that. And the thing is to block out those idiots and so you must watch it when you leave the door ajar. Messing about with a place like /usr/java/jre1.6.0_10/lib/security/java.policy or, for those who install the compiler jdk, a place like /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_10/jre/lib/security/java.policy is leaving the door ajar, esp. when you use the phrase AllPermission. So set it back again; show courtesy to the next user if at cafe. Okay, so, on Windows XP the similar is somewhat language dependent for the first word-phrase but in English it is, as a standard which is easily modified, however, when the runtime is installed -- a place like \Program Files\java\jdk1.6.0_10\jre\lib\security\java.policy or like \Program Files\java\jre6\lib\security\java.policy (perhaps with a different version number, check in Preferences in the browser for which version number under a heading like 'Advanced'), then look in a file manager, or write, in cmd, DIR "C:\Program Files\java\*.*" and also for any local language translation, such as, in Scandinavia (at least in Norway, my mother tongue) DIR "C:\Programfiler\java\*.*" Once you have found it, then (in Linux perhaps in /usr/share/java/jre6/lib/security/java.policy or in /usr/share/java/jdk1.6.0_10/jre/lib/security/java.policy) open it in Wordpad under Accessories, save it, then go back to the Start->Run and type in cmd or in some other way get to the command line and slash in a word like notepad in front of that deliciously simplistic line and the whole standard text should come up. If it doesn't, just check what alternative regions the main java jre stuff is installed to, and find the lib folder, the security subfolder, and then the java.policy. And, by the way, in Konqueror, you can turn the whole security manager off with the click of a button inside its settings -- a good thing when developing an applet and being at your own with your PC, but do turn it on again before connecting it. Or just use USB flash disks to other PCs which are connected. Many PCs have several JREs installed and it may be complicated to tell which 'java' or 'java.exe' command, or similar (like 'javaw') which is active; in case, if you keep a list of where you put it, put it into ALL the .policy files in ALL the runtimes. But then it is more to clean up before giving the machine to others, so you have to have what we might call a certain sense of german order. As one who is an artist, piano player, philosopher (all autodidact), as well as programmer (also autodidact), I have learned to distinguish where one can (and perhaps must) be playful, full of gaiety and vividness, even a kind of light fluttering Mozart-like or Boehme-like or Vivaldi- like upwardness without grounding, and where one must be extremely sensitive to nuances. So when it comes to programming, you have got to get every comma right: and when it comes to communicating with living human beings with actual natural human minds and no fake stupid artificial intelligence to them at all, no idiotic Turing test passed (though Turing would never have accepted the so-called "Turing's test", for his own version was immensely more sophisticated), then by all means do grammatical errors. You see it in Red Zones and Pink Districts of all the metropolitan areas: wherever there is a serious spelling error up front in the window, perhaps even in the name of the shop, you can be sure that something not quite bourgeoise is going on inside. Some comments for those who want to get into CT for real. CT = Currency Transaction (or perhaps currency trading), meant here in the spot market, sometimes called the fx market. I take here the first-hand approach, and attempt to blend some of the concepts I apply myself with the conventional terminology made up by economists and often not quite explained at the present time. This explanation in the following couple of paragraphs will probably only make good sense to you if you begin looking at these concepts elsewhere first -- then come back here. If one wants to avoid what is conventionally called "leverage", one must ask for leverage 1:1. A standard is often 1:100. Leverage really means a multiplication of risk as well as income possibility. It means multiplying what you trade with, with a factor, so that the difference in gain or nongain is also multiplied. A CT EXAMPLE: USD => EUR e.g. one has a EUR price at $1.29859 EUR/USD:BUY Buy relative to the EUR/USD concept EUR => USD e.g. one has a EUR price at $1.29834 EUR/USD:SELL Sell relative to the EUR/USD concept Note that the EUR/USD or EURUSD -- Euro US-dollar -- pair is written in a certain direction which is -- as a rule of thumb -- the opposite of that which is entirely intuitive. But we can live with it. When one buys on the EurUsd pair, one is moving USD=>EUR. A buying from a bank will relate to the price that the bank ASKS, and the Ask price is a little higher than the Bid price. The Bid price is what you get for the currency when you sell it. Now, in a first-hand terminology, we would not talk of EUR/USD:SELL but we would simply say: EUR => USD, as follows the flow of the functions in the Lisa GJ2 programming language I've made. So if you have EUR/USD:BUY 100.000 and you then order EUR/USD:SELL 100.000 some time later, you are completing the CT, the currency transaction. In the present terminology of the banks and the Interbank operating between the banks (not InterbankFX, which is a large broker with a fancy name, but the very Interbank used for large-sized currencies by banks on a market going in the trillions every day, a concept which stems back before the time when World Wide Web became popular), doing a buy at the EURUSD for 100.000 and then doing a sell on it later is, first, to "open a position", and then "close it". The more such open positions, the more complicated it is to give attention to what you're doing, just as the more parallel programs you're running, the more mind-boggling operating the PC it will be, and the PC will in all likelihood have to be rebooted when certain combinations of heavy programs are started. (So keep it simple, Intelligent One: KISIO, we might say ;) To remember it all, one can think of the EUR/USD concept as this: One is in USD-country (as a mental idea), and wants to either buy or sell EUR. If one wants to buy it, we are talking of a USD=>EUR situation, of course. And then selling means simply the opposite, the EUR=>USD situation. That's how to remember it. And since the prices fluctuate each second, it is the optimistic approach one has to take: that the price the bank or broker asks when you buy is lower then the price the bank or broker bids when you sell. But since this is an abstract concept, and since the banks and brokers might not do all that much change of currencies themselves but rather have a lot of money so as to handle a lot of CT work by individual people and companies, the bank or broker, the CT institution, is just as happy with the reverse direction: it is possible to begin by selling, and then do the buying. That is why I say that the terminology is somewhat arbitrary. It is put together by a series of not quite seriously thought-through notions, but it is possible to use them, just as even though I prefer warp friendly programming to object oriented programming and all that, I can do Java programming when I must, and then perhaps even better -- since my foundational attitude is different, I have a complementary horizon with which to evaluate what I'm doing. So, instead of taking the word "buy" or "sell" too seriously when it comes to e.g. the EUR-USD pair, just think of them as specifying which direction it is going to go: BUY means USD => EUR and a relationship to ASK price while SELL means EUR => USD and a relationship to BID price. The exact price given for the EURUSD pair is however suited for the BUY idea. There's a little bit more complexity involved -- such as, the currency transaction program might list a currency transaction beginning with a SELL in the minus form, but that is merely to tell you that you'd like the prices listed for the pair to go down instead of up. It's a little bit like jiggling (or like sex), you have to get used to it, and then it starts getting fun. But you must read Ian Fleming's Casino Royale very, very carefully first -- not the video (right?), but the book. Not the violent scenes in it, but the type of activity by Bond at, and prior to, the Casino; the type of judgement; the type of cool aspiration towards luck but very calm assessment of risks. If we for the moment look at currency transactions not merely as these pairs, but in terms of actual buying and selling of currencies, of what I call a "regrounding" of the currency of your savings account, you might think of the transition from e.g. USD => EUR => GBP => USD as very straight-forward. For each arrow => there is a payment to the bank because the BID and ASK price have a marginal difference. But if you think of it in terms of pairs and positions, it will quickly become something like this, if USD is the ground of the currency. USD => EUR => USD, then, USD => GBP => USD That is to say, instead of three arrows => we have four arrows. So the rolling of a currency over to the next currency (not necessarily what is by fx folks called a "roll-over", each concept has usually two-three meanings in the bank contexts) is not necessarily so easy in the Forex market given these pairs. However, what is possible, given these pairs, which is an advantage over the idea of "regrounding an account", is that you can do something like GBP => USD without having to start with GBP as your ground currency. Really, then, some types of popular CT at present is a kind of relationship to currency pairs, which is IN SOME SENSE beyond the question of whatever currency your account is grounded in. Yet, the question of what currency your account is grounded in is obviously of great importance: it should be one of the world's most robust and stable currencies. At the moment of writing, CHF is one such, as well as USD and EUR. One can put in all sorts of 'stop orders', 'good till cancel' (GTC) and so on, but it is perhaps the case that the first-hand approach would suggest that we operate directly, with what is called "spot prices", and close directly such open positions, when the time is right, at the market price that you are more or less offered by the program or the Internet terminal you operate rather than leave it second-hand fashion to an algorithm as autopilot. Though in some cases one might put in such an auto stop order just as a safety element in case something happens politically which upsets the relationships even between stable currencies so much that one should cut the losses and get out of the deal, even if the computer is turned off. Leaving such limits on the trade is then adding to the safety of the approach, if one knows what one is doing. My own approach as it has emerged is that the ground-work with forecasts over weeks and understanding of foregoing months in terms of broad outlines of the values, more than the assumed reasons behind the fluctuations, give the intuitive / logical blend of resonance in gut feeling with sharp mind instinct at the rationality level to do gambling in an income- bringing way with no risk involved, involving usually but one position and usually this one is done with in the same session. This, at least, as I do it now. Ideally, the bank should offer an interest rate on the CT account -- and so approach an ordinary savings account. But perhaps at the moment of writing few do offer such an interest rate. [Technical note: If the application is of Java type .jnlp version 1.5 one will open it by means of /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_10/bin/javaws installed if one uses Linux, and in the GOODIES option on the BRIDGE2 java window I give a link to a Mozilla-1.3 which works with Linux, and this Mozilla can be instructed to point to javaws -- Java Web Start -- whenever a .jnlp file is encountered. Banks often have version 1.3 or 1.4 as this is offering a certain degree of extra facilities for signing and safety which they like. Some require 1.5 and some has too much checking of version number so not even Konqueror, which works with Java 1.6, is not detected as actually having Java 1.6. In the GOODIES one also finds out how to install Firefox with Wine under this Linux, as well as several other programs. Mozilla 1.3 will run it all, cfr info pointed to by the GOODIES option in the BRIDGE2 when it's complete. Some pages opens better with the 'wine firefox' browser: How to configure the world's most robust and most coherent and most beautiful Linux with Wine running the most beautiful-looking Windows95 programs -- which are better than the over-cluttered Windows-programs made later -- and with the Firth partition running the full Lisa GJ2 platform is all explained through the information which is mentioned when GOODIES or the other options are started in the MINILISA. And these files, with their original acknowledgements, licenses and such intact -- freeware, open source, honest programs -- are all saved here so that one doesn't have to depend on those libraries of programs which suddenly take away things from their network because there has been a phase in which fewer people selected some programs. So the offers a complete enterprise at all levels, including even Flash-enabled and Adobe PDF-enabled browsers for standard PCs with 3*4 display and a fully Vesa- compatible videocard (like many Nvidea) with at least 16 MB cross-platform available videoram on it; and sound for those who have SoundBlaster as of 1995 compatibility.] The intelligent currency transaction thinker learns to look at these prices directly. Calculate manually the midprice -- above, that would be 1.29859 plus 1.29834 divided to two, and rounded to same amount of decimals perhaps. Then find out the percentage of difference from midprice to either one of them. It should be, as a broad estimate, no more than 0.17 percent, although it is understood that, due to the present laws (again perhaps not ideal but something one can get used to) the banks have the right to assert the prices they think they can get or must have, and that when they do not trade much amounts in a certain currency pair, the difference percent goes (perhaps radically up), while when one or both of the currencies are fluctuating more -- thus, up to a point, making these currencies in fact more interesting -- they can say that the market is "so volatile" that they difference percent must go up (this difference percent is sometimes meaningfully called 'margin' although that word has very very different uses in the same context and so it is perhaps best not to employ that concept at all). WORKING WITH LEVERAGE OTHER THAN 1:1, E.G. LEVERAGE 1:100 Once the basic premise of not wanting to do high-risky multiplications of possible income (also called "leverage") is established, you might want to ask: well, what if we are going to do it after all -- but as carefully as possible? Since there is a lot more offers for working with 1:100 leverage (e.g. someone iso-certified and in that sense practically a bank, with good prices, such as while those who offer 1:1 leverage -- which is to say, freedom from having to lend from the bank when one does currency transactions -- are perhaps fewer as yet. I don't know if ac-markets can give it, but a request to, Deutsche Bank AG, which offers an extremely concise and to the point Java .njlp version of their trading program, confirmed that they can offer it for their standard account -- given that the customer asks for it to be the standard setting in the real account (although their present demo account has a 1:100 leverage). The Swiss ISO- certified ACM -- Advanced Currency Markets -- requires a solid startingpoint of some USD 5000 but their Java Trading Platform runs well with Mozilla 1.3 when the Javaws in Java 1.6, the runtime indicated above on this page, is pointed to the .jnlp program the first time Mozilla encounters it (while the internal Java runtime for this Mozilla as for applets should be somewhat earlier). Honest banks offer prices online. At the time of writing, I found ACM very competitive, and I'll grant them this space here (along with some other ones): ========================================================== [Go to the main page at or rather than this somewhat simplified version of the same page to see the streaming currencies, thank you.] Note: During such times when global currency transactions are going on, and in which you are connected to an uncensored internet line, fluctuating numbers should appear in the paragraph above -- fluctuations (not necessarily updated to the second, but within the last minutes or hour) which are generated by actual trading. To check for bid/ask price distinction, cfr with banks and brokers online; given honest conditions, the bid/ask prices in their demonstration or game fx accounts are identical to those of real accounts, minute by minute. However the notion of describing bid/ask difference by means of "pips", "points" and "spreads", though fancy-looking, cannot be more than a slight indication, since the actual percentage differences -- multiplied by the leverage -- is what you have to relate to as to the work to increase your own money. This information granted by the above sites is provided freely by the above sites in accordance with their free offers for paste/copy HTML code. I have no responsibility for their content and I have also not charged anything for the inclusion of these links to their websites. The spirit with which I include it here is educational and benefit-for-all, as I believe it is possible to approach CT on an understanding that it involves a fair high degree ethics and, given suitable safety precautions, also security, in a money earning approach for a person of a generous inclination who wish to finance her or his own idealism, so to speak. I do myself engage in leverage-approaches for speed income generations, but I provide a lot of suggestions at this site for why it is important to calm down any gambling instinct and think through for real what one is doing. Having said that, it follows from the physics worldview of this author that, given a noble intent of the use of money earned, and given suitable entrainment of resonance with what one is speculating over, as well as an understanding of what types of actions in money earning situations can be considered as having good karma (as I also call "goyon"), it is possible to nurture good luck and good synchronicities -- as part of the very wide healing activity which can be subsummated under the name of coptic prayer in my sense. ================================================================ It is instructive to see the swift changes second by second in the streaming java applet of currency quotes at the front page of the Deutsche Bank AG's currency trade website, cfr Again, for those who want merely a more currency-flexible type of savings account, a solid, robust bank which is willing adjust leverages e.g. to 1:1, such as Deutsche Bank AG, and which also offers competitive prices, deserves attention. Note however that there may be times in which some of the above do not, for some reason, connect to the source websites; and it is typical that there is up to fifteen minutes or even an hour in variation as to the time of day to which the above applies. These are then but indications. [I'll try and keep the and updated as for items which link to other places but the aim is to keep the sites very stable.] So, to aim at robustness for the 1:100 or even a 1:400 leverage approach, one might want to work with the top six seven pairs and perhaps something like the three scandinavian currencies (as long as they are not swallowed up by the euro monopoly) as a kind of guideline: USD => GBP GBP => USD USD => AUD AUD => USD JPY => USD USD => JPY JPY => EUR EUR => JPY JPY => GBP GBP => JPY JPY => CHF CHF => JPY JPY => AUD AUD => JPY JPY => CAD CAD => JPY CHF => USD USD => CHF CHF => EUR EUR => CHF CHF => GBP GBP => CHF CHF => AUD AUD => CHF CAD => USD USD => CAD CAD => EUR EUR => CAD CAD => AUD AUD => CAD CAD => GBP GBP => CAD GBP => EUR EUR => GBP AUD => GBP GBP => AUD SEK => USD USD => SEK SEK => EUR EUR => SEK DKK => USD USD => DKK DKK => EUR EUR => DKK NOK => EUR EUR => NOK NOK => USD USD => NOK and more such. Can one do a low-risk trading given a 1:100 leverage? Or even a 1:400 leverage? It is possible only if one trades with a small portion of the sum one has started with -- and sticks to the most robust currencies, those which have an economy which is real and founded on something else than stock trading. So then one must address one more point, which is this: what is the least trading sum allowed? The question of what is conventionally called "one lot" -- the "lot size" -- is then relevant. If the minimum trading size is, say, one hundred thousand dollars, and the leverage is 1:100, then trading for one thousand dollars of your own money involves trading with one hundred thousands of the bank's or broker's money. But then, if the account has five thousand dollars, you are trading only with one fifth of what you have in the account: and if the variations are so small as they often but not always are for the robust big seven or eight plus three scandinavian currencies, then it may be that it is easy to stay far away from running the account into the negative sum where one suddenly must pay the bank money. On the other hand, one must know what one is doing and also realize that the tiny differences in price between sell price and buy price are multiplied one hundred times with each transaction -- and so, using up money is easy that way. So there is a number of challenges and risks if one does a leverage approach. If one has a lot of solid rationality and solid intuition however it is also easy to earn money that way quick -- by e.g. waiting to do a closing of position until it has gone up, supposing it in fact goes up. For a broad general forecast going weeks you should have a daily download of currency data from someone who offers it on the HTML basis, at current, is one such source. Here, the minilisa can be used for autodownload once each day, say each morning before the internet intensity is high and so the chances of a stable connection is good. A forecast program should operate on the same point of day each day to get a meaningful sense of change of the currencies, as a rule of thumb, and not succumb to schemes such as Fibonacci, which is best for art; here we need first-hand perception. If the bank or broker offering you Forex also offers detailed minute by minute charts going weeks back then, when the Internet connection has been severed and the data is lacking for a day, you can pick it out of the chart and plug it into your forecasting program. A forecasting program should not be considered anymore than a stimuls for your mind, your intuition. Forecasting on the major currencies based on actual working with the numbers gives you a resonance, a feel, a coherent quantum/supermodel activity relative to the lively fluctuations of some robust coherent currencies, and can be a ground for operating with leverage if you like it. I do so, and I have both the programmer's ease of handling numbers as well as the right type of lucky hand with it, -- but I would only recommend getting into it after you've become fully aware of the importance of staying far away from the possibility of getting into debt that way. You want to grow success, but you must not do so in a way which could lead to a trail of negative actions, which can prevent opening new accounts in banks. So rather stay out of it than doing it on a risk-basis. When you really know what it is all about, you can do so without really taking risks: because you have skills, intuition, calmness, quietude, professionality, just as the expert mountain-walker. If at all possible, choose bank wires rather than credit card transfers; look for as much as possible of ISO-certifications for the place; trade only with money which is a surplus for you, not money which is foundational to you; do it only after you have spent a whole lot of time getting a relationship to the currencies, both logically, intuitively and in terms of experience; and if you want to start with a small sum, consider such a place like, where the requirements for platform is such that it is compatible also with open source approaches involving a Java such as the one listed here, which can work with Mozilla-1.3. There is no reason why they should go to newer and newer versions of Java, because what they get with 1.5 is certainly far more than enough to have the security, the options, and the speed they want for such an account. Using something like Jikes is possible so as to choose a much earlier -target version for the resulting version, even, if well done, as early as version 1.1, which is what I have done with my Bridge2. GOOD LUCK WHETHER YOU CHOOSE 1:1, 1:100, 1:400 OR SOME OTHER LEVERAGE IN DOING YOUR CT WORK!!! But rather do nothing than something if you're uncertain. ========================================================= In general: watch out for those thousand terms invented by second-hand thinking economists to cover up that they are nothing but professional poker players. "Trading securities" might as well be named "trading insecurities". The word "derivatives" might mean "gossip-based" -- while "mark to market" might mean "taking gossip too seriously". So you must be, as I often say, immodest in the right way. There is a difference between infantile arrogance and the interesting, sophisticated arrogance which is humble at the right spots. BEWARE TWO THINGS: while the is and the identical one, the, are created by me, anyone who claims to re-represent this material may in fact have put in some bogus stuff -- decompiled, inserted stuff, recompiled, and to all appearances it is the same except it isn't and so watch out. That is point number one -- second point is that even the sites of something as well-cemented as bank sites should be have sometimes, for a short while, been hacked, and any element of AllPermission is exactly then what would be not so smart to have in the PC. I mean to say that while I constantly check the content of my own sites, I cannot claim or garantee that there won't be some hours, or a day or even some days, in which somebody has done something to my sites. And if somebody has hacked it, then those innocent sweet things called bridge2.jar might be different -- for those hours, or at most days, until I find it out and set it back and double up the security and passwords in new ways. I mention this because I WANT NO RESPONSIBILITY WHATSOEVER AS FOR WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR PC WHEN YOU START FIXING ON THE SECURITY SETTINGS AND/OR USE THE EDITOR AND PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE PART OF AND But what I do say is that I use it all the time myself also for sensitive data and that I take immense care that there is no issue about this. And I should say it is safer than such things as 'clouds' (such as associated with that monopoly Google with their Chrome), because, unless you change your security settings of your computer, there won't be any storage to your PC nor anyone elses nor will there be any readout from your PC; and at no time is there a semi-private area created in the cyberspace courtesy of a company subject to all sorts of problematic considerations as for security. I would never let the network become the computer. Hold on to the notion of the independent, strong PC! Networking is an extension of the PC -- at times -- and do not loose the essential independence of it! No matter what is claimed to be "the new thing"! Back to the notion of changing the .java.policy -- the more safe way than changing java.policy: Note that if the .java.policy doesn't do the trick it may be that the location of the file, or, due to some extra Preferences/Security settings, additional adjustments of your browser is necessary. As for location: try typing the word SET after you have typed CMD at the Start-->Run command, and look for the line that says USERPROFILE. That will show where it is. At Linux there is a command 'set' but it doesn't usually show clearly where the userprofiles are -- and they are often fragmented into lots of hidden subdirectories each which begin with a dot (which is why it is tempting esp. in Linux to fix up the java.policy directly in the known /lib/security place instead of looking through the whole computer in vain for a java user profile area which will in fact be read by the browser). As for adjustments of security settings, BE CAREFUL TO SET THE SECURITY SETTING BACK WHEN LEAVING &, but temporarily you can set it to the maximum allowance for Java and for other things. Do delete Cookies often, both before and after any temporary reduction of security levels. Think security first, but when you believe that you can trust a site, and you have backup of all your own files, then you can use internet in this way. However, if you do not have administrator access to your computer but merely operate a terminal which is controlled by another person, that person will have to do the adjustments. To work offline on a real PC with a real 3 times 4 format monitor at high speed and first-hand creative quality time, get the classical Y2000 standard PC and the nonwidescreen (sometimes called 4-3 monitor, but I say 3*4 monitor, 1024*768, with 256 colors), and install the whole full big fast complete GJ2 enterprise -- which is, in a sense, INFINITELY more than any such windows-like, linux-like, or java-like emulation in a frame. Absolutely incomparable in experience. And not for that sloppy tv-like widescreen; which completely lacks meditative wholeness in its idiotic proportions. The 3*4 monitor proves psychologically to stimulate intelligence for both women and men, because it gives a focus, rather than the sofa-like experience. This focus becomes smart and compassionate when you have a real esthetical programming language like Lisa GJ2 or Lisa GJ2 Fic. I say fast but it is also slow enough that you can FEEL the programming language working, feel the duration of the computer and the sensitive interaction with you yourself as you engage in stimulating the sense of clarity, even enlightenment, in yourself, as you shape the flow of your thoughts in response to the formal expressions of your thoughts -- as free programs which do not aim at "simulating" the world, but rather -- not 3d and such -- but STIMULATING the mind. That is spaceduration, yoga4d, the inner yoga6d. Poetrize yourself when you program; so rescue the Y2000 types of PCs so we don't have to do these emulations/simulations of that important type of first-hand computer environment for great first-hand thinking in economics, in psychology, in science, in meditation, in religion and on the evolution of humanity. You can allow yourself to be big in intent and aims, in goodness, in generosity, when you have a platform which is independent of commericalized hierarchical over-networkized popup-schemes, and which rather works with you -- ONLINE WITH YOURSELF -- and all you need is electricity from a plug in the wall. That's the real 1024*768 256 color environment for the Lisa GJ2 programming platform, and it is that environment I now recreate in a novel way by using my own form of glowing light tubes in a CPU and machine language I am designing from bottom-up, as a several-year project, -- a totally new hardware which is running the whole GJ2 language EXACTLY as it is. Made by components which are first-hand development practically from the minerals one can get by melting sand and not much else. That's the sort of energy which the Lisa GJ2 Fic language gives one; and so this is a generous thing, that you get the whole language for free, in several versions. Do also give donations to further this work if you like, atiroal @ for questions, comments, info, but no garantee of quick answer / any answer. Aristo