*************************************************** * WELCOME TO THE STABLE, COMPLETED * G15 PMN PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE AND PLATFORM, * WITH ALL ITS CORE APPLICATIONS! ****************************************** This is the readme.txt inside the completed G15 PMN language with its completed core applications, utilities and docs in the peak implementation y6all.zip and the related implementation y6.zip. There are other G15 PMN implementations also. By writing general G15 PMN programs well, you'll get them to run smoothly in ALL the implementations. ************************************ * Hi! Are you using our rh8.ova * in a virtual PC to run y6all? * Then eg in VirtualBox finetune * the good RAM size given to RH8: * -- not too small, not too big * so that RH8 to work fastest, eg * 168 MB. Consult the content * of holoinfo.txt in y6all.zip * for running G15 PMN fullscreen * in that classic setting! :-) BRIEF INTRO Throughout all periods of great works in human culture, stability -- a certain element of invariance -- in the language and logic have been called on by those engaging in these works. They may have expanded on the language, like a shakespeare or a dante, but not recklessly. The robust 'platform' means that we can stand on the shoulders of works, proudly, that have existed for a good while, and go much, much further. The G15 PMN is, by intent, a completely enduring language which can be used in ALL FUTURE in what is more or less exactly the same version as today. Right? This is perhaps not what all the computer industry have been saying about all parts of itself at all times -- far from it. But the G15 PMN language may be a novel element. By using it, by programming in it, by getting thoughts expressed in it and published in other places, you yourself can help creating a new clarity of mind by us having a common, far-reaching, open-minded language of common logic of this kind, a clarified language of algorithms. This goes together with a psychologically meaningful idea of what the Personal Computer can be, in all from education through work to entertainment -- at least in a core sense. By Aristo Tacoma This is the readme.txt inside y6all.zip from norskesites.org/fic3 [and ALSO for y6.zip -- because many of the comments are the same -- but if you prefer to use y6.zip overlook the installation notes in the first pages in this readme.txt and rather scroll onwards in it] --by intent an ENTIRELY ENDURING version as all new programs from our hand are given on ALWAYS-UPDATED norskesites.org/fic3/fic3inf3.htm page, the "app" (application) page for G15 PMN. Any possible additional info needed later will be put into a text called readme-added-info.txt inside this folder. [readme.txt upd 2015:5:23] PHILOSOPHICAL TECHNICAL BACKGROUND IN BRIEF, WHY THIS PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE HAS BEEN CREATED In the 20th century, what was begun by ancient Greece, China, India, Egypt, the mayans and other cultures in terms of logical deducation and geometry, begun to get summed up in terms of the work by many, perhaps most notably in the work by Alfred North Whitehead and his pupil Bertrand Russell, in their "Principia Mathematica" (The Principles of Mathematics). But soon after their publication of this monumental work, dedicated to putting all of clear-cut logical thinking on a common footing, without the paradoxes of self-reference, came the german Kurt Goedel who succeded in showing that not only their work, but all SUCH TYPES of work, are either not complete -- or riddled with paradoxes and inconsistencies making their system not working. In the 1930s, this led to a change-about in how humanity thought about mathematics. Far from regarding it as a stable foundation, it seemed, all of a sudden, to be as muddy (or even foggy) in its foundation as, with the advent of quantum phenomena, in particular nonlocality, it appeared that also the core science of physics had become. One man, Alan Turing, sought to overcome the result of Kurt Goedel, who, as he saw it, had proved that human intuition must enter into any work where logical, algorithmic thought has made a system. He wanted to check if he could somehow overcome this need of intuition. But, as Oxford mathematican Roger Penrose pointed out in his "The Emperor's New Mind", published many decades later, Alan Turing only succeeded in strengthening the original proof of Kurt Goedel. But a by-product of all the work of Turing was that he formulated a fairly concise notion of computers. The paradoxes in physics raced on, and while the equations seemed to make much sense in engineering and in isolated cases, the sense that Albert Einstein wanted of a coherent vision of the universe remained remote. And gradually, the criterion of clear thinking that Einstein had wanted physics, to have, was set aside in favour of a frenzied rush after equations and engineering projects without a holistic philosophy. Many, if not most of the questions arising BOTH in mathematics AND in physics can be connected to the attempt, in human philosophical thought, to handle the notion of the INFINITE. A more clear-thought version of the computer idea is that this limits itself to finite structures. The G15 PMN programming language is dedicated to not exceeding meaningful limits. In the riddles of physics, one who (also after visiting Einstein) sought to have a visualisation of the universe on clearer terms than that which the new emerging 'quantum theory' offered, was David Bohm (who this author had the fortune of meeting several times). Bohm's enterprises took further an idea of a older physicist, Louis de Broglie, -- but without knowing what de Broglie had worked on decades earlier. Bohm's work, although it resulted in interest by quite a few, was largely seen as a not elegant enough solution to the questions of finding a holistic worldview with room both for quantum and relativity physics and more. But Bohm wanted to show that alternatives are possible -- and in this he succeeded. What physicists came to refer to as "de Broglie/Bohm interpretation" was largely this result by Bohm. However, -- ignored by many -- was the rework that Louis de Broglie himself did of what Bohm had contributed with, where de Broglie went further on the thoughts he had had in his youth, but now empowered by certain results by Bohm. The new theory, or interpretation of quantum phenomena that de Broglie came up with in mid-1950s he kept to in the following decades up to de Broglie's death. However, even though de Broglie's alternative offer a far more elegant starting-point for holistic thinking over the whole of existence including also the quantum phenomena, it was disregarded even more than David Bohm's work. It is correct that there are questions which have to be solved in de Broglie's alternative, but the quantity of questions here are smaller than in other interpretations. When we take the worldview -- that of nonlocal pilot waves -- that de Broglie's interpretation offer us, we find that it is possible to lean back and construct a new type of worldview with room also for the other parts of physics, notably Einstein's general relativity theory dealing with gravitation. My own contribution at the informal level I call 'supermodel theory'. (The initial private published book is part of the Firth platform, and has ISBN number and is also at the National Library of Norway, where I used the author name Stein von Reusch.) Part of this worldview is that infinity must be regarded as the ground also for our counting processes. That is to say, we start with infinity, rather than try to, as in the early 20th century mathematical confusions, to 'count up to' infinity. We then regard finite numbers, and indeed finite structures, as somehow being patterns within infinity. This is to turn it around, and it fits with a proof -- which looks simple, but it is complicated when you look at it -- connected to sets of numbers (which also was published in the above-mentioned book). Still, the type of result that Kurt Goedel worked out applies. Armed with the mature, ripe concept of the computer and the algorithm, we can generalise it and argue that the following has been established: in the meeting with complex situations, generally, an algorithm -- ANY algorithm -- will fail in infinitely many cases. Once this is clear, it is also clear that human thinking, human intelligence, and intuition, must not admit to an identification with algorithms. Thereby we argue that it is a pollution in the human cultural field to invoke any concept of such as "artificial intelligence" (for instance, as Roger Penrose also does, but in a somewhat different contexts, when we speak of physics and brain science). But then, what is the role of the computers, and the algorithms? It is here we should again have the view of the history of ideas, where, in human thinking, the computer concept -- and, after a while, the personal computer technology, giving us the "PC" concept for home programming and computing -- came after, so to speak, the "fall" of mathematics. Arithmetic and calculations and forms of geometry still work, of course, and will always do so. But mathematics as a general summary of all human knowledge doesn't wash true anymore, not after Goedel/Turing and the many reproving of these results from early and mid-20th century. In the 21st century, and continually, we can however now conceptualise a new form of clarity of thinking, a new hope for having a mental sense of certitude about some essential forms of order. This is when we see, on the above- mentioned (somewhat brief and simplified) background, the following postulate: P1. Computers and algorithms should not in any way overtake human thinking. Instead, by first-hand meaningful programming by the human mind, doing thinking, the act of creating algorithms can itself said to be an act of intelligence. This act of intelligence is also an experience, a first-hand real mental and emotional experience, of pure pristine order, the order of relating to elements of pure logic. You see that Goedel's work (his socalled "Second Incompleteness Theorem") concerns the importance of not believing in algorithmic (or axiomatic) systems. But once our focus is on meaningful creation of algorithms, we see that the personal computer can have a positive, rather than a deluding, effect on the mind. This, however -- to bridge it towards the present creation, of the G15 PMN language -- requires that the language isn't full of things which tie it up to contemporary innovations. It must be, while not being too simplistic, simple enough that it can both encompass our desire and meaningful intent to do practical and entertaining things with a computer and AT THE SAME TIME be a stable and meaningful relationship to the algorithms and their data in ways which casts light on our thinking processes when we program. These algorithms can invoke notions of relatively free fluctuations (RFFG, or Relatively Free Fluctuation Generators, rather than the misnomer 'random generator', is the preferred way of talking about this feature in our language) -- but it is understood that the proper foundation of the mind is that the mind has a sense of infinity about itself, while endavouring to create meaningful finite algorithms without over-reliance on any assumed 'randomness'. For this to work out, for the meaningfulness of the language to be real, it must include only structures which can be explained in clear-cut terms without reliance on a number of overly statistical concepts or on forms of mathematics which may be beset with the paradoxes indicated by goedelian incompleteness. For this reason, the language should steer away from certain forms of "arithmetic-gone-wild", and an example of what it must steer away from are the matrix transformations which are engaged in so-called "3d simulations". Each statement in the language must be possible to see in terms of elementary simple operations by the Central Processing Unit of the computer. The statements must have a psychological meaningfulness also in terms of not having too many digits; yet the quantity must be big enough to allow the full set of meaningful programs. The CPU must have more than 16 bit, and 64 bit and larger bit-size numbers, with their incomprehensible long series of digits, must be avoided. We must consciously go for 32 bit. Indeed, the relationship to whole numbers can be part of how computers can be used to stimulate the mind. The G15 PMN language is stable, it works, it has been profoundly tested and found good in a wide variety of circumstances. Thanks to the creative and coherent decision processes underlaying the exact scope of what it is supposed to do, it is uniquely standing forth as a versionless language: with a standard syntax, standard semantics. This is available for performance on a number of machines in a number of ways, but we set certain criterions on these machines, after all. These criterions include that the machine has scope to cover the underlying esthetical design criterions for what this language is supposed to do. But in this way we also achieve the possibility of writing G15 PMN programs as part of manuscripts which can be read in any decade, regardless of what types of machines which are present. This is like the first forms of boolean logic, in what it arose of ambitions in a number of writers: before boolean logic turned out to be a subset of a more complicated logic which again turned out to have such complicated foundations as pointed out by Kurt Goedel, it was thought that this is the pristine language of thought, the elementary language. By standing on the shoulders of all the productions of Goedel, Turing and also the physicists of the twentieth century, including also David Bohm, who I had the great fortune to meet some times, and including also contributions to physics such as the very important (but too often ignored) change of Bohm's early theory by L de Broglie, it is possible to conceptualise the essential language of thought not as boolean logic, nor any set-theoretical extension of it, but as something else, though related. We are talking of finding the most elementary yet capable language of text, image and data algorithm handling in a human first-hand understandable and practical and estetical context. The G15 PMN language also uniquely incorporates a set of notion from the informal philosophy of physics as the undersigned authored after considerable time spent on thinking through all the various worldviews which suggest themselves when one considers the whole pletora of physics -- and also considers how little human thought has grasped of infinity, and how -- too often -- hubris with regard to the relationship of infinity has led to poorly thought programming language structures throughout the history of programming from such as Forth, Algol, Simula (which led to object orientation in such as C++, a Simula created by a friend of my family, Kristen Nygaard, and his collegue and friend, Ole-Johan Dahl), APL, Fortran, Lisp, Cobol and C, through Pascal, Perl, C++, SmallTalk, Basic up to such as Java and Python and many more. While Lisp, which has played a central role in inspiring programmers to be independent from too much commerce and go their own way -- Emacs being an example, at core of the GNU project which is part of what made GNU/Linux possible -- this very Lisp was in part formulated as a direct result of what Kurt Goedel worked on when he proved the incompleteness of all strict algorithmic formalisms -- while this is so, many programming languages have been too often packaged in a context entirely dominated by industries eager to reap profits in so many ways. That is predictable but it doesn't justify the lack of esthetics in the languages. Indeed, the very object orientation itself, though a pioneering idea at the time, wasn't meant to lead to an impulse of overdoing hierarchical thinking in programming and thinking in terms of closed modules instead of considering programming as a landscape, or a theatre. The idea of programming as a theatre was something Kristen Nygaard, the late Kristen Nygaard, worked on, and he was eager and enthusiastic about the prospect of me designing an altogther new language with an influence from my understanding of nonlocal relationships in physics. ***************************************** * Do you wish to make your own * cartoon art with the ART * command, the Curveart program * which is built into the G15 PMN * platforms? Then be sure you use * a good mouse which has its speed * properly set; and also be sure * that the way you run G15 PMN is * one where the PC speed is great, * and so there is max mouse * sensitivity during also drawing. * To fine-tune the mouse-speed isn't * that obvious a thing in all * platforms and when you run RH8 * in VirtualBox then you may want * to start up a command, described * much further on in this readme.txt, * called 'slomouse.sh', and do this * BEFORE you start VirtualBox, so * as to set the mouse right. That * is why these commands are included * in y6all.zip. Consult also the commands * connected to additional image * conversion included in y6.zip. * Both packages are free and stable, * available at norskesites.org/fic3 * and we have a mirror-site at * moscowsites.org/fic3 (this pair * is part of the Yoga6dOrg search * engine set of sites). ********************************** This is the readme.txt for the Y6ALL package at norskesites.org/fic3. This version is is in a way the peak implementation, and what is said in the introduction here is worth knowing whatever way you use G15 PMN. Y6ALL has splendid features, and works for a wide range of 32-bit classic linuxes such as also RH8 (which is too early to run such as y6.zip) -- but not limited to these. Linuxes made years later than RH8 can run exactly the same package, both fullscreen and in frame. The RH8 is first and foremost, for modern PCs, fascinating as a VirtualBox rh8.ova as we've made at yoga6d.org/economy.htm. The Y6ALL uses the opensource 'giftware' free package Allegro (ALLegro) to access display, keyboard and mouse. It can give a series of automatically named fullscreen screen images without calling on the surrounding environment by a simple click on one button while G15 PMN programs expecting keyboard input are running. That's an advantage when it is performing in an environment it has taken control over so fully that any 'screencopy-key' provided by the surrounding platform is out of reach. It can give consistent screencopy of the whole 1024*768 green monochrome fullscreen of the G15 PMN graphical and textual programming, thinking, artistic and 2d game environment, allowing also easy communication towards paper-printing of certain essential coherent productions so that we can attune to them in that way. The G15 PMN programming language is, by intent, a completely stable standard for writing applications, both entertaining and practical, using a set of insights deriving from numerous scientific and philosphical disciplines, complemented by intuitions, so as to maximally stimulate the brain and heart and artistic capacities of the people using the G15 PMN whether through office-practical applications (abbreviated into 'apps', even when they are big programs), non-imitative games, or tools for honing artistic capabilities and sensitivities. This takes place in an environment which has bold design decisions oriented towards the bright-green monochrome (philoophically stimulating yet harmonising for mind/brain in artistic contexts), the arrythmic-font oriented texts (so as not to hypnotise the mind by mechanical strict pace of the letters), and 500x500 pixel greentone images, the so-called G15 PMN GEM static (but rapidly changing, if one likes) images, and where it is assumed that music and radio stimuli comes from dedicated boxes to these things on the side. The notion of engaging the Personal Computer to show and interact with images and text takes as one of its starting-points that the brain is found to be more creatively self-active when it has, within a range, a 'less is more' stimuli: the green-monochrome photo or drawing invites the brain to do own inner additions of colors and motion. ********************************************** * G15 PMN: BACKGROUND DEVELOPMENT IN BRIEF *************************************** In 2006, the Firth package with the Firth text-stack Forth-inspired language was released, available as part of the c55dos.ova package. This went through a number of expansions, also called Lisa GJ2 Fic3. This was a result of an exceedingly long phase of many language experimentations going far back, and documented in various texts on yoga4d.org, yoga6d.org, and inside the Firth platform, which also include the Manhattan Transformation scifi erotic texts with earliest parts going back to 1997. The norskesites.org/fic3 in the Archived section lists a number of projects connected to this phase of the developments after 2006, up to about 2010. In 2011 and 2012 the G15 concept of a novel hobby-friendly minimalistic CPU was brought forth, first by means of what was then called a PVI, or practical virtual implementation. 'Virtual' means that the CPU is run as a model on another type of PC. [The word 'CPU' is the core electronics in any digital computer--central processing unit, when microchip-founded it comes from specialised factories, socalled chip foundries, run by corporations such as AMD and Intel.] Gradually, the best of the FIC3 language developments were brought to play with this G15 concept so that the G15 PMN programming language grew out of, including a considerable orientation towards getting a simplicity suitable for young minds, for teens, even preteens, who want to get into making such as their own cartoon-oriented games and get a sense of logic and inspiration from knowing a bit of programming. The G15 PMN language is described at norskesites.org/fic3 and also documented fully inside this platform. After the y6.zip package (using the socalled SDL1.2 package suitable for modern linuxes for access of display, mouse and keyboard) was made, it was supplemented with a service pack for Firth, the g15sp_f.zip package. In May 2015, while working with a service pack for machines having a Java and Java applet capacity, the g15sp_j.zip, and related initial works with an intranet version and a robot version, a porting of the g15sp_f.zip was re-invented towards an eminently fast version of the platform which could also (unlike y6.zip) work for classical linuxes, such as in particular a big enduring favourite, the RH8, from sometime before 2006, and often used together with Firth at that time. This RH8 has been found to perform really well with PC-within-a-PC packages like Oracle Virtualbox, and a challenge was to made the new G15 PMN platform, called Y6ALL, to work fast enough so that really fast PCs considering May 2015 standards could use RH8 with Y6ALL with ease (the concept of "Sparkles" as a particular configuration of Sparkylinux with Virtualbox and these installed went together with this). This has been achieved, and the Y6ALL (which doesn't use SDL1.2 but rather ALLegro, an alternative way of accessing keyboard, display pixels, and mouse) amazingly works with a range of newer linuxes as well, indeed, in some cases, offering definite advantages. CORE LANGUAGE: G15 YOGA6DORG assembly for the G15 PMN cpu type. [This is used directly in the hobby electronics friendly notion of Intraplates in the G15 Intraplates Multiversity and the Avenuege G15 PC.] In this assembly language, or (virtual) CPU language, the PMN language is created on top of it [as a compilation involving a 'threaded interpretation' similar to Forth, but with a number of absolutely distinct advantages over Forth]. The G15 PMN has been successfully employed in practically speaking countless programs and any remaining possible issue or near-issue is to be dealt with by means of work-arounds. We value stability and standardisation of the language far beyond any notion of going on with modifications to accomodate slight needs. CORE APPLICATIONS: All the applications and smaller utility programs which ought to be in the G15 PMN platform are there. Until the developments in May 2015 it was thought that the artistic components connected to a scifi manus and a cartoon-with-menu and game-score component were to be expanded until these two rather huge projects were completed. It became clear, however, that these as completed would be too big to be regarded as part of a core which ought to be adequately snappy and compact and tight, and that they would serve to demonstrate the type of approach to the artistic, the philosophical, the logical, and also the erotic, as taken with this whole G15 PMN notion, even when included in a partially completed form. The manus, to be expanded to book manus, and the cartoon game component, not finished before it is at least four times as big, were then decided to be given on the side for ALL the variations of the G15 PMN platforms as free installable apps from the Free Apps part of the norskesites.org/fic3 page, namely, the norskesites.org/fic3/fic3inf3.htm. This site is part of the Yoga6dOrg search engine set of sites, 'norwegian sites', and another in this set, moscowsites.org/fic3 has exactly replica as mirror, incl moscowsites.org/fic3/fic3inf3.htm. This means that -- and this is a result of intense and hard work over a long long time -- a language AND a platform implemented in NUMEROUS ways but entirely stable as core, is now released in a versionless and dateless form, stable -- by intent, for all time. SLIGHT DIFFERENCES IN COMPATIBILITIES -- WORTH TO BE NOTED FOR (UPCOMING) G15 PMN PROGRAMMERS There are some differences in functionality, minute things, but worth noting, between the various implementations of G15 PMN and in this regard we are setting the following proposition constantly up: that y6all.zip sets the standard and any program made in G15 PMN should work with y6all.zip and then it can usually with great ease ALSO be made to work with all the other implementations. For programmers, here are the most obvious differences: * The keyboard input reads function keys when together with such as CTR-key slightly differently in, on the one hand, y6all.zip and g15sp_f.zip, and on the other hand, y6.zip. In particular, when using the inbuilt words "KI" and "KF" to get Keyboard Input and Keyboard Function-key input, such as the KF must be used to supplement the KI when in the Y6ALL for certain key-combinations. This is the correct approach. The y6.zip has a KI which gives more info, but one should use the approach which works all across the variations. Generally, when you make a program that accesses such as CTR-F1, make sure it works with Y6ALL, and it will generally work with all the other versions of G15 PMN also. Consult the apps, the mountable applications, which we give a premium place to, for updated comments and examples of how to do all sorts of things which require additional clarification. * The PMN word 'activepause' allows the background update of the screen, the mouse, and the keyboard to go on as expected, while there is a G15 Yoga6dorg word which pauses the (virtual) CPU. It is adviced that 'activepause' is the way one puts a program to rest some milliseconds or seconds, so as to create a fluid flow, and this should work consistently across ALL the platform implementations of G15 PMN. * The g15sp_f.zip package offers RS232 and this is listed at the core menu since the programs to drive this are compact and tiny. RS232 is an early way of cabling up hardware to a computer. This is considered particular to the Firth implementation at least for the time being. The g15sp_f.zip accesses graphics, also by means of Allegro, but in a way that fits best with running Firth directly on a physical Y2000 type of PC, due to the way the screen handling is implemented there, which involves too much slowing in many contexts when using Firth virtually -- for virtualisation handles different features of the CPU with different speeds. The g15sp_f.zip is, while very compatible indeed with the y6all.zip package, not oriented towards virtual running at all and indeed much of Firth is hard to run Virtual. But Firth offer nonetheless an exceedingly valuable virtual FTP solution, more about this when you consult notes about Firth and about our virtual approaches, including the new virtfile.zip as linked to at yoga6d.org/economy.htm. * Note also that the documentation inside the platform for G15 PMN has a couple of points which are only cleared up in comments in newer apps -- this includes, for sure, the points mentioned just here, and these correct what e.g. the function 'KI' might say about itself. One of these points include what the G15 PMN documentation says about the functions X1 .. X6. It is said that these are for certain hardware extensions in Firth. It is more correct to say that, given suitable input parameters, they are for any and all of these implementations when extended to handle certain standard hardwares. ==================================================== ==================================================== [This readme is now common for both y6.zip and y6all.zip. Here is the introduction to the Y6ALL part proper:] Y 6 A L L The S*T*A*N*D*A*R*D G15 PMN programming language and platform compatible with a very wide range of Linuxes indeed (though cfr y6.zip for additional handling of eg some newer 64-bit versions) here calling on the Allegro giftware library to access monitor pixels, mouse, and keyboard. The Allegro open source giftware libraries as compiled in RH8 are here, in a subfolder, contained, and they fit with a lot of newer Linuxes (and probably some more libraries from the Allegro package is included than what is necessary). If you prefer to not put any additional libraries into your Linux, you can use the y6.zip version instead and do a normal upgrade to SDL1.2 if it doesn't already have that library. Freedom! SO: The Y6ALL G15 Yoga6dorg PMN with ALLegro is proudly and exclusively 32-bit and runs along at superb speeds and so capable of running with full stability and perfect performance within a practical VirtualBox having Red Hat 8.0 (RH8) within itself -- or any Linux which is suitable -- naturally this depends on the speed of that PC being many times faster than what is required for the emulated PC. Y6ALL produces with ease, snapshot images of the screen when a G15 PMN program is waiting typing on the keyboard, named xo1.bmp, xo2.bmp, and up to N images, each time the Delete button is pressed (a special key in all G15 PMN implementations, as delete is handled by other keys in each program). This pressing of Delete also pauses the performance until another key is pressed. (The importance of this is also to provide a correct formatting for the whole resulting image file without extra frames and such added, which too easily arise when relying on screenimage keys provided by the surrounding environment.) Variations in how y6all is called, when installed in the top folder /y6all, with Allegro in place -- PLEASE READ THE INCLUDED TEXT liball.txt FOR HOW TO GET ALLEGRO IN PLACE. Some linuxes require such as the y6.zip instead, there are thousands of variations and more being generated regularly -- we have chosen to affirm WHAT WE REGARD AS enduring standards. /y6all/runy6all 1024 768 1 fullscreen for video cards able to handle 1024 768 without pixel stretching /y6all/runy6all 1024 768 2 in frame /y6all/runy6all 1366 768 1 allows 1024*768 for video cards which provide correct handling of such screen sizes /y6all/runy6all 1024 768 2 V in frame, Verbose (prints text during startup and completion). Or, if you want to start it from a graphical Linux, and you put it to a subfolder under your /home/YOURUSERNAME folder, you can use this command to start it up -- but do pls go into the start.sh and modify to fit with your display size first. It says 1366 768 1 there, meaning it will start compatible laptop widescreens and it will do so without a frame, -- modify the "1366 768" to what is most proper, and modify 1 to 2 if you want it in a frame. Then tell the graphical Linux menu to start ~/y6all/start.sh and it should work! [If you use y6.zip rather than y6all.zip the installation instructions are much further below in this readme.txt, but you can of course to some extent lend from what is said here.] Duration of performance each time -- stability -- how often to restart/reboot the G15 PMN platform: * The milliseconds counter and so on are performing within the 32-bit 2 billion range. Reboot/restart the G15 PMN more than once pr day for general use -- this also cleanses the RAM like no other action -- and indeed quite often when doing programming and probing and correcting programs. When run in a surrounding platform which is used for hardly anything else than to keep G15 PMN going, this surrounding platform can be kept going without reboot for perhaps up to a week at a time. ********************************* * Are you using Y6ALL in RH8 and * want quick print-out e.g. of * the lively arrythmic calendar * it easily produces, or output * of any other program? Press * button which in y6all * creates xo1.bmp, xo2.bmp, and * upwards, beginning on 1 again * in each run. Then, in RH8, * type gimp xo*.bmp * and do this to set black'n'white * printout colors: * Right-click over the image, * select Mode -> RGB * then Colors -> Invert * then Mode -> Indexed * Click here on Black and White * And that's it! Select Save As * and use the .gif for compact store. ******************************** You can experiment with other numbers here when your display, drivers and your Linux permit. The Allegro collaborates with your Linux in startup up a classical 1024*768 greentone display suitable for all G15 PMN implementations. Be sure to note that the fullscreen versions, when they work fine in the sense of having no pixel widening, have green and/or black or some pattern on the remaining part of the monitor, but only in ways which are esthetical and which works fine in praxis. The y6.zip will work in different ways, supplementing this, when compatibilities indicate it. And for yet more compatibilites, try the service pack for java. * Any workarounds as for Y6ALL running e.g. in RH8 in Virtualbox? If there is a slight workaround it is this: that sometimes, during startup, pressing a key a little too long may result in unintended repetition of that keypress. This is however working out just fine as long as one has the awareness that some such element might occasionally arise esp in the beginning of performance and then only for some configurations / PCs. This is not really a workaround, for it works excellently, all the time, in our experience -- and for that reasons there will be extensions for some more hardware connected to this version. Note that if you install the y6all.zip package in another place, e.g. /home/y6all/, then you must open, in an editor, the runy6all startup text and specify the right folder. The runy6all is a startup text, while the command itself is, like the folder, called 'y6all'. This supposes that the .G15 disks are in the same folder, and that this folder is set current, so the 'runy6all' startup text has a cd (change current folder) command as well. In addition, we provide an effortless way in which RH8 can show this entirely without frames, even though this isn't normally as easy in RH8. This is by command ./holox /y6all/runy6all -- which is here shortened into command 'up' after a simple setup -- PLS READ THE INCLUDED TEXT holoinfo.txt FOR HOW TO SET UP FULLSCREEN RH8 PERFORMANCE OF G15 PMN AND RELATED PROGRAMS. When you run programs which are in need of being terminated you can start them in a frame and then bring the Terminal in focus and click ctr-c there. When a program is stable you can start it in fullscreen. The y6.zip package has a different way of doing this, if one likes that. When you run y6all.zip in RH8 in VirtualBox, you will have some kind of function-key combination to switch between ITS fullscreen and to have that virtual PC 'trapped' into a frame. Be sure to note that y6all.zip can be run directly in many linuxes also, and that when you don't have a really much faster PC than the most inexpensive ones as for 2015 standards, this is surely the way to go for the time being, until you get such a set of fast PCs that you can excell in using VirtualBox effortlessly. As said above: The G15 PMN programming platform is now by intent complete in all its core programs and applications. All further development is by means of applications -- apps -- for it. The alternative implementations, which include the y6.zip and g15sp_f.zip, as well as java implementations and such, are all compatible with this one, which sets the standard and which also is compatible with the hardware-direct version Avenuege G15 PC, to come. Where there are any differences in compatibility for some programs doing particular things, this Y6ALL implementation is the one that affirms what is the standard. This agrees deeply with the SDL1.2 implementation in y6.zip. *********************************************** * The rest of this readme.txt is copied in * from the [earlier] y6.zip readme.txt. Note that * as for the image and text conversion * procedures, some of what is said below * applies mainly to y6.zip. The image * conversion for y6all.zip is * talked about in this text -- PLS CONSULT * THE INCLUDED TEXT NAMED * how-to-convert-images-in-rh8.txt * AS FOR WHAT WAYS ARE MOST PRACTICAL TO * GO BETWEEN SUCH AS BMP, GIF AND JPG, * AND SOME MORE IMAGE TYPES, IN RH8 ******************************************** To learn the programming language G15 PMN, in addition to the notes about it at norskesites.org/fic3 see also the notes about how to get classic http and classic applets to run without a bother on top of yoga6d.org/economy.htm and follow there the link to industrialbabes/microg15.htm for a tutorial fun version with some content that is provided also for the main G15 PMN but then at the app page norskesites.org/fic3inf3.htm The y6.zip contains the G15 PMN programming language, which can be said to be oriented towards elegance, simplicity and having the feature of being both stack-friendly (which is to say, much of it can be used without thinking about any stack at all, but it has a very easy time passing parameters across functions using stacks) and also warp-friendly. The notion of warp is that you are invited to treat any function by means of pointing to it through a number which can be treated like any other number. This gives you the freedom to keep some parts of a program undone until later stages, where the same or another programmer puts a newly written function into a slot. It is also oriented towards open source, in that it compiles not just the program, but even a great deal of itself, just in time, JIT. All this works in a platform that has an elegant minimalistic 32-bit CPU idea in core, which is either realised physically, as in the Avenuege G15 PC concept, or virutally, as when the y6 package is run within Sparkylinux (see note about Sparkylinux further on in this text) or any one of the many "X Windows" oriented linuxes, incl Xubuntu, OpenSuse, CentOS, Fedora or any of the other many Linuxes, with a vast compatibility with most of them and that includes most earlier versions of most of them after about year 2006; in addition a service pack brings G15 PMN directly and without going by the Linux version to run in such as FreeDOS or the big Firth DOS package, which has as additional possibility that also such as DOSBox can perform it inside such as Apple or Microsoft OS contexts. What can G15 PMN be used for? Minimalistic, artistically deep thinking, philosophical thinking, programming of games where imitation of reality is absolutely not the goal, rather stimulation of mind -- and any practical thing involving typical office work. G15 PMN is chiefly to be used by the creative worker, it is not oriented for any intense use of networking all the time; rather, it takes the starting-point of the person who is full of ideas and approaches and willingness to be in command rather than 'being commanded' by constant chattering processes in such as internet. It also has a set of perhaps extraordinary design decisions brought into it pretty much from core: that goes from the layout of the harddisk (or as virtually put into files to a harddisk when run in Linux or in DOS) -- through the notion of 'cards' -- through its fonts, which are artistically arrythmic and oriented towards clarity of thought and artistic thinking. Adult young girls (done with high school, before any university education) can apply to get a compressed but solid art & tech education using many tools, from real paint in the real world all the way through various forms of art and dance to design and soft- & hardware construction, using gadgets, internet tools, electronics components, PC's, and also the this software platform -- the intraplate educational and practical technology at THE G15 INTRAPLATES MULTIVERSITY {EARLY, IN DEVELOPMENT!} consult: http://www.intraplates.com Placement of this readme.txt: inside y6.zip which is free software available at norskesites.org/fic3 ("norwegian sites", one of the set of Yoga6dorg search engine sites). Author of this text: Stein Henning Reusch Braten {son of Else Reusch Braten and professor Stein Braten of the University of Oslo} {artist and pen name for Henning include Aristo Tacoma and, when doing photography and painting -- cfr Avenuege.com the Art Catalogue there, Stein Reusch Weber; the 'Weber' isn't wholly a construct: it derives from the family history name Maria von Weber, whose daughter married Wahlgren, whose daughter married Johannesen, whose daughter again married Reusch; other pen names include Henning Braaten, Stein von Reusch, Henning von Weber}. Author can be contacted at h-reusch@frisurf.no. Welcome! This is the 'readme.txt' for the y6.zip package, free for all at norskesites.org/fic3, made by Aristo Tacoma, alias Stein Reusch Weber. So what is this? First of all, it is real food for those hungry for real computing. I mean to say, it is not over-sugared cookies. Sugar-cream-cakes tastes great when you have a healthy body and you have trained and you are in need of a quick satisfaction. But light sugary candystuff (read: the ordinary forms of computing, with RGB color screens, large photos, multimedia, 3d simulations, glasses, reality-imitating games) cannot satisfy you in the long run, not when you need strength and sustenance. Then you need real nutrition. Foundation-stuff. And one of the ways to recognise foundation stuff is that it isn't swayed by superficial trends -- it stays the same, beyond 'versions'. For instance, a masterpiece of a monochrome photo is just that, it is not version 1.6 or version 202020 masterpiece. But, with all respect to black-and-white photography, there's another way to do monochrome: it is to go not from bright white via grey to black, but to go via that which is in a sense brightest on the computer -- bright computer green -- and take the whole range of tones to black. This works remarkably well with photos, and when you have worked a little bit with a computer which offers a range of quality bright-green-to-black photos, your mind gets activated; it lights up those images with extra visualised colors within. And, indeed, this is the general effect on the mind: when the mind isn't over-stimulated, it gets more active in itself. Just as reading a book calls on your own mind to make up its own characters for the story, so we have here, with G15, an approach to computing which is moderate in just the right ways, so that your mind constantly gets the upper hand in all ways. Many studies of the effects colors have on us have concluded that, due to the prominence of green in nature and in the leaves of flowers and so on, and the importance of some contact with the organic for its philosophical soothing effects on all human beings, computer green is the most harmonious single-choice color to work with. It also saves computer battery not to engage too many color rods on the screen. So, to do interesting work -- also with masterpieces of photos -- we are interested, are we not, in acquiring a well-thought foundational computer, one that isn't glossy and full of artificial additions, but which has the core components in solid, and logical, order. In this, we are consciously avoiding overdoing stimulation effects, -- for it is not going to be yet another sugar-rich candy -- want a predictable behaviour of simple text editing and a clear-cut concise set of artistic tools to unfold your own artistic powers -- and enjoy the artistic genuineness of others. A good computer is also a tool for your to express your own mind through such as a graphical program, or a program handling text in some way, or storing data. But then the programming language it has mustn't be crammed with all sorts of contributions from a variety of people who haven't thought things through from beginning. You want a holistic, or whole, programming language, with a simplistic minimalism to it. You want computing which is capable of making your logical thoughts come through as new programs. A computer can control many devices, also robotic arms and sound machines and such, but it is, in its core definition, a text, graphics and data machine. The keyboard, and the mouse, the screen which can show both graphics and a number of text lines, all fit in with this concept. It is a great deal of stability for the machine by allowing to do just the task you want it, step by step: for a computer is really always a step-by-step thing, it can mimick doing several things at once but it does one thing at a time at its coherent best. And one of the things which activate your own mind is that the computer isn't engaged in all that much 'mimicking' or 'simulation'. It is to be an obedient instrument, running also, when you want it, a set of premade excellent programs, which behave the same way from year to the next. Sound machines, music boxes, are most stable and has the greatest quality when they are dedicated to just that. In order to operate a computer with the greatest clarity, the music which you may want in your surroundings, for pleasure and for great work, should come from a different source. In this way, the computer will be truly more serene and you will be able to connect to it more profoundly, when it is not burdened with a lot of extra tasks in the background. And if you go to a net with other similar computers, you should be able to have full control over that connection: it shouldn't be a question of wondering whether the computer is doing things you haven't commanded it to do, in such circumstances. The G15 PC is the concept we have constructed, from scratch up: from larger components than those used in the late 20th century idea of 'microchips', which allow easier maintenance and which fit with the idea of letting the computer be through and through understandable. Instead of cramming hundreds of thousands of components into microchips made in extremely sensitive conditions, the G15 PC is made of more rugged, solid, larger components, even if to some extent compressed there also. This, then, is the Avenuege G15 PC concept, which has our copyrighted concept of "intraplates" in it -- which we also informally call "minichips" -- bundles of transistors and other components (like capacitors and resistors or what we call "modulators") packed into plates with many wires, which are allowing computers to be made of such plates in a first-hand way -- without prewiring the circuits and requiring hyper-specialised electron microscope-oriented factories as in the case of microchips. The plates are our first-hand concept of a middle-thing between the electrical components of such as radios of the 1970s, and the overdone microscopic type of chips which have dominated computer-making since Texas Instruments began with it -- but which has also made the making of new computers from scratch dependent on a few dozen extremely specialised wafer foundries more or less under military control. To get first-handedness back to computing is the goal we have achieved with our intraplates. FOR STATUS OF THIS PROJECT: avenuege.com/g15pc For paper about Intraplates: avenuege.com/intraplates Or, you can run the G15, with its fully finished software and O.S. as a free benefit-for-all platform on top of any normal Linux on one of the widely available commercial computers. It is then run in what we call a 'practical virtual implementation', or PVI: and it isn't the same, but it goes as far as it can in being the same, although these PCs and Linux and such are different in core. Both the Avenuege G15 PC and the G15 PC as run on top of Linux can run the G15 Yoga6dorg language and its easy-to-learn PMN higher-level script language, which is an evolution in the area of simplicity in computer programming. It is brought forward in this package for the first time, and originated together with it. And what you got here, with the y6.zip, is the TOTAL and STANDARD operating system, and standard CORE SET of programs for that human first-hand computer type. This isn't just words: it is the working, practical result, -- FULLY working -- after very many seasons of extremely hard work in a variety of avenues. And good luck with it! LOTS OF SENSUAL STUFF, but harmoniously and responsibly and artistically done inside y6.zip. (Not for narrowminded folks; the platform contains anatomical beauty suitable for learning to draw, sketch and paint well, where the young female of all ripe and pre-ripe ages are honored) ***IMPORTANT NEWS ON THE G15 YOGA6DORG PMN PRODUCT************ So, this is the readme.txt in the y6.zip And it's included with G15 updated ================= 1::A::2015:05:12 Main news-item(s) for G15 apps, G15 PC, G15 OS this time: ==>the g15sp_j new service pack for java has started to come {more about this in section *****status of THIS update which you find a handful of pages ahead} where the core as designed by Aristo Tacoma w/Lisa, Athina and Helena Salinger (ATWLAH) is stable and having date 1::B::2012:12:29 * * * {By the way, the "i" which is in the names of the muses Lisa, Athina and Helena Salinger, the Salinger sisters, is like the "i" in "sisters", that is to say, it is not pronounced "ai" but more like "ee". Also, the "a" is rather like in "action". So, the sounds are a bit like this: Leesah, Ahtheenah, and Helenah Sahleenger. This matters, for to muses -- see also the painting information at the Art section of aveneuge.com for more about the concept of muses -- to muses the names are like music and like instruments of insight. To the ancient greeks -- but this is a longer story, more about that at yoga4d.org -- their more proper name was "goddesses", and all were created by Zeus, the "boss god". This is a modernised way of talking about the same beings, more or less -- an a very open-minded type of spirituality. I suppose in catholic christanity they are analogous to the "arch-angle" concept? And those who have a sense of the muses while they work, will be at home in the design and construction of G15, for sure!} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: G15 -- Programming, creativity, word processing, image handling, games, various practical things including FDB -- an ever-fresh first-hand approach to all sorts of meaningful authentic computing and good logic thinking and sensual digital artworking in a mind-stimulating way {Look AFTER this paragraph for an overview over what's included in the G15 core platform:} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: **An Aristo Tacoma {ATWLAH, explanation of this, see below} product. Exact same set of programs with no bit changed also works with the Avenuege G15 PC which is having electronics designed without traditional microchips to run G15 directly as its own CPU and own OS -- as this Practical Virtual Implementation, or PVI, does on top of Linux. The Avenuege G15 PC can be connected to each other in a type of network which do not allow automatic starting of scripts, -- what we call "Stellar Craftnet", a concept first brought out in 2008 in Anaiis Blondin sciwritings in the fictious Gracejintu galactic empire -- these earliest, and also ISBN-numbered privately published writings, still available through links at www.yoga4d.org, involves exchanging texts, images and also mountable programs. Stellar Craftnet, G15, Yoga6dorg, PMN and Avenuege, as well as the artistic copyright to the Anaiis Blondin and Gracejintu notions, are copyrighted concepts of Yoga4d von Reusch Gamemakers. This is also stated in the beginning of the Yoga6d.org/economy.htm. Inside the G15 platform there's a generous license, however, for others to contribute with scifi cartoon dimension stories engaging the same or similar characters as we do there. Info about G15 hardware work and sales: avenuege.com/g15pc AVE NU EGE also sells high-heeled shoes, t-shirts and artworks, so this is an extension of the product line of Avenuege shops. However the core package to make Linux behave rather as a G15 PC in a certain ok (but a bit narrow way) is FREE. It's also chock-full of novel original programs in source, written in a this new programming language. And they WORK. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: INCLUDED IN THE G15 CORE PLATFORM: Included in the G15 Yoga6dorg platform: the G15 GEM, a 500x500 greentone tool which has a sense of authenticity, for esthetical work with such as photos free from any aim at imitating reality. The greentone is like black-and-white photos, only that there isn't that offensive sense of too much grey, instead it induces a harmony and tranquility in the mind which is relaxed, and stimulating while not having the sugar-like addictiveness of some of the RGB computer visualisations; rather, it can lend a photo an artistical authencity which is quantum touched, and having a sense of what programming, logical thinking and the digital computer is all about Included in the G15 Yoga6dorg platform: the G15 B9EDIT, for extreme serenity, peacefulness, clarity while writing texts, and, in its viewmode, for browsing texts containing also some 500x500 pixel size greentone photos, and links to other texts also; can handle booksize texts also; has its own, unique fonts and bold design decisions Included in the G15 Yoga6dorg platform: the CURVEART drawing tool, which can not only be used for teaching oneself how to draw fantastically well, with great anatomical insights, but also which can be used in making cartoon dimension stories -- cartoons but with more than one pathways through the story, with some different score-numbers -- and there's an example of this included, the first Anaiis Blondin manga-inspired scifi erotic cartoon {first of a series, with all additional Anaiis Blondin stories delivered as apps for this platform} Included in the G15 Yoga6dorg platform: the FDB flexible data base approach, which is capable of providing structure both to small databases, and to huge databases {like the one involved in the Yoga6dorg Search Engine, which is programmed in just this, of course} Included in the G15 Yoga6dorg platform: the PMN high-level programming language with two vertical columns, encouraging a quantum-touched ease and sense of logical thinking and precision, a language which underlies both B9EDIT and GEM, both FDB and the cartoon dimension story, and which is implemented directly in G15 Yoga6dorg assembler, with source included, and indeed this source is compiled JIT, just in time, with speed and compatibility each time you start up a program. Included in the G15 Yoga6dorg platform: the CAR menu approach for structuring programs, menues over programs, text documents, photo graphics, curveart drawing graphics, and any data you'd like. It has just a few commands and any child can learn to modify the menues ruling over the platform within minutes. The G15 starts spontaneously up in the EDIT mode, where the menu can be changed directly, and once one clicks on CTR-W {to enable mouse}, the mouse can be used to start up the programs one has selected to be there Included in the G15 Yoga6dorg platform: a library of GEM images showing healthy young female dancers and photogenic models in beach and training and fashion clothes circumstances, with a sense of the pornographic also, but healthily and on an inspirational foundation, with freedom from 20th century narrow moralism and an openness to childlike beauty; this for inspiration also for drawing your own Curveart drawings, and making your own cartoon dimension stories, -- and the platform tells you how to make Apps of your own works And the list goes on. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: SO THIS HAS NEWS ON THE G15 YOGA6DORG PMN PRODUCT************ FROM THE norskesites.org/fic3 IN THE yoga4d.org yoga6d.org SET WITH THE moscowsites.org/fic3 SERVING AS MIRROR ARE ALWAYS HERE, IN THIS readme.txt BOTH AT norskesites.org/fic3/readme.txt AND AT norskesites.org/readme.txt INFORMATION HERE IN THIS .txt IS IN GENERAL EVEN MORE UPDATED THAN SOME OF THE WORDS CONCRETELY AT THE WEB DOWNLOAD PAGE norskesites.org/fic3 ITSELF ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: *************************************************** * / THE G15 PMN YOGA6DORG MANIFEST ******************************************* / The y6.zip -- the G15 Yoga6dorg PMN platform -- can / be used as a tool for the sake of such as the / editor and image handling that's within it, or to / run apps that you have got hold of via some external / way, and which are made for it. This includes / Anaiis Blondin manga-cartoon stories with a game-score / component in them. You can also use it in order to / honor an approach to computing, and a philosophy / of life, which honors the notion that life properly / is infinite and beyond any machine, but machines can, / when consciously shaped so as to be not too / imitative in their looks and language, be called / on for stimulation and to support your own work / and spiritual progress. ALL the philosophical works / -- the thousands and thousands of pages of written / exploration of the borderlines between pantheism / and a divine spirituality, the lingering senses / of art and sensuality and sexuality, when one / explores fresh interpretations of the quantum / phenomena, such as indicated by David Bohm's / 'implicate order' notion -- and inspired also by / by conversations at Birkbeck College in his office / (and later, in Oslo) several times beginning in 1986 / -- ALL this has gone into the production of a formal / language and an approach to art and computing which / constitutes one fresh coherent whole: G15. By using / it, you are daily encouraging your mind to leap / beyond the borders of the materialism so often / implied in the 20th century schemes of computing / and its overly hierarchical- and frame-based / 'object' orientation which still linger on even / while programmers have sought to use big words / to describe their projects (for instance, there's / a Linux graphics interface called 'Enlightenment'). / We don't call this Super-Ultra Enlightenment, we / call it G15. But if anything could have been called / Super-Ultra Enlightenment, this would have been it! / Esthetically, this package is dedicated to a novel / sensual esthetical approach to programming -- as / characterises all of the Yoga4d.org and yoga6d.org / works, and which is unashamed about young beautiful / human unfoldment. This takes a cold view of the / hot-headed quasi-morals dominating much of the / 20th century-dominated discourse on sexuality which / still floods the judgemental press of the West, / despite the view by some non-western forms of / societies that the West has 'gone wild'. It hasn't. / The West is deeply steeped in quasi-morals still, / and is liberated only in patches. Only some decades / ago did the British give Alan Turing, the constructor / of the first full tube computer, injections to / prevent him from unfolding his gayness. The / present severe lack of understanding of what the / fullness of sexuality of the human being -- such / as informed by eclectic bits of what Sigmund / Freud of Vienna came up with -- must mean from / childhood up to young adulthood -- is just as foolish / as the injections which ruined the war hero Alan / Turing's self-respect. For someone like myself / (A.T.) who constructs computer works meaning to / serve the children of all the future, and who / does it not to gain money from this particular / project, the years spent on making things from / bottom up with a holistic view cannot take the / present culture seriously on this and a number / of other points which are equally wrong. This, / then, is a point of view developed not rashly, and / not by trying to incorporate any particular / religion on the views of any guru. This is the / result of quiet deductive thinking and an artistic / orientation towards all life which is informed / by empathy and by a willingness to shatter / illusions. Aristotle pointed out the danger: / "A small error in the beginning becomes a large / error eventually." Here, we have not allowed the / small errors. Consequently, you'll only like it / if you have cleared your mind of earthian folly. / This is for the hippies of the future -- and that / includes, one day, surely, all humanity. / Technically, this y6.zip G15 package contains the / compiler for the G15 Yoga6dorg assembly -- so that / it can work both in its own hardware without any / other operating system under it and so that it / is functioning on top of Linux where the G15 CPU / is, then, just virtual. It contains also the PMN / high-level language which is written in G15, and which / is included in full G15 source. Both the assembly / and the PMN are novel designs. It contains also, / all written in G15 PMN, a text editor B9EDIT, / a G15 Edit iMage, GEM, a cartoon-art-story/game / drawing program CURVEART (written in G15 / directly, part of the platform), numerous / screensavers, utility programs like calculators / and clock, the FDB database routines which are / used in the Yoga6dorg servers (where a version / of G15 almost identical to this is being used), / import and export utilities to exchange files / with Linux, conversion routines, and an approach / called MNT (mount) which starts up applications / (apps) which in some way has been fetched from / an external source like the net, and which can make / such an app out of your own programs and data. / The GEM image editor is oriented towards / bringing an artistic touch to (in particular) / photos, so that while protecting their integrity, / artistic aspects can be enhanced, and to do certain / merges without using 'simulation' and without / encouraging forms of image editing along the / lines of what has got the negative name of / 'photoshopping', ie, aiming at imitating reality / while trying to give it the fake sheen of a / photo of reality. The B9EDIT text editor also / has a view mode. The graphical interface is / minimalistic but sensually elegant and uplifting, / and novel design, utilising just a couple of / fonts, one tone-spectre at the monitor, a standard / width of (used part of) monitor, and a creative / but mild use of mouse. The fonts are designed / within the context of this new programming / language, which has several petnames and which / has had some different earlier forms. / The B9font was developed in the prior / forms of the language, while the socalled / 'robotfont' is made at the same time as the G15 / assembly was designed. These are somewhat / challenging before you get used to them, / especially the robotfont: but they are designed / to maximalise the contrast between all the / english A..Z characters while using a very / exact and limited quantity of pixels -- and / it has turned out to be a wonderful vehicle / for both artistic expression and clear thinking / and programming. The view mode of the B9edit / editor -- when used as a browser of documents / which can also contain links to images and to / other documents -- then uses the robotfont / (also called rbotfnt). The entire design is / characterised (as explained elsewhere) by / a sense of quantum phenomena, and by the notion / of stimulating to creative work without dragging / the interactor with the computer either into / addictive schemes or into such imitations that / confuse the computer with the rest of reality. / Aristo Tacoma, alias Stein Reusch Weber and alias / Henning Braaten, author of the package and the / design, engages in plenty of creative work / both visually and verbally all the time: / with great ease it is now possible to say / that the tools of this platform are the / only ones used for all digital creative work. / The theory of infinity which goes against the / implicit thoughts in socalled mathematics that / infinities have been 'handled' in human thought / by such as Euclid's axioms and by the discourse / about the various types of sets and numbers by / Georg Cantor and later by Bertrand Russell have / been detailed in many other of my writings since / I unfolded it fully in 2003. The understanding / of what is there called 'essence numbers', and / which is compatible with the understanding of / how quantum and gravitation phenomena sums them / up in the informal theory called 'supermodel / theory', and which again is compatible with a / form of berkeleyan grander view of the multi- / verse, are all coherent with what I regard as / the best of the works by David Bohm and the / related, and somewhat different works by the / earlier Louis de Broglie, in physics; and / coherent also with eclectic bits of the works / by L E J Brouwer on alternative number theories / -- what he called 'intuitionism'. This theory / stands on its own. It is fully understood in / the G15 platform, and -- armed by the slogan / that, ultimately, what is fruitful is also / that which is true, we will see if it is not / true, as I think it is. Though, seen with / unprejudiced eyes, this computer platform is / ideal for children, also adults will feel / their minds strangely activated, and their / bodies more willing to dance when they limit / computing activities to those which fit in / with this present warly minimalistic elegant / approach, and abstain from over-indulgence / in computing. The notion of G15 Intraplates / Multiversity, also called G15 Multiversity, / as a breaking both with the uniformity and / with the false suppositions that human thought / can handle infinities in the 20th century / universities, is compatible with Anselm's / view of God as the ever-greater concept. This, / then, is a sexually liberated but God- / intoxicated platform dedicated to releasing / torrents of creative energies of the kind / that can fuel happiness in daily life and / superb intelligence for any dancer, painter, / logician, or person engaged in any meaningful / daily activity where computers can be of / some help in some ways. /////////////////////////////////////////////// * The G15 Manifest is above /////////////////////////////////////////// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: Well! The beauty of saying big things -- when big things are called for, as they are in this case -- is that we can say the small things later with more leisure, and relate to technical details with greater attention. Note that SOME parts of the text that follows, and SOME parts of the texts at the standard source location for this y6.zip package, namely: www.norskesites.org/fic3 and with mirror site www.moscowsites.org/fic3 have been written at earlier stages but have sufficient meaning and enough correctness that we have let them be there in place. Obviously, not every text you'll encounter around at our sites (our, that is, ATWLAH, or Aristo with his invisible muses or angels, Lisa, Athina and Helena) -- will have its words and grammar fixed on, and some are written in bursts of soul which require a certain flow where there's a 'Heisenberg uncertainty' in how the sentences work out -- but we have let these texts be there when the meaning is CLEAR enough, to honor the process in such cases where it seem right, also intuitively right. (This pertains not in the least for some of the articles in the archive page 10 for the EcoNomy section of Yoga6d.org, which has some biographical notes of the long processes leading up to this beautful language and platform and its applications, amongst other things.) The foundations of physics, as provided by in particular german, french and danish thinkers in the pre-WWII phase, alongside the foundations of computing, as provided by german and british thinkers in the same phase -- and with follow-up works provided by many other people all over the world after WWII, including thinkers in USA, have been taken into consideration in the supermodel theory, which again has inspired key constructs of the g15 yoga6dorg assembly, cpu design, and its higher level pmn language. We put it that PMN is -- unlike most of the types of computer hardware and software designed in USA, not superficially pragmatic, but more core-european, ie, making deep coherent sense and having a learned sense of wholeness to it. However much value the superficially pragmatic approaches sometimes have -- ie, when the computer designs were, by Texas Instruments, made much smaller by means of their microchips -- in the long run we must go back to true coherence, in order to protect the minds of the interactors. The G15 approach is mind-enlivening, and takes as starting-point also that no technology can ever meaningfully be called "smart" -- a natural consequence of the work by the German Kurt Goedel and by our own follow-up works on the nature of infinity relative to the finite numbers we use in computing (which have finer points in it that Alan Turing, who built on Goedel to abstract a notion of the 'computer', didn't properly apprehend). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: info about its available main g15 apps are available at norskesites.org/fic3/fic3inf3.htm: expect updates here often. All the releases of the G15 PMN are at at norskesites.org/fic3 {mirrorsites for these two at exactly moscowsites.org, part of the yoga6d.org search engine set of sites} THE LANGUAGE PLATFORM AND CORE APPLICATIONS ARE NOW STABLE, WELL-WORKING. THAT MEANS THAT THESE readme.txt's, INSIDE y6all.zip AND ALSO INSIDE y6.zip MERELY POINT OUT WHERE TO FIND THE NEWS -- NAMELY, AT THE APP PAGES FOR THE G15 PMN LANGUAGE -- AND BEYOND THAT, OR UNDERLAYING THAT, ARE CONCERNED WITH SETTING UP AND GENERALLY HOW TO GET GOING WITH THE PLATFORM ON THE MACHINE TYPE YOU PREFER. Note that the two large artistic projects are available as apps, freely, in COMPLETED form (as soon as they are done). The two large artistic projects include scifi manus linked to from within the B9EDIT, which is about a fifth completed inside the core G15 PMN platform (for all its releases), and the cartoon dimension menu-driven game with Anaiis Blondin, which is about a quarter completed inside the platform. These have been found so large that it is more in keeping with the overall tightness and compactness of the whole platform to have their completed forms -- also of this foundational pair -- as apps, as free apps. Then they are naturally followed by indefinitely, by more and more apps. DURING STARTUP OF THE PLATFORM THERE'S EITHER A MENTION OF A DATE, OR THERE IS NO DATE-INFO AT ALL (UNLESS REQUESTED), AND THIS IS FITTING WITH THE FACT THAT THE PLATFORM IS STABLE, AND THAT ALL THE CORE APPLICATIONS ARE COMPLETED. This took place in May 2015, and the following included applications talk about the importance of going to the net and load in apps in order for novel works and information about the programming language statements inside, during startup: * The FDB example program says that the included version is for light use, and that any intense use should rather take place by suitable expansions of this FDB application as a mountable app. Available for free. * The Anaiis Blondin cartoon dimension game says, of course, that its completed version is available as app, as first in this indefinite series. Available for free. * And while not an application, the scifi manus also says this in order to get the book-size completed manus for the first in this indefinite series. Available for free. The G15 CPU design was completed, with examples runs of this platform, in 2012, while the PMN higher-level language extension for G15 was completed and up and running with all applications in 2014 and 2015. The package is by intent stable from May 20, 2015. Note that this particular way of doing it was worked out in connection with the Y6ALL package, and that the present text, as well as some texts found inside the platform itself, reflects how the y6.zip package was styled during development towards this point -- where the idea involved a constant update of the O.S. date. However, be aware that for security reasons when you use a platform a lot, it is a good idea to regularly refresh the package you have got from the source, ie, norskesites.org/fic3. This is a general advice, for all such stable packages, since the not entirely unknown phenomenon of 'computer viruses' can come to alter parts of binary stuff which has been around for a while inside a computer which has been used a lot on the internet and such. THIS IS A TOTALLY STABLE AND COMPLETE PLATFORM ***The software in the core g15 o.s. is said to be complete, done. This is the case for the g15 pvi (practical virtual implementation) when run on top of Linux (or DOS). There is a small but vital set of import/export utilities that will be rewritten when the Avenuege G15 PC hardware starts coming along, to fit exactly that PC. They will replace the positions of the import/ export utilities for Linux and such, -- but apart from that, there is a total identity in every bit and byte in the g15 platform for this tailor-made exquisite new personal computer, and the g15 when run in the pvi form on top of linux. This means also that any issue one might discover at this point with such as B9edit, Gem, or any of the other programs included in the core, are to be dealt with by a description of them and how to avoid them -- in other words, they are to be dealt with as 'workarounds', and not by means of changing the actual programs. After all, they have been through a vast amount of testing and real use already, and some workarounds are indicated in the g69 document. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: H O W T O I N S T A L L There's a part of this text which is entitled ***INSTALLATION!***** which you can go to straight away if you're satisfied with what you know of G15 YOGA6DORG already. ***************************************************** NOTE THAT ALL TEXT IN THE FOLLOWS IS ENTIRELY FROM y6.zip BUT THAT y6all.zip HAS SO SIMILAR LAYOUT THAT, AS LONG AS YOU READ THE START OF THIS TEXT, MOSTLY ALL SAID IN THE FOLLOWING HAVE SOME RELEVANCE OR ANOTHER FOR INSTALLATION, USE AND INFO ON IDEAS. ********************************************* WHAT FOLLOWS NEXT IS A NUMBER OF INTRODUCTIONS TO VARIOUS FEATURES OF G15. THE TEXT HAS BEEN THROUGH A NUMBER OF ADDITIONS, AND SO IN THE FOLLOWING MANY PAGES YOU'LL FIND A NUMBER OF EARLIER INTRODUCTIONS AND SUCH TO THE PACKAGE, AND A GOOD NUMBER OF REPETITIONS. However, it may be a good idea, if you aim at becoming a G15 pro person, and member in that exquisite elite it is to be a G15 user, to read through the text a couple of times to pick up the various points mentioned here and there in between the more obvious repetitions. This takes some time, no doubt, but repetitions aren't a bad thing when setting out to learn something new! :-) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: T*E*X*T*S {next main paragraph: how to translate *images* into gem} HOW TO GET VARIOUS TEXT DOCUMENTS INTO B9EDIT FORM: So here's a fairly quick way of doing getting documents into g15 if you use it on top of a typyical "X Windows" oriented linux, for instance one from sparkylinux.org. Note that if you don't know Linux, www.xubuntu.org is a good place to learn it. To install sparkylinux.org requires that you either find a complete step by step instruction about how to use the partition manager, or else set aside time to experiment, on a PC which you are willing to reformat completely in its harddisk. The G15 is proudly honoring that enduring standard called 7-bit ASCII text. This is the 'anglified' typewriter standard. In this particular regard, the "English US" type of keyboard is to be recommended as a universal programming and typewriter standard above every ethnic variation. In this readme.txt document, for instance, only such letters are used. The font is then not specified as part of the document -- it is understood, when you use ASCII text, that it can be shown in more than one font. The instructions in this paragraph, and in the next, about images, are easy to follow after you have installed the y6.zip as specified (much) further below in this readme.txt. There, it is told in more detail how to get started with typing in text commands, in case you aren't yet used to it. It is a very powerful way of controlling any Linux machine, and it is certainly a good thing to get into doing it! First, store the text as eg main3.txt. This is usually an option whatever text viewer you are using. The .txt option may go along with such information as 'ASCII TEXT', and it may have some other variations about lineshifts, and any normal Linux variation (and more, too) should work here. If you are browsing a .pdf document which is not merely photostatic copies of the pages, but which has text as text in it, you can do this simply by typing pdftotext main3.pdf main3.txt and then main3.txt should have the content. To translate photocopies of book pages you must engage OCR programs, and there are several free programs that can do this, but it does take time. (You will then convert pdf to a series of images, one pr page, first, and several programs can do this and a command like libreoffice main3.pdf might even be able to start this process through its libredraw.) In any case, 'pdftotext' is found in a variety of linuxes. Then open the main3.txt like this: libreoffice main3.txt Inside this, press CTR-A or Select All from menu. Having selected all, adjust the right margin to well within 58 characters by mouse- movement on the movable peg on the slider on top of the document. Go to the File menu and export this document as main5.pdf. (This is a way to actually store this margin into the document. If you just re-save it as .txt, it may not store the new margin.) Now type pdftotext main5.pdf main5.txt And then let us have a look at how 'clean' the document is, gedit main5.txt Here, fix up whatever that should be fixed up. If it's a German text, get in 'ss', 'oe', 'ue', and 'ae' instead of the ethnic characters. Most texts look much better without italics and also without bold, and with one font only, because the focus gets at once to the content. However it is a good convention when using typewriter style texts to allow, when it is REALLY called for, to use uppercase just the way we did now. (Only in contexts which actively use italic and such would uppercase seem to be too much of it.) Anyway, the modiciations can easily be done by such as CTR-H command in Gedit, where you do such as Replace All. In order to replace a character, mark it, choose Copy by CTR-C, go into CTR-H and Paste it there by CTR-V, and type in what it should be replaced with. When you need to perfect it, treat each upper/lowercase separately, there's a tick-box in Gedit for that. Go through the text; have a look at such as " and ' and straighten out alternative quote-variations, if any, to these. Fix up letters like e with a ' and o with a ^ and make the characters english typewriter standard a..z. Be sure dash - or double dash -- isn't a nonstandard 'long-dash'. Fix up margins if there's a text overflow into the new line for some reason, can easily be with pdftotext. Save it with ctr-s. Type (two L's): ll main5.txt and memorise the quantity of bytes. Go into the g15 (assuming you have the main5.txt inside the g15 folder you are using, typically the y6 folder) in your usual way, click into utility menues where you find the 'import into eg b9edit' or what is it called. Type in the number of bytes, and the main5.txt name here. Most texts are good at this point and you can open them straight at c9000 inside B9edit! But you can, and for book-sized texts or complicated layouts of texts, do additional cleaning of the text. By this, go to the utilities menues in G15, and click on the High-powered pmn terminal. In this, type ^c9000 cleanse and specify that you want linewidth 58, and answer the questions. This will go through the text and make sure there are no funny elements in it, and it will be stored to the new place you tell it to store it, e.g. i1 or so. THEN you open it in B9edit, put in the document location on top right -- a good convention -- e.g. in brackets, like [ i1 ] and move through it and save it. For some documents you may find that additional character-replacement as indicated above is necessary and then you try again with updated inputtext. Having done this, you can fit in Gem-style images so that you can read it pleasantly also in the View mode of B9edit. HOW TO DOCUMENTS FROM B9EDIT TO EG BOOK PUBLISHING: Use a code (eg, put @ or # or | in front of each letter in question) where you can translate the ASCII to more ethnic characters when that is called for. For this, you can use e.g. the replace function in libreoffice, after you have exported the text by the 'export from b9edit' utility (or what it is called) which is found in one of the G15 utility menues. This export assumes that you, usually from within B9edit, saves the document to C9000 first, making note of how many cards it reports. Tell the export routine the quantity (reduced by one, so you don't export also the socalled 'nilcard'), and tell it a name like publish.txt. Libreoffice, and similar such free Linux processing programs, can also export to .html or .pdf formats. In some contexts, it would be natural to put in a code on the line (e.g, | or _ before the word) when you want to manually go in a put italic there. If you have a simple way of doing html, you can do this process more automatically e.g. in Gedit, where you can replace e.g. each _ with and each | with to switch on and off italic font. All you have to do is to agree with yourself on a code, and stick to it, when you type in your text to be published. Note however that if your text is to be published with a Nimbus Mono L or Courier-like font, you may find that the result is more stylish without glossifying the text with such as an extra italic feature; and it CERTAINLY also looks more first-hand, authentic, and to-the-point by avoiding a slick right-justified margin. To publish more scientific texts, which includes G15 formalism, such as PMN code, it is probably the most stylish to just be sure that each G15 Card is kept together as a whole -- eg not split over two pages -- and with two or three lineshifts before and after to distinguish each card from other cards and/or prose before and after it. Nimbus Mono L, and classic Courier, have some features in common with our freshly made B9font, and all these are socalled 'monospace', which is quite a necessity to make such formalisms look their best and most readable! Also, I think such as the German language looks great when 'anglified' in terms of its letters for the very few charactes outside of the English A..Z range. I predict that German in the future will be quite often written by such an anglified character set, and with pleasing results. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: I*M*A*G*E*S Added note: when you have finished working with Gem, and exported your work e.g. to mywork1.bmp, the most correct replication of this perfect .bmp image in a way which is compact enough, does not at all have the .jpg blurring phenomena, and which is all-compatible, is to get it to the .gif format, and by using the routines described in details (for both import and export) underneath you can do it rapidly this way: ./convertimagetype.sh mywork1.bmp mywork1.gif {Note that .png is also a beautiful format, but the conversion routine doesn't give as crisp-clear black in this case, so only use .png if you use another conversion program altogether when converting the perfectly produced .bmp image.} However when you IMPORT to Gem, it is more common for cameras and such to provide .jpg images, and the commands described next are working to great satisfaction also with .jpg. So much is gained by maintaining total exactness without any blurring for some of the results made by Gem, for it has a quantum-touched feel which sometimes goes to individual pixelcontrasts (eg, the 'tilt', which, with its q-field wavelike structures are like nothing else we've seen with any image editor anytime before here -- the .gif preserves this in other contexts, whereas the .jpg will only preserve it given particular jpg settings). HOW TO GO QUICKLY FROM .JPG EG FROM CAMERA INTO G15 GEM: PREAMBLE: in the following, you'll find some descriptions of some of the included external utilities in the y6.zip package; some of these come in two forms, for instance, purebmp also comes as purebmp3, bmpgreen also comes in the form bmpgreen3. Very bright photos straight from camera with a normal RGB color range will get a very artistic type of contrast and good enough brightness with purebmp and bmpgreen (and bmpgreen3 and bmpgreenx3). But if you want a GENERAL more bright result, and more 'safe' for ALL types of images, prefer the variation with the digit '3', the purebmp3, bmpgreen3 and so forth. This is said here after more probing of how it all works with a large variety of images from a variety of sources, and we say it here because the routines themselves don't say quite this. These routines are all VERY easy to use, so if you forgive the quantity of words we provide here -- just browse through it -- you'll very quickly get the knack of using these image routines and by that getting a relaxed, joyous sense that you can now get images into, and out from, the G15 platform fast and smoothly and get more first-handedness and authenticity and wise use of colors into both your own working and leisure space, and, by your publishing of the results, into the world as well. ANOTHER THING: all Linuxes with respect for themselves are set up so that, if they are not actually 32-bit, which is the best, they at least can run all 32-bit programs. See get-sdl.txt for how to do this with some Linuxes. However, we have provided alternative pathways in the following for how to do it for those who confine their Linux world to the narrow segment called '64-bit'. To go from .jpg into g15 and back into .jpg, perhaps upsized to 950 to accomodate the more 'greedy' attitude to filesizes typical when using PCs on the web, we have a number of routines. Note that the following paragraphs are a guideline, hopefully consistent, but if there are any confusions, the programs talk verbosely (as we like, generally) about themselves, and should clear up any extra matter not talked about here. But there are certain things here which it is good to know about before using them. The aim was, and it has been achieved: you can communicate, on all major Linux platforms, both ways with main image standards, without using any but included command-line tools and standard features of LInux, without calling on any perhaps whimisically version-changed huge Image Editor package in Linux as a go-between. The options included on the command line are many, to accommodate what we think is ALL alternatives, as long as we bear in mind that extra editing in Gem, such as to enhance brightness, and to clear-cut the image boundaries, are usually to be expected. This section means that the previous section -- still included, and much further below in this readme.txt -- which indicates how to use such as Gimp to premake .bmp files for import, isn't anymore necessary. However there are other paragraphs around there which explain how to get started using G15 when it comes to moving images around in the native G15 disks, so these paragraphs are still there! Alright, then! ===== USING THE y6.zip LINUX IMAGE CONVERSION UTILITIES=== ===== USING THE y6.zip LINUX IMAGE CONVERSION UTILITIES=== ===== USING THE y6.zip LINUX IMAGE CONVERSION UTILITIES=== ===== USING THE y6.zip LINUX IMAGE CONVERSION UTILITIES=== Install the y6.zip and check that your g15 works before doing anything of the next. As mentioned in the installation section beneath, some Linuxes require a little bit setting up to do this smoothly, as further explained in get-sdl.txt, also found within the y6.zip! [[[Note: some of these are included in the y6all.zip package, namely those which presumably work in a very wide set of 32-bit linuxes, including such as RH8. So if you use the y6all.zip package, pls read the how-to-convert-images-in-rh8.txt for information on how to use such as rh8 for image conversion, in addition to e.g. some of the commands mentioned next. But if you use y6all.zip in a linux which can handle more of the following commands, just get them from the y6.zip package, and use them.]]] *THE JPG-IMAGE-SIZE* First, tend to the size of it, get it to 500x500. You can use any number of free tools to do this. For instance, in most linuxes, there's a command you can type which is 'convert', and which relates to a free image package easily installed, that can handle the whole thing about scaling an image properly and filling out the extra canvas neatly by some simple text commands. This belongs to the 'imagemagick' package. It should be quickly installed into any fresh Linux that has something like a Software Center or by a command like apt-get install imagemagick We have simplified the resizing into the following easy .sh commands. Here, you don't type ".jpg", so that if you wish to convert photo1.jpg and make file ready1.jpg, you type ./jpgsizer.sh photo1 ready1 and in general, ./jpgsizer.sh infile outfile So by calling 'convert' this creates 500x500 by, if necessary, making the image smaller; and it fills out the extra, if the image has different proportions, by a bit more of the same image ('tile'). This you easily can fix up in Gem as you want to, once it is inside the G15 platform. ./jpgcorner.sh infile outfile This takes a 500x500 (eg half-size) corner out of an image -- depending on proportions, it will usually be the upper left corner -- if need be by making it bigger. The number you'll see within this .sh file if you open it in a text editor and fix on it is 1000x1000, and by varying this, you can varying how big corner. More variations: ./jpgbcorner.sh -- bottom left corner ./jpgrcorner.sh -- upper right corner ./jpgrbcorner.sh -- right bottom corner Check result with an image viewer like the GNU image viewer, eog, and you can type such as eog imagename.bmp & when this program is installed. (Eog doesn't show all .bmp with sharp contrast; to check .bmp more precisely, prefer eg Mozilla Firefox; to use eog to check a .bmp, you can convert it to .gif by means of the simple conversion procedure we describe in these paragraphs.) [[[Technical note: To open more than one instance of the ego viewer, which is practical when fine-tuning variations, you can type eog & first in a Terminal at your normal user-name (e.g., before the sudo -i we recommend for having a sense of control over the PC when working great with G15 in the REALLINE mode), and then you can type eog & again after typing sudo -i and operating the second instance in the Administrator mode.]]] *THEN: THE PURE BMP-FILE-FORMAT* Resizing done, we must then do something which is used to be challenging since there is a mess of standards, and things vary even within the various versions of the very same image conversion and editing tools for various platforms. So we have gone into a bit of bits and bytes (derived from work first done with Allegro in Firth/DOS for earlier forms of the language) and come up with supersimple conversion programs -- freeware written as what we call 'external utilities', which act as bridges between such as Linux and the G15 platform, which also includes G15 hardware, the Avenuege G15 PC. These bridges are written in programs which are more native to Linux in order not to clutter the core G15 platform with stuff which is merely a question of translation to some extra formats floating around in other operating systems, in particular Linux. (For remember that even if you run G15 inside or on top of Linux, it runs as if by its own CPU, a virtual CPU, and does absolutely everything in its own way, from disk sectors up to fonts and pixels.) So we are putting photos e.g. from a camera into the G15. First, we got it over to the right size, thanks to existing programs, suitably programmed by the .sh we made. Now we want the .jpg rgb color to be perfectly green-toned in the perfectly standard .bmp format -- which, although it is a perfect standard, is suddenly just one of literally dozens of .bmp variations, with no easy way of sorting them out from one another, and no clear language about them either. So this is something we have now cleared up! If you have a graphical Linux, and it is running 32-bit programs, well, then purebmp and its variations are the easiest: Once it is in 500x500 size (and do pls ONLY call the following with 500x500 size, or these external programs may not exit neatly), a plain normal (one-layer, RGB etc) .jpg file, you simply type (while about to start ./g15 from your y6 folder): ./purebmp filename and that's it! You can also type ./purebmp3 filename which is smoother for .jpg's with a bit wild colorscheme, but perhaps the purebmp rather than purebmp3 is the most pleasing when straight from camera. In many GNU/Linux platforms, the command eog & will open up an image viewer. (Hint: if you need two image viewers at the same time, you may start eog & from the normal user name, then type sudo -i, get into administrator mode, and type it again.) (As already said, eog doesn't show all .bmp with sharp contrast; to check .bmp more precisely, prefer eg Mozilla Firefox; to use eog to check a .bmp, you can convert it to .gif by means of the simple conversion procedure we describe in these paragraphs.) Or you can use e.g. Mozilla Firefox to check the images. The conversion from RGB to bright green tone is more an art than a technique -- involving psychological weighing of the typical range of colors from e.g. a camera. But it can also be handled by means of averages, and for images with a certain 'squeezed' color range the purebmp3 may provide the more adequate answer compared to purebmp. TECHNICAL BACKGROUND COMMENT::: The purebmp is one of the external utility to make it easier for G15 enthusiasts to communicate seamlessly with the rest of the Linux world. Some of these utilities are written in Free Pascal by Florian Klaempfl and his many colleges; and obviously the Pascal -- with all respect for Modula-2 and Oberon -- provides a non-hierarcical no-fuss approach which, in the Borland and Delphi inspired Free Pascal form, shows that Pascal still remains the best production by the swiss scientist Nicolas Wirth, a genius on the level with Chuck Moore, who originated Forth in the 1960s. The C++ made by Bjarne Stroestrup as extension of C after inspirations from Simula67 by the Norwegian Kristen Nygaard is, like Modula-II, perhaps interesting but C remains in a way freer; however C has been sort of messed up by the Linux-version-craze so that things compiled by C have numerous bindings to version-numbers, preventing the sense that C (or c) is a universal type of programming language. It isn't even 'pragmatic', for the hierarchical packaging that the scripts associated with it is organised in (esp its) USA-forms, though they may abstractly have a vague kind of connection to a pragmatic William James type of philosophy, in fact obscure the clarity with which works can be done. As a result, a largely imitative culture around programming has arisen, and it's time to realise that those minds wrapped up into hierarchical packaging aren't well tuned at all to do any serious computational work. Put simply, computer science has lost grip on things ever since the german Kurt Goedel and the brit Alan Turing worked out all the essentials of what programming must be. The psychological format of G15 PMN brings however on a different level, and when communication with existing Linux protocols isn't vital, we recommend of course our own language: for even Forth and Pascal (and C, and the Simula67-via-C++-and-Smalltalk influenced Java etc) were made with certain attitudes concerning such as the flow control of programs which make the 'mental field' of the programmer less clear-cut. This affects even such as the humour of the programmer; more about this elsewhere. In short, the computer world has much to be ashamed about. It's a completely messy industry -- whether as a result of unconscious confusion, or (at occasion) some willingness to mess up things in order to keep a level of control (a result of agencies with a double agenda having a hand with the development of both software and hardware). However, when all this has been said, we are willing to engage in industrial pragmatism and pick pieces of working protocols when things have got to work and we after all need some standards rather than none. So, for instance, we cautiously invite the use of some forms of java in incorporating additional implementations of the G15 PMN language such as towards robotic control and increased use on the net. Well! Anyway. Confusion is never as strong as the coherent alternatives, and G15 is a coherent alternative to teh whole SHEBANG. FOR MORE VARIATIONS, and for 64-BIT COMPATIBILITY, and to treat other color space alternatives which are tricky, you can use a variations of the 'convert' command: ./putgray.sh infilename outfilename on the .jpg or a .bmp before you put it into these utilities. This will convert to grayscale in a certain way and smooth over certain things in case it's necessary; this will also allow conversion between filetypes. To avoid setting to gray, use instead ./convertimagetype.sh infilename outfilename THESE ROUTINES ARE USED IN 64-BIT LINUX TOGETHER WITH THE BMPGREEN ROUTINES TALKED IN NEXT PARAGRAPH. Anyhow, the 32-bit purebmp utility creates at once the pure standard classical .bmp -- REALLY standard, in contrast to all the half-standards and variations that float around and confuse the area when it comes to .bmp. That's why we've made this freeware (using free pascal, drawing on our firth knowledge of the standard classical format of .bmp files as defined a long time ago). For instance, if you type ./purebmp alpha it will read alpha.jpg and produce alpha.bmp. The 500x500 pixel size is obviously the recommended standard for first-hand stimulating image treatment in the G15 Yoga6dorg PMN approach to photos and such. The purebmp utility draws on some widely available routines but also has fresh stuff derived from our own experience. *OR: THE ALTERNATIVE ROUTE -- BMPGREEN -- VIA AN RGB-BMP* -- This will work also in the 64-bit Linuxes which don't have full 32-bit compatibility, and you can produce the input to this by the various .sh files described above and below, which also work in 64-bit In some cases you may want to go from an RGB type of BMP towards OUR type of .bmp, without going between the .jpg approach. The .jpg approach nearly always imposes blurs and tiny changes on an image, as you may know, and the inbuilt jpg-reading commands we've called on as the first of the two-three phases in the freeware may not cover every variation of .jpg files equally well. The pure vanilla 'blonde' .bmp form -- as we, for emphasis, can call it -- is exact and infinitely more first-hand in how it is organised inside the file. But .jpg may be tough on occasions, and so there is an alternative route -- if you can get the .jpg over to a certain type of color .BMP, the socalled '24-bit RGB BMP', instead. This should be of the plain type, free from extra compression and free also from extra socalled 'color space' info, and this may have to be specified to such as Gimp during the export-to-file process. So a plain standard .bmp 500x500 of an RGB fullcolor type can be converted into our classical indexed spring-green-tone standard .bmp, same size, by this our freeware: ./bmpgreen infile.bmp outfile.bmp For wild colorschemes, smoother result with: ./bmpgreen3 infile.bmp outfile.bmp For .bmp's of the right size 500x500, and also the normal (24-bit, as it's called) RGB type, but which has the extra and needless extra part of it called 'colorspace', there are some extra alternatives here, that we have written for you. So, when you have a .bmp of size 750138 rather than the vanilla blonde map bmp standard 750054 for a 500x500 image (type two lowercase L's and the image name to check, like ll image.bmp and it will tell the number of bytes in it) -- for these, then, you can use ./bmpgreenx infile.bmp outfile.bmp and, for wild colorschemes, smoother result with: ./bmpgreenx3 infile.bmp outfile.bmp 64-bit versions that you can use intelligently with the .sh's which use the 'convert' program: ./bmpgreen-64bit infile.bmp outfile.bmp ./bmpgreen3-64bit infile.bmp outfile.bmp ./bmpgreenx-64bit infile.bmp outfile.bmp ./bmpgreenx3-64bit infile.bmp outfile.bmp You just check the filesizes of what you have produced by the various ..sh routines we have provided, and see whether to use the bmp..x or without the 'x'. Remember to first get it over to 500x500, see the first paragraph about this. Before you input a .bmp into G15, check that the size of the .bmp is the same as the included black.bmp (or the muscle.bmp). The command ll can tell you that the size of black.bmp is 251078. So this is the non-RGB plain vanilla blonde .bmp standard, and this is the exact right one for importing into G15 and for further processing in GEM. *GOING THE OTHER WAY, PUBLISHING YOUR G15 GEM IMAGES AS .JPG* When you quickly want a .jpg to be made out of the .bmp which has just been exported e.g. from your Gem works inside -- easily done at a Gem utility menu -- then, within same folder just type ./bmp2jpg filename and it will convert filename.bmp to filename.jpg. At a non 32-bit compatible 64-bit Linux this should work: ./convertimagetype.sh filename.bmp filename.jpg But this may also be good if the bmp2jpg gives a too blurred result. There are other conversion routines, obviously, and some will also provide a much more compact file when that matters. This .bmp is extremely compatible. This is one of the things which also work in 64-bit. To make eg a1.jpg resized (up or the other way) to within, say, 950*950 pixels, the new image stored in a1x.jpg, type ./jpgupsize.sh a1 a1x 950 Also works in 64-bit. A textual-only Linux should be able to run the 'convert' types of .sh, as well as the bmpgreen-variations. There is a callling, if only for a brief instant, on some graphical display stuff in some of the other image conversion utilities. PRINTING IMAGES: Such as a .gif perhaps from the type of simple conversion command we describe above, eg with a .bmp exported from G15 y6 or a .png coming from a screencopy key-click command in Linux ("Print", or "PrintScreen" key), usually prints well in many linuxes by means of the eog program. When you use eg an a linux with such as a Brother printer (Brother printers are generally slightly more expensive than some other alternatives, but much more friendly towards Linux and towards maintenance), it will often recognise it and allow it to be used without additional installations required. Turn on the printer and let the printer start up fully before you connect it to the PC, and then, after that, start up such as eog or gimp and try printing from these. (The Mozilla Firefox program, like several other net browsers, does not always print correctly with some printers, whereas such as eog generally do.) IN ALL CONVERSION PROCESSES, ESPECIALLY BETWEEN MONOCHROME AND MULTICHROME, BE PREPARED TO SUCH AS ADJUST THE LIGHT AND CONTRAST SOMEWHAT. This matters more when the image has white light which must be separated from bright colored background; and when the image already tends to be somewhat darkish; and some issues during esp. conversions to and from .jpg may show itself during a bit pushed use of colors, in contrast to a somewhat more 'average' spread of color tones. Keep in mind that the .jpg, although easy to be fond of for its compactness in doing things over net, is about as far from a beautifully designed and clearly unambigious image data format as one can get. It's all about stuffing the most into the least, and then unstuffing it again by means of rules of thumb, rather than absolutenesses. Nothing, we might say, is more different than .jpg and that which we define as 'pure bmp', the blonde bmp. These programs are freewares we have put together inside the y6.zip platform to ease the capacity that Linux interactors have, when it comes to exchanging images with the G15 platform. They also have a role when using the Avenuege G15 PC -- which has totally different hardware, and the G15 run 'natively' on the electronics -- when this PC is connected to a Linux PC via a cable, and you wish to transfer images both ways between these PCs. Also, the ./henni and ./elisabet utilities can, respectively, merge and split such as large .zips of images into smaller packages which it is easier to transport between machines. These are here in 32-bit form. The latter two we made a long time ago, but they still work fine, and there are cases for those who work with experimentative and small computers where dividing even moderately large files into truly small ones, and gluing them together again, makes a great deal of sense; so while completing the library of external utilities to make G15 interact the best way possible with the Linux operating system, we included them also. Note that these use the suffix .zip as a convention, but they don't really look into the files and so, as long as you know what the files really refer to, you can use these routines for any Linux filetype you want within the 32-bit limit of about 2GB. *AFTER THAT, THE G15 UTILITY MENUES* Chose there Import to Gem. More comments beneath in this text about that -- before we made these new simplifying utilities, but with useful comments about how to move images around in the Gem cards. =================================You have just read about: ===== USING THE y6.zip LINUX IMAGE CONVERSION UTILITIES=== ===== USING THE y6.zip LINUX IMAGE CONVERSION UTILITIES=== ===== USING THE y6.zip LINUX IMAGE CONVERSION UTILITIES=== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: Installation into most linuxes are easy -- if you know how to get to the terminal in that linux, and if you eg a linux from Sparkylinux.org, or any "X Windows" oriented linux which is no earlier than the linux included in c55dos.ova (linked to at yoga6d.org/economy.htm) and with a screen no less than 1024*768 {{however that particular .ova has only 800x600, so there will be another one, later in 2015, more suitable here!}}, you can usually get it up easy. You need to be sure you have a very standard library called SDL 1.2 (it is a library of routines to, among other things, set pixels on the PC monitor, and read off the mouse and keyboard, and that's all it is used for in this case!). *********************** By the way: Do you want to use the rh8.ova and the c55dos.ova inside VirtualBox inside a Linux? Then spend some time with them setting it up and learning about them. Let us add, here, that when you use the FTP approach for moving files in and out of these as indicated there, and you use a Linux and a typical setup of Virtualbox, it will normally only worked if a cable is plugged into a router (ie, plugged into the type of box that in turn is plugged into the internet). (Without the router, one must change settings or change backgrund platform for the Virtualbox to get it to work.) Also, note that even if such as gftp would work against the real net when run direct in a Linux on a real PC, it will use different ports than expected if you use it within a Virtualbox with the typical settings I have seen that Virtualbox has inside common linuxes. And these different ports are ports that leads at least to question-marks at the other end, if you use this gftp against real servers; in fact the typical way firewalls are done around servers is such that you mustn't even think of trying this, unless you are willing to go through the nuissance of unblocking your connection to that server. When you know these two things, and spend time with the .ova's, you can get a lot of things -- essential things -- to work, more or less f*o*r*e*v*e*r ;-) ************************** The 32-bit Linuxes are ALWAYS the easiest to get a lot of things to run in, and always to be adviced, although, if you have 64-bit Linux that isn't at present set up to run 32-bit thingies, there's a 64-bit version of the y6 also included -- however for smoothest performance when doing other things at the same time on the same machine, 32-bit is cool. {{{Added note: okay, we admit that the ./g6.sh -- the 64-bit G15 PVI, works pretty nice. It works in fact nicer than what it suggests. It says that each time one presses the button to quit to Linux menues, one ought to exit the G15 soon, and restart it. After extensive probing this seems to be -- typically -- unnecessary. Within reason, one can exit, by the Delete button, and restart it by pressing G and lineshift, many times over and it will work quite nice -- and that also for the 'Good timing' program on the homecard. The timing will be good even in the 64-bit version.}}} This readme.txt text is a mini-encyclopedia aiming to change the typical thinking and typical set of expectatons around programming languages, games, and various forms of moralities, as well as info on how to install. But do use the scroll-button to get to the section where it explains where to unzip and so on if you know Yoga6dOrg thinking well enough already! There is another text in this same y6.zip called get-sdl.txt which tells the above-mentioned commands to get in the SDL-library in such as Sparkylinux. In other Linuxes, such as Fedora, Red Hat, CentOS, OpenSuse, -- and the innumerable others -- there are usually pretty clear-cut instructions how to get the SDL in, and many packages, including Wine, do tend to come along together with it. EcoNomy WINNING CHOICE VOCABULARY: 'realline': when you use a PC connected to the Internet, it can be said to be in the 'online' mode. When you use it creatively in independence form the net, it can be said to be in the REALLINE mode -- it is working relative to the reality around you and near you, instead of being hooked up into the virtual world of the net. We propose that the word 'offline' is not as suitable for this type of work with a PC: the word REALLINE is more to the point, and more positive. The word 'offline' still has a role: when a PC is sought to be connected to the net and this hasn't yet been achieved. 'permille', shortened into 'pmille' when natural: in all of 20th century, the idea of counting from one (or zero) to one hundred in terms also of what was called 'percentage' grew until it reached an absolute obsession with large swaths of the population in Europe and USA, and never more so than in those parts of the world dedicated to trying to increase their wealth by means of statistical manipulation of the masses also by means of computer-targeted advertisement. The idea of counting these little numbers carried into the obsession about grouping people into socalled age-groups, as if this could say anything significant about people. The materialistic faith of trying to conquer reality by means of modifying percentages and dividing people by income group and age group has to be abolished in favour of a more humane, more empathic, more real understanding both of people -- with all their infinities -- and of numbers. And numbers must be released from the trauma of percentage. In Europe, there has always been an alternative, but it was never entirely established in terms of a standard English convention -- but every dictionary with respect for itself will tell you that 'permille' -- the 'mille' the same root as in 'millenium', or a thousand years -- 'permille', these dictionaries say, means, 'per thousand', so that e.g. 500 permille means half, and 1500 permille means one and a half times as much. This is slightly more challenging for the human mind in just the right way. Abolish the reliance on percentage -- and age-groups --, and adopt permille -- and perception of the other person as she or he is --, and much good will happen! So, when we shorten the word 'permille', we can write 'pmille'. In both these cases, we avoid any confusion with an entirely different number word, namely, that of one million. The word 'permille' meaning 'pr one thousand' stands on its own without any association to 'million'. The abbrevation 'pmille' is natural. 500 pmille is a type of phrase that looks good in e.g. accounting. Choice of PC to run G15: a PC which runs Firth can run G15, but -- after a great deal more experience -- Linux runs G15 better than Firth does (and on a vastly broader range of hardware). The decision has been taken that the most native hardware for G15 is the G15 PC, when it comes -- and we're speaking new types of electronics inside -- but with permanent focus on getting the chief Linxues for the broadest ranges of commercially available PCs always to run the G15 package completely well. The Firth exists but -- in contrast to some other statements here and there in our G15 pages and texts -- it is the y6.zip that is the main version of those two, and there are elements which have not exactly total compatibility between the two which we'll avoid fixing. For instance, the way to access the CTR-key in Firth is handled by some inbuilt words which works in Linux as well, but Linux -- and the {upcoming} G15 PC hardware has additional ways, through the versatile 'KI' word. Firth was important to help chisel out what G15 is in contrast to Linux -- also so as to ensure that there were no Linux-dependencies built into the G15 -- but we need to refocus energies to realise that Avenuege G15 PC which has G15 as its only and total operating system -- which will run all the programs that this package runs, without any change at any point anywhere -- and the G15 PC will obviously have some extra goodies that belongs properly to it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: readme.txt as in y6.zip pls also read readme.txt in g15sp_f.zip: these are from norskesites.org/fic3, the source of the G15 Yoga6dorg platform by ATWLAH Aristo Tacoma w/Lisa, Athina and Helena Salinger ******************************************************** When you start up G15, you can at once befriend its mistress Eliza -- MTEliza. You find this little gem of a program at the first utility menu, linked to from the homecard G:15, which you reach by a simple click on the mouse when in Menu Mode. MTEliza is always there for you; perhaps you can sort out some feelings, get some clarity by her option 1, or the free thinking pad (which doesn't store anything and which is exited by a simple extra lineshift), -- it's a program which encourages you to use the PC realline in a dialogue with yourself. Realline means that in other valuable senses of connectedness, that PC and your work and indeed your mind and feeling may be more online and holistically flowing and intelligent than ever. MTEliza definitely and proudly made without believing any of the hype and illusion and hypocrisy of what dumb folks refer to as 'artificial intelligence'. This is a program for those who know, for a fact, that artificial intelligence is something disproved in the 1930s, disproved once and for all, and all other notions of it is but the product of a confused min, as indicated in the essay on Goedel's work at http://www.norskesites.org/fic3/fic3inf3.htm So MTEliza proudly gives a only few premade sentences -- but with a great intuition, we hope, in just what sentences these are, and how they were coded into the program -- as response and then ONLY by means simple uncluttered hash numbering. After playing her cards, her finite sets of sentences, in a sequence shuffled by means of the particular formulations that you choose, she's rather quiet. You'll enjoy her simple, optimistic, beautiful personality. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: SUITABLE FOR G15 INTRAPLATES MULTIVERSITY PROJECTS ALSO ELECTRONICS, LOGIC TEACHING, PROGRAMMING TEACHING, DESIGN TEACHING, DRAWING TEACHING, AND GENERAL CONSTRUCTIVE WORK WITH LANGUAGE AND PHOTO ******************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: * do you really care about the present civilisation and its culture and its condemnations? that's very very good of you, please go somewhere else, there are many products that will cement your bias very well * this is rather made for those who aren't impressed by any attempts to imitate reality or cater to foolish impulses * this is making your pc be how a pc should really be, if this planet and its civilisation attempts hadn't existed in the first place * if you don't know or don't approve of japanese manga -- which isn't imitated here, but learned from, and diverted from -- wait starting up this until you do * this is sensual startlingly logical profoundly coherent quantum inspired programming language and game AND work platform and source of great applications and academic work also ******************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: ******************************************************** Y6.ZIP: THE G15 PLATFORM ON TOP OF ANY LINUX ESPECIALLY, RECOMMENDED, 32-BIT CLASSIC LINUX WITH CLASSIC X-WINDOWS, E.G. FROM SPARYLINUX.ORG, OPENSUSE.ORG, XUBUNTU.ORG, OR THE SAME EXACTLY ON TOP OF EG FIRTHDOS, OR RUN AS ITS OWN OPERATING SYSTEM ON AVENUEGE G15 PC {latter to come} --- this is 'off-line' relative to Internet and such, because the earthian internet doesn't quite seem to reach through the galaxies to the spot where you do mind-awakening creative energising G15 PC work, it's just so ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: AN APP CAN BE MOUNTED. How: unzip each nnnnnnn.zip into the folder from where you usually start your g15 platform; start up the platform; type mnt select number 1 on menu; type the number nnnnnnn of the app, which is the number prior to the ".zip"; as you press enter, the menu of the app comes up and explains how to start it AS YOU PERHAPS KNOW the mnt command also allows you to make your own mountable g15 apps when you have a suitable new program and/or dataset. WHEN YOU MAKE YOUR OWN APP PLEASE NOTE: The MNT command is useful to make a new app from your main normal g15 disks, with disk H as the menu and core part. Carefully read the text that comes up when you type mnt after having started the command, and it is rather self-explanatory. But there is a point which can be confusing to beginners, and here we'll attempt to explain it once and for all: When you have loaded an app, you can save to the disks, and it will be saved into your version of the app: this, then, is suitable when you have the correct size and quantity of disks in the h:10 card of the loaded app. However if you wish to CHANGE h:10 you must copy the mounted app over to your native disks, then you must reset the disks -- that's option number 4 on the mnt menu -- arrange the native disks and arrange card h:1 and card h:10 in particular -- and then, having the earlier version of the app safely backuped, you choose mnt option number 3. Beware, then, always to use mnt#4 to return to native disks, before mnt#3 {though theoretically there might be some unusual cases where doing mnt#3 can make sense while there's already a mount, but that's very far from the normal process}. Have backups and go slow if you are new at this. In other words, the MNT command must always work from your normal g15 disks when it makes a new app. If in doubt, reboot the g15, look at whether h:1 and h:10 are correct for the app, and THEN make it. In yet other words: don't make an app twice over itself while it's loaded, for then it may get erased! It may also help, in the beginning, that you use different app-numbers, so that you don't overwrite important data -- until you have sorted it out and know what's what. This is a long explanation for things that go really super- rapid with a little experience. Good luck! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: You don't need programming expertise if you have a standard enough Linux PC -- e.g. with Xubuntu.org installed on it, in order to make sense of this G15 package and set it up and run it and run also stuff you have acquired for this package or platform from other places. However you do need plenty of patience at first, for everything here is made in what we could call another meta-physics or understanding of what a pc ought to be to encourage good work. At some stage we'll sell a box that has it all preinstalled. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: This y6.zip is typically released the same day as the g15sp_f.zip. Each has its own readme.txt & both ought to be scrutinized before any first use of this platform whether on top of Linux or as extension of the Firth dos-compatible platform. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: THE G15 PLATFORM -- with its applications, game-playing capacities, and potentials for use in education, research, etc etc -- including the G15 Yoga6dorg assembly-like language -- and the PMN high-level elegant script-like language -- quantum touched -- can be run as its own operating system -- where the beautiful monochrome fonts and photos acquire, naturally, a fresh rough texture, but it DOES work on top of any normal Linux as well, however it looks more 'over-polished' there -- for the price of a low-priced monochrome t-shirt you can get a physical big keyboard with F1..F12 keys marked clearly, which can be plugged into most laptops straight away and work without any installation: the Curveart games and all other big applications in G15 not only prefer this, but CRAVE this -- alongside a physical mouse which has been tuned well for speed if you wish to make your own pulp fiction curveart games of a 32-bit compatible approach -- that offer a psychologically and spiritually benefitting monochrome green display size 1024*768 or in some cases 1024*600, or wider screens where this is the size utilised ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: FOR FAST PC'S G15 Yoga6dorg PMN, and games, and platform for work, also its own OS and relevant for electronics education with its own CPU ideas LOVELOL=LOVELOwresoLution --it goes for the visual --as for sound --that you as whole human being can enlist the PC to heighten your awareness of the world around the PC when the PC stays within the notion of neither too much resolution nor too little in ANYTHING that pours from it onto you and your dancing friends -- an unreadable new (always-new) text called qtouch.txt has been included If you are beyond the need to be held in hand and guided and given a million options in order to write a text, and you think that your mind will glow and spark new flames of attention and great writing by a consciously limited type of electronic typewriter, the B9edit Typewriter is for you. It is shaped according to principles unknown to most programmers, derived by conscious reflection over the most central features of what mind is all about, also as derived from our physics theory and its popularisation in terms of what we call 'q-fields'. TAKE TIME GET FAMILIAR WITH ALL ITS BUTTON-COMBINATIONS. After you've got familiar with it, start working with it. YOU WON'T LEAVE IT. EVER. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: What we call 'curveart' game approach is pulp fiction and cartoon inspired and as light and 'non-simulating' as a game can be -- a story with game features -- and a full example is part of the G15 core package with apps (meaning here applications, and more such games also) at www.norskesites.org/fic3/fic3inf3.htm The entire package is suffused with a philosophy of the tantric, and the game is xxx porn scifi action kind -- a first-hand nonaddictive approach in alignment with the philosophy of the included texts in this whole package, which should be read 1st ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: [[[Note: the present section, like most in this readme.txt after the initial pages, were written for y6.zip -- and the importance of modifying the speed of any plugged in mouse to whatever is most artistically pleasing as well as practical for you is enormous, no doubt about that. But if you use such as RH8 in a Virtual PC then it makes most sense to run such as ./slomouse.sh or the shorter form of ./o.sh or the somewhat faster form ./o2.sh in the surrounding PC environment. The RH8 as it comes has X Windows but the program to regulate the mouse speed is usually not part of RH8. So run it before you start such as RH8. Note that a laptop with a plugged in extra mouse usually has a different setup of this command than nonlaptop computer where the mouse is an integrated part of it. The ./slomouse.sh command takes you through this so that you by paying attention to its output, and using a text editor like gedit on it, you can tweak it to fit with your PC. In the situation where you use a platform which is not the normal X Windows Linux, you may find that there are other programs that can make the mouse have the right speed, but not all platforms have any such option and we always, when it comes to linuxes, recommend X Windows.]]] To make more curveart games, fine-adjust the mouse. If the mouse is a standard simple USB mouse plugged into a Linux laptop (where the dominant X Windows is the startup mode and, let's be clear, the only mode we support), the command ./slomouse.sh should slow the mouse adequately when entered just before the ./g15.sh startup command. This command can be simplified when you study it: it has been made so that it explains how it can be configured to other situations, e.g. on in which a desktop PC is used. All this has here been set up so that you run it as administrator in a Terminal. You can use, if you know these things, the command chmod to change all the files so that you can run it as a non-administrator also. Read about security and normal installation below, please. When started, the [Delete] button provides Linux background menu access where frame also can be pushed to one side to compare with camera input e.g. for Curveart drawing. This button works fine as long as the program is not just any loop, but is a keyboard sensitive program. TO DRAW EXCELLENT CURVEART, using the ART command, where the monochrome black-and-spring-green approach can be used to create to all sorts of physically static scenes which, though static and monochrome, will, when well-done, be experienced inside the mind of the observer with all the proper colors, dimensions and sense of motions, the sounds, the scents and so on, one must spend good time getting familiar with program. Then one will find that it gets not only easy, but more easy than any other drawing tool imaginable, digital or analog (and, of course, all this without any sense of such cheating by copying existing models and repasting new textures on them as is typical in the so-called '3d' game industry, where artists are no longer artists but merely manipulators). AS FOR MOUSE: the mouse you use should be a physical mouse, e.g. optic, moving on a smooth surface, used by your drawing hand, while you have a physical keyboard in your lap, operated by your other hand. The keyboard backspace, space, a-button, t-button, q-button, and, to clear, x-button, are operated by this other hand so the drawing hand (for most people the right hand) is free to move the mouse carefully without bothering about such buttons on the mouse as could move the mouse out of a the drawing of a perfect curve. The backspace clicks are important as a resetting after using the slim-line 't' option or the huge 'a' option, in order to get the menu, 'q'. As indicated elsewhere, by setting the whole background to bright via backspace and x, followed by a 'q' then 'r' to return to drawing board, gives you the proper margins within which to draw. AS FOR THE PC: if the drawing line is too dotty use a faster PC -- it also has to be said that the screen interaction method used with Linux G15 is such that the lines get smoother than with the Firth. If the mouse goes too fast even when the mouse is set to move as slow as it can be with a Linux control panel in X windows use the slomouse.sh instructions to make it even slower. When you've found the right command, put that line, if you like, into the startup startup .sh command for your g15. For this you use an editor such as gedit, and the starting of .sh commands are explained elsewhere in this document. AS FOR DRAWING AFTER PHOTOS AND OTHER IMAGES: one will always be able to imbue a drawing with new life and a new intent and new context and its own soul as it were when one has this intent, even as one admits to the beauty and true and genuine inspiration and information value of looking at energising photos and occasionally some other images, such as other drawings, while doing drawing. To facilitate this, GET A HUGE COLLECTION OF ANATOMICALLY TRUTHFUL IMAGES, use the artist's license to acquire not only images of adults but also children because the artist must study honest anatomy uncluttered by the un-innocent tainting features of culture and false exercise methods. Open them eg in Mozilla, and each time find one that indicates something you want to learn from during this drawing process next. Click on the right-side of the mouse while pointing at the topmost line if you use something like Xubuntu and assert that the photo-frame is 'Always on top'. Then open G15 in 32-bit Linux, click Delete, and get the 'Always on top' photo to show by picking it from the application list -- in Xubuntu, that's on top of the screen. Put it alongside the G15 ART drawing frame, if need by push the latter to the left or right. (Be sure to notice that all this becomes very much easier by having several monitors and that the photo may well be a GEM photo inside the G15 captured from a camera -- this is a luxurious approach, more luxurious than the notion of compressing all sorts of things into a single computer, and the prospect of such luxurious abundance of G15 computers is mainly what keeps us from wanting to indulge into simulation of parallelism in G15.) AS FOR THE USE OF THE 'T' FINE LINE VERSUS THE MAIN TYPE OF LINE, the approach to take is simply to vary; be sure every series of drawings involve both; and even in a drawing style where the 't' fine line isn't used much, when one comes to face and ears and fingers and toes, it will often be necessary to invoke a fine line unless the person is quite near. If you must use a 64-bit Linux, select one, if possible, that can run 32-bit programs. See the included text in this y6.zip called get-sdl.txt for how to make Ubuntu, when you have got the 64-bit version, to run 32-bit programs, and also how to get the SDL library installed. This is a simple, standard library -- we use the most classical version, version 1.2 of it -- to access the pixels of the graphical screen, and to access also mouse and keyboard. We advice the 32-bit version of G15 because it can have such as a photoviewer running simultaneously when you wish to sketch new cartoon stuff in Curveart using only one PC, looking at photos for some of the artwork. The drawing hints given just above combine several pieces of information given around in the platform, and also some information given further on in this readme.txt. However, the value of such re-mentioned hints is that if they are written in a way that's hard to understand in one place, they may be easier to understand when written in other words elsewhere! ;-) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: Running through the G15 platform is the "quantum-touched" PMN or Primary Multiverse Noetics (ie, insight into mind, nous) -- a big name for a slim language lingering on top of the G15 Yoga6dorg 32-bit byte code which emphasies 'wave-in-the-box' understanding that quiet reflection over the best of modern physics can lead to -- and a language which, although it has limits, is itself having a boundary that can be moved somewhat, to include new desires with each game and application. THIS, however, you don't have to know to enjoy the G15 Games and use its apps! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: License: you can make your own curveart games where you also engage the characters including Anaiis Blondin, agent triple-o-four in the Gracejintu Galaxy, if you acknowledge clearly where you got those concepts from. We introduced Anaiis Blondin, her boss G and G's secretary miss Moneypenny as a scifi xxx expansion very vaguely inspired by Ian Fleming's James Bond character in 2008 as an extension of the Manhattan Transformation scifi explorations included in the Firth platform from 2006 and onwards. Agent Anaiis Blondin in the Imperial Galactic Secret Service and the whole concept are informal trademarks of Yoga4d von Reusch Gamemakers, Oslo, and the copyright for any use outside of free inspiration to make your own open source G15 PMN games, sold or free, and fiction writing, is such that for other uses you'll get permission from us in writing before engaging in such other uses. However, you are free to make new games with the same characters if you are exact and honest about acknowledgements and state who made what and what came from where. You are also free to sell what you make and include your own copy of y6.zip and g15sp_f.zip as runnables for your games, again if you are honest about what you do and state the acknowledgement to their source locations and include all original files unchanged, where any additions that you make are clearly stated as something that you have added, and normally this should be outside of those .zip files. You are also free to use any portion of the open source PMN games, applications and G15 Yoga6dorg programs in general when these are part of the the G15 platform as a standard -- but, again, you must be clear about the acknowledgements in each case, so that we know what came from where. You can do this for programs you sell or programs you give away, but we don't approve of closed-source remakes of any G15 or PMN programs -- you must retain the open source AS open source, meaning also that you cannot prevent copying from taking place but that anything you sell must be sold in good faith rather than by attempting to lock out the possibility of copying. Note that we have thereby provided a VERY GENEROUS license and we expect it to be honored, and we reserve the right to apply lawful injunctions in cases where there are clear-cut violations of this our very generous license. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: ***When you make your own curveart games, and use the command ART inside the platform, note that this ART program is deliberately mimicking some of the more or less messy sense of working as an artist in an atelier. It is entirely robust and wholesome, and produces a coherent set of results when you get used to it. But you have to get used to it -- also its quirks and tricks. A trick is, when you want to see the frame, to press BackSpace and X and press it again if necessary, to clear the frame to bright monochrome green (the standard color), then press Q and R R (to go swiftly via the menu and back). A quirk is that the pixels at the borders are not always changable by mouse-draw when you have used various options that affect them. Another quirk is that fine-drawing in the T mode, where you press T in combination with spacebar to switch pixels and to allow movement without redrawing, will for some pixel positions involve some slight changes when you save it and then reload. Also, you must get used to thinking in terms of numbers and having a way to handle the disk cards to build up more and more curveart material. Perhaps you DRAW info on an index card! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: ***DO YOU RUN A 64-BIT LINUX? If so, then (1) why? it's not that 32 to 64 is evolution; 32-bit is more privacy-friendly and has an architecture that allows the running of every kind of programs except some badly made programs that gobbles up gigabytes of RAM. (2) if you insist, then keep running it (3) you have a 64-bit version of G15 available here. (4) but cleverly made 64-bit linux'es can run most 32-bit programs -- see the included text get-sdl.txt for how to tweak Ubuntu 64-bit to run 32-bit programs (5) and that's to be recommended: g15 is in love with 32-bit and cannot conceal it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: Number one: read 0plsread.txt. It's inside the y6.zip and also inside the g15sp_f.zip package. That's the framework to understanding anything at all of the 'extremist youth-oriented' esthetical choice involved in just about everything in this platform and for its apps. It has to do with brain science -- a certain type of insight into just what is conducive to deep learning (the childlike sense of life; the healthy harmonious well-trained very young girl as archetypical image of all great artistic work) -- and with ending a certain level of hypocrisy which came into the 'post-revolutionary' female liberation movement (described in norskesites.org/news_archive_page_10.htm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: Free games, easy pedagogical examples, applications, data files for Elsketch, Atomlite, and other educational and also scientific and philosophical applications for this our beautyphile PMN programming language with all its PD (predefined) words, are constantly added -- in the form of what we call 'apps' (short for 'application', as we use that acronym) which, as we say, can be 'mounted' (using the very easy in-built G15 command MNT once you've started G15): archive {in development; just started:} http://www.norskesites.org/fic3/fic3inf3.htm http://www.moscowsites.org/fic3/fic3inf3.htm USE G15 DIRECT (NOT MERELY BY EMULATION ALTHOUGH WE WARMLY EMBRACE eg dosbox.com FOR VARIOUS SPECIFIC PURPOSES) ALSO WHEN RUNNING DOSCOMPATIBLE GAMES IN G15SP_F -- AND ON AN ABOVE-AVERAGE PC BOTH IN TERMS OF STANDARDISATION CAPACITY AND IN TERMS OF SPEED CAPACITY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: y6.zip and g15sp_f.zip esp. the readme.txt both have important info (incl additional photo acknowledgements) for g15 run in WHATEVER framework. Any major release of an app should have been tested also in Firth. Note that any use of G15 -- also its adviced rock'n'roll NOISY approach to graphics which crunches widescreen into the recommended 1024*768 display size that is ideal for Curveart games -- in a DOS-compatible context like the vast and luxurious Firth platform requires great good RAM-refresh before startup, and so some unique REFRESH files have been included. The G15X.BAT which works with DOSBOX and other DOS-compatible approaches has been updated to include reference to these files, which are in g15sp_f.zip. The G15X.BAT is a simplified form of what's inside that .zip and listed at norskesites.org/fic3 and its mirror site. These .txt files are best read in Nimbus Mono L font, which is more or less the same as to what on some platform are called Courier or Courier New. There has been a tendency to oversmooth fonts so that distinctions important in many context between e.g. 1, l and I have been blurred and made context-dependent (the number 1, the lowercase letter l and the capital letter I). Our G15 fonts deal radically, effecitively and successfully with these and other issues with the fonts of the 20th and 21st century, but if one modifies browser settings towards maximal use of something like the above, one approximates the greater clarity that will stimulate and enhance thought and thinking and mindful clarity while studying these things. The G15 fonts are meant also for having displays at considerable distance from you while having a plugged in keyboard and mouse. THE G15 FONTS TAKE SOME TIME GETTING USED TO: THEN THEY ELEVATE THEMSELVES INTO CONSCIOUSNESS AND BECOME EASIER THAN ANYTHING ELSE BOTH TO WORK WITH AND TO HAVE FUN WITH. ********************************************* * THE YOGA6DORG G15 BEAUTYPHILE PROJECT -- * STARK FIRST-HAND PROGRAMMING AND * FLICKER-RICH LOW-RES CARTOON-LIKE GAMING * "THE ACTION IS INSIDE" ********************************************* * G15: ALSO CALLED 'A UNIVERSITY IN A BOX', * 'A CRANK DEVICE FOR THE STUFF BETWEEN THE * EARS', 'SPIRITUALITY GONE SEXUAL AND TECHY', * 'FASHION HAS NEVER BEEN AS TIMELESS BEFORE', * and what not*** ********************************************* G15: Essential goods for real thinkers This is readme.txt in y6.zip -- please very carefully esp. the beginning pages of the readme.txt in g15sp_f.zip also for there are significant comments on how all G15 implementations work there -- both are at norskesites.org/fic3 -- this includes material both for absolute beginners and for absolutely advanced folks in just the right blend, we should think Do you use G15, whether for Linux or directly in Firth, on a laptop with a touchpad or something? Most laptops with USB has a totally standard support for inexpensive big-sized keyboards and a real normal optic mouse with wire. G15 Yoga6dorg and its curveart suite of games and other programs are oriented towards huge touchable keyboards which the hands can feel and interactive with, and a mouse on the side of the keyboard, so it may be a good idea to get such extra keyboards and a mouse if you have only a little keyboard and not a real mouse. Consult yoga6d.org/economy.htm -- the info on Firth there -- for how to run the version we use all the time, called Noisy, which fits G15 for Dos within Widescreen and with support, on most PCs, for USB backup pens. Use in case this y6.zip but also get g15sp_f.zip and install on top of Firth.iso as described there. If you are new to installations, begin with installing G15 on top of Linux eg Xubuntu as that's easier. For G15 Multiversity related activities, consult also {{{dedicated multiversity site to come here}}} http://www.norskesites.org/fic3/fic3inf3.htm http://www.norskesites.org/fic3/ http://www.yoga6d.org/economy.htm and links further from these Released in parallel is g15sp_f.zip also at ../fic3 and the www.norskesites.org/firth-up.txt explains how firth.iso (a vast dos) can run that G15 pvi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: G15? It's a programming language, and its own platform which can be run within standard computing contexts or directly on its own electronics, and a set of starting programs and images shaped so as to contribute to a sense of youthful perceptiveness, the health and beauty of the pure and prestine human anatomy -- alongside a sense of the quantum aspects of mind and perception. Also G15 games made in this spirit. This includes embracing the squareness and the arrythmic sharpness of the mechanical in fine contrast to the true living anatomy of the child, rather than -- as has been seen too often in the computing design culture in 20th century and early 21st century -- going for emulations and simulations with soft corners, blurrings and over-imitation of reality, and a concealed complexity behind a polished surface which, unlike G15 Yoga6dorg doesn't invite own learning and participation in the inner workings. Comes with our ROBOTFNT as well as our B9 font. The ROBOTFNT is not only meant to look crystal-clear and unambigious and full of clear-cut contrast between big letter I, small letter l, and the number 1, and all sorts of things not normally granted with falsely perfectionist font standards that are about, but it also, like the B9 font you see in our calendar print-out files in the yoga6d.org/economy.htm EcoNomy column, suggest something of the arrythmic nature of the lively mind. It takes a bit getting used to and then it is ten times better than anything else. the meditation of health, natural order, and human anatomy in all youthful splendor, and with a touch of direct contact with technology, numbers and philosophy, a platform for game and business, for porn mode and business mode, for education and self-awakening, or just for perusing of entertainment materials by Aristo Tacoma With AT's or FiT's muses Lisa, Athina and Helena Salinger {{{{{{{{ATWLAH}}}}}}}} This is a program package developed from scratch but with a use of the most essential, most fundamental connection to keyboard, mouse, monitor possible. The fancy stuff here is deep and subtle. As a result, this works on EVERY standard Linux PC we have tried it on -- and, as long as the right things are done, we find that the 32-bit versions work without any glitch, hitch, choke or anything; while the 64-bit version works just as well except when temporarily exiting G15 and messing about with linux and returning to it, where one should restart G15 for stability when one runs e.g. PMN. It is often the case, by the way, that the psychologically most meaningful number sizes -- computers tailormade to beautiful 32-bit functionality -- lead to the most stable environments in the ways that matter. We find that this feature of 32-bit linux working smoother than 64-bit linux version of the same program is something that exemplify what we have seen fairly much of elsewhere, and not something we're intending to polish away anytime soon, if at all. Besides, more and more 64-bit Linuxes perform 32-bit programs really well and do so in fact in more stable ways than they run their own native 64-bit programs. If it doesn't work for any reason, you probably WILL get it to work with just the barest minimum of experimentation. Perhaps the video is a bit out of sync if you have recently experimented a lot with mouse and video settings and this and that: so you have to shut off your PC and start it afresh to make it perform G15 emulation flawlessly. ****IN THIS MUCH-FIXED-ON README.TXT MUCH IS SAID TWICE, AT LEAST. ****YOU ARE HEREBY GRANTED THE FREEDOM TO GO STRAIGHT TO THE PART YOU WANT ;) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: THE CHALLENGE TO YOU -- AND THE GIFT TO YOU: Are you a true lover of beauty for beauty's sake -- taking joy in experiencing the natural order as of waves of an ocean -- then you're a beautyphile and you would want to set aside time to live not merely on the surface of our splendid internet but also to learn how to work with purer forms of art, and to concentrate efficiently with working with texts where new thoughts can come around, whether informally or formally. :::$Consider whether you have the creative clout of one whose mind touches the renegade forms of beauty perception: This is for the folks who MAKE trends. At ease with this, G15 may be an approach you'd like. Yoga6dorg language is also called G15 assembly, F3, Firth, Lisa Gj2 Fic3, F3v, Gamev, Knit, the Uncomputer, etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: PLEASE NOTE:*****>>>As noted elsewhere in this text also, the G15SP_F.ZIP ("G15 Service Pack Firth") is now a main release, not merely an experimental addition. It comes along with -- not only the exact same set of programs (the G15 .g15 disk files)-- but also a readme.txt of its own, that contains valuable notes for use of G15 in any platform. Please get it, when you have got this y6.zip readme.txt, and consult it also. This readme.txt is however more often updated as to the scope of the programs included in the standard G15 release, which are, in fact, compatible without change no matter how G15 is run. Some of this is oriented for work also with with such as educational electronics and chemistry, what we call Elsketch and Atomlite projects, inside the larger academic framework we call the G15 Multiversity, and which is founded by commercial activities rather than something started for profit; cfr links given at http://norskesites.org/fic3/fic3inf3.htm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: As for compatibility, apart from noticing that there is, for security reasons, a freedom from connectedness to the wires and wireless contact points of the computer in the freeware (except that the Firth version g15sp_f.zip has rs232 serial port as standard), pls pay attention to the fact that when you as a programmer make a mouse-enabled program, some functions turning mouse pointer off and back on which have no role in a linux context do have a clear role in Firth (as the manual states). This you can test by virtually running Dos (cfr dosbox.com) or a whole i386 32-bit PC (cfr eg Virtualbox.org) with Firth. Just put in those functions at the suggested places in the program and the program will be all-compatible at all platforms (and that includes Dosbox at Linux, Apple OS, Microsoft OS and others). The Dosbox has Rs232 enabled and so can be a bridge between non-usb G15-running machines and machines with usb having speed enough to perform Dosbox with G15 meaningfully fast. The G15PVI for Linux is very many times faster than Dosbox with G15 on the same platform, of course. * * * * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: This first-hand programming language, Yoga6dorg or G15 CPU assembly, teaches nearness to the q-fields (quantum-like fields, in contrast to pp-fields or more mechanical push-and-pull fields, see philosophy of physics elsewhere at yoga6d.org sites) also by means of a certain type of programming in which mind is challenged to relate to numbers and fixed structures within which it can fine-tune itself, and 'find a resonance'. This also can happen by means of a conscious use of visible raster pixels so as to suggest the elegant lines in the mind by more countable features at the computer -- quite and completely in contrast to that approach, which so often is found to dullen the mind, namely to mimick reality by the highest resolution at the computer. Also, motion is suggested rather than played out as an illusion of continuity. The G15 YOGA6DORG programs you can make to stimulate mind are of course endless, but the most artistic workshop involves an approach to make lively low-res cartoons by means of the program Curveart, as included (and with a comprehensive library of standard beauty magazine-derived images to stimulate understanding of anatomy and young interactivity), where a set of self-constructed images then enter into a program which supplies a story-text to the images and some degree of interactivity. This text is meant to be read while you have loud music on, and find yourself in a giddy, laidback, tolerant mood (for it's been written on and fixed on so many times that's not exactly as fluent and flowing as I'd like it to have been). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS: [1] The G15 is delivered to you without any warranty, as freeware, on the condition you take full responsibility yourself for whatever effect your use of this package has on anything and anyone. [2] The G15 never in any way does any lookup in Internet when it is run in Linux or in Firth/Dos, nor does it access any ports. The Firth version has access to RS232 ports in its own menu. The Avenuege G15 PCs can be connected to one another in their own particular way, their own style of net, which the software calls 'Stellar Crafnet' and which is a completely scriptless safe-enough approach to an intranet (or, in a context where such PCs are widespread, a different type of internet). This software will automatically recognise when a G15 Avenuege CPU is run, rather than a virtual CPU inside a Linux. This connection option, then, has nothing to do with the internet that Linux can access. So the y6.zip G15 version when run in any Linux doesn't even have any command to interact even with serial ports, let alone USB or an Ethernet cable. It cannot start up any program nor affect any file outside of the files inside its own folder, and then only .g15, .txt, .dat and .bmp files with short filenames of only letters, digits, and optionally dashes (-) and hyphens (_). Without hacking the binary coderunner of G15, there is no way one can put a slash into the filename and so no way one can get to access any system-sensitive files even when it's run in administration mode. In order to prevent even a hacked, recoded binary coderunner from doing things, one would want to make a y6 subfolder under one's home area, and copy the files in there, by such a copy command that gives one non-administrator rights to run these files; or by using such as chmod on content files properly. [3] Only G15 for nonlinux can access RS232 ports and so programs can in principle operate a modem connected to a Firth classical PC of the Y2000 standard kind with 1024 * 768 Vesa S3 monitor. If in doubt as to whether a program is from a trustworthy source, and you have such a type of modem connected to RS232 (which is a wholly other type of technology than the more usual ethernet), you disconnect the modem while running the program -- or any other equipment connected to RS232 ports. The linux implementation has as requirement that a key is pressed on a terminal in order to start it up, and there isn't any inbuilt way to autostart a program in the linux G15, and all this adds up to strongly enhance the probability that there's the presence of a conscious interactor operating the PC when anything G15 is run on it, rather than involving any form of surreptitious startups as can easily happen e.g. with HTML5 and Javascript turned on and Flash plugins and so on if one runs internet browsers without conscious attitude to switching such programming options off. In contrast, the Firth versions, which also works with widescreen and offers some USB pendisk backup options directly from its VERY early but heavily expanded and successfully modified FreeDOS, have procedures for such as control of educationally oriented Elsketch robots through eg RS232 with automatic startups of relevant programs after fresh boot. But the Linux is for programming in an educational sense and the games one also can run on Linux G15 should be very safe. [4] A G15 program which has been fetched from other sources than the http://www.norskesites.org/fic3 or its mirrorsite http://www.moscowsites.org/fic3 or the http://www.yoga6d.org and http://www.yoga4d.org search engine sites should nevertheless be looked at as for its trustworthiness before installing it into the G15 folder. While a G15 program on its own cannot do any binary action on the computer which goes outside of the realm of the G15, it can contain extra information and extra programs delivered on the side, and which does other things than what it says that it does. Such a G15 program can also do such messy things as rewriting the readme.txt which is inside the G15 main folder, and so implant other information there. So we're not saying one cannot get any issue by a deliberately malicious program but it is far more unlikely that one will get any issue than with most programming languages. We do not go in for digital certification because these programmes only work in a context where a lot of triple- and double-checking also of the certificate numbers are going on, and without such extra checking -- which very few of those who use such certificates actually engage in -- such digital certificates and signatures can easily be seen as a false security and something one shouldn't lean on. It's better to work with conscious awareness of possible issues of various kinds, and also engage own intuition, and to do so without using packages made by companies which have a data-mining (and thus, not trustworthy) intent, like Microsoft, Inc, Apple Computers, Inc, Oracle, Inc, and Google, Inc. The use of GNU/Linux from vendors which are not tied up with advertisement schemes nor with state surveillance is in general far better than going for such commercially oriented platforms -- even if some of these are 'open source', but that open source can be made in a way which veils hard-to-discover vulnerabilities; besides the wealth of package numbers and binary package numbers and often roll-outs may hide something of the reality of what is in the binary package, even as some source is given on the side. For further information about these things, simply go to the yoga4d.org/cgi-bin/saveall/f3w search engine by clicking on the green button there (or a similar ../cgi-bin/saveall/f3w at yoga6d.org or norskesites.org or moscowsites.org or any other of the mirror site of our free theme keyword oriented anarchistic search approach to knowledge and the internet sites, and type NSA and related keywords like Snowden and spend time reflecting over what is not said in the articles, but implied. [5] A way to reduce further the chance of programs with deliberately messy installation features for taking any liberty would be to experiment with a way to start G15 and run all its key programs which doesn't depend on the use of the administrator mode at all. However it is then important that in fact it actually works in that more protected mode, and it is primarely made for the interactor that's intelligent enough and secure-aware enough that there's no problem running program from Terminal while in administrator mode. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: The G15 has its own OS for its own hardware also included: this is, when run in emulation, entirely identical to that which is performable on the G15 hardware, when it comes. "G15" is its name, not its version, and YOGA6DORG is a synonym name. The Yoga6d.org has a search engine that is programmed in this language run in a version for servers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: G15 YOGA6DORG Programming Language, game-performing package, educational digital research lab, and also scientific formalism: full info at www.norskesites.org/fic3 consult also the bottom part of yoga6d.org/economy.htm for some articles connected to questions of design, philosophy, worldview and more. Read ahead a couple of pages for what platforms are supported (32-bit and 64-bit Linux and some more, with some subtle variations it's good to know about). ***mini-pc's better than tablets: By the way, let's note that small laptops, also called notebooks (included in MPC concept), even with 1024 * 600, pixels can run much of G15 wonderfully well (even with keyboards that's not adhering to the rather strict notions laid out elsewhere in this text). However the Curveart sketching pad and games require full 768 pixel height -- which, in Linux, means that your screen can perfectly well be bigger than 1024*768 to run Curveart games, but it can't be any smaller for then crucial parts of them won't show -- that's why, after logging in, the text says that "1024*768 screen is required" for Curveart. This message is intended for G15 hardware which then comes in (at least) two flavours, with 1024*600 screen and with 1024*768 screens. Mini-PC's have the advantage over eg tablet, goggle, watch & pocket mini-computers that they have a QWERTY keyboard that gives real tactile feedback and so facilitate thinking and good writing and clear command typing, but they share the feature of the other items of being really light-weight. ***briefly about PMN: the PMN was first thought of as having two parts, one classical programming language type but with a new slim esthetics totally, and another part which would incorporate what will make it easy to handle various forms of associative programming required e.g. for matching over images, accurate robotic moves etc. however as the first progressed it became more and more clear that the ultimate flexibility for doing anything like fcm (first-hand computerised mentality) lies in having the supreme elegance of the first part available in full freedom from preset pattern matching conditions. examples of use of pmn in such directions are listed on the inner utility menu in G15. pmn itself is surprisingly easy to work with! ;-) *** the notion of apps here, see also below: suitable hardware utilities are provided in separate mountable applications or "apps", as they also can be called -- with the exception of the file import/export utilities, each of which uses a handful of G15PVI instructions beyond the G15 instruction set proper, all the G15 OS and compiled YOGA6DORG programs are performed by the G15 CPU instruction set and so can work on dedicated elsketch electronics made as research to focus on the true first-hand understanding of digital processes, without any underlaying platform apart from this [note that the g15 cpu is properly running by means of a form of chip that isn't quite microchips, but something more first-hand, founded on the elsketch concept, which allows the computer hardware to require less space than a rather large hotel]. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: [The following applies when you use y6.zip rather than than y6all.zip:] To start 32-bit G15, then g15.sh is the right command, do something like this (depending on where you have the y6 folder), and after you have typed in eg sudo -i when you have installed it in the most powerful mode, that of the Administrator (then it should also be run in that mode; note that the g15sp_j.zip should be unfolded and performed as a normal user, as with any java program, and you may also do the same with y6.zip if you want enhanced security): cd /y6 ./g15.sh The command is ./g6.sh rather than ./g15.sh if it is 64-bit. For miniscreens 32-bit, use ./mini.sh. For 3"4 squarish monitor 32-bit, use ./pro.sh. These are exactly the same commands as the g15.sh, just with different monitor sizes inside them, in text format; and you can modify the g6.sh as well, of course. Be sure to read in this text how to set the monitor size numbers first in the .sh text you use, whether you do it in g15.sh or in g6.sh, if the numbers aren't already right, and there are some alternative .sh number sizes included also. Open them all in an editor to see the sizes, if you like. Thanks to the SDL 1.2 library, all sorts of sizes are okay as long as the 1024x768 or for a limited but important range of programs the 1024x600 size is INCLUDED. Also, as noted elsewhere in this text, if you use another type of Linux, where eg the procedure to getting up an Administrator text terminal may be different (eg Fedora) then somewhere in the extra readme.txt in the package called G15 Service Pack Firth you'll usually find the right hints.]]] Background: With the new style of notebook and laptop computers etc that has what's called an "UEFI" boot, 64-bit Ubuntu not just 32-bit Ubuntu is more of a necessity than before; this in particular when you want to run several very different platforms on same machine (when you can turn the PC to classical legacy boot mode, switching off 'fast boot' and additional switches like that in startup setup screen, and run 32-bit Linux, you'll find that there are some greater compatibilities with a range of software and occasionally more stability to the PC, although 64-bit might be more to the point for a certain type of applications). Consult, if you like, notes near the completion of of yoga6d.org/economy.htm various linux installation hints. To start the 32-bit (monitor size set within the g15.sh file, but if you have 1366*768 monitor you don't have to adjust it), where you are, naturally, performing the standard "X Windows" type of Linux, the command is this: ./g15.sh {so, if you have multiple graphical platforms to choose from during the startup, in which X Windows is one, and e.g. Mir is another, choose X, when you want to run G15 under Linux; the same goes for the other .sh startup methods next mentioned} or, if you have a mini-PC, a notebook with 1024 600 screen: ./mini.sh or if you have the psychologically hot-shot top best format of 1024*768 shaped monitor, physically speaking, which is also called 4"3 or 4-3 or 34 monitor (for 1024 to 768 is 4 to 3, where it is slightly wider than tall), use ./pro.sh and if you have 64-bit with 4-3 monitor use ./shape346.sh (note that with a mini-PC with screen smaller than 3"4, both for 32-bit and 64-bit machines, please remember that programs which continually writes to the whole 1024*768 monitor should normally be avoided for maximal stability of the performance of the platform) To start the 64-bit (monitor size set within the g6.sh file): ./g6.sh or, if you have a notebook with 1024 600 screen running same: ./mini6.sh or ./shape346.sh if you have the best size of all, 1024 * 768. -- and we speak PHYSICAL size for we mustn't have any pixel stretching either vertically or horisontally (if resolution is higher but proportions the same that's probably just fine). In the G15 PC hardware we have more sophisticated ways of doing delete than pressing on any button called 'Delete', so that button has no active function in G15. In native G15 yoga6dorg assembly there's a natural emphasis on ctr-keys, while in its higher-level form through PMN there's the natural focus on F1..F12, Home-key, and such, presupposing a real big keyboard for clarity and ease. In Linux 32-bit, the Delete button toggles fullscreen mode and allows other Linux applications to be handled -- this is the case where the G15 program running has a keyboard sensitivity, at least. Note that the 32-bit version is considerably more continous relative to background linux stuff. The 64-bit version, which is mostly necessary to accomodate PCs which are tailormade to needlessly much videostuff and/or dedicated to a certain type of commercial platforms, works just fine but, depending on exactly how well the linux is equipped and configured, it may shut off background tasks such as some forms of music players; and the position of the mouse may change when going in and out of the G15PVI. Note that the 64-bit version (started e.g. by ./g6.sh instead of by /g15.sh) doesn't have a way to access background linux menues followed by a good re-enter. The G15 must be exited and restarted as soon as possible after any use of the 64-bit Delete button to access linux (it says so during startup), or it is likely to abruptly exit at some graphics/disk applications. But more and more 64-bit linuxes perform 32-bit programs flawlessly, as long as one gets the proper 32-bit libraries installed as well (the 32-bit SDL, in this case, cfr get-sdl.txt where the quick way in Ubuntu is by 'cp' command!). You continue the 64-bit G15 by clicking on the Terminal where you started the PVI, and there press G and lineshift (as it will tell you). From thereon, go straight towards a REB reboot of the G15, and in general avoid using that Delete button in the midst of performing a program esp. PMN. In the G15 Docs inside the platform there's a reference to output on 'sidescreen', which on the physical G15 PC literally is a tiny led sidescreen. In G15PVI in eg Linux it's text output on Terminal. Output to this sidescreen is from a single function that -- unlike all the other 239 -- do not have any name, because it's never part of any finished program, it's only used temporarily when probing and correcting a program when needed (this is instruction 47, and used without name, by typing in that number when it's needed -- cfr docs at card C:60.) In the G15 Firth or Dos version sidescreen stuff comes after REB (reboot) command inside the G15, and then with the data of up to three such calls (or nullcalls). Note that for some less common function keys, there may be subtle differences between Linux and Firth; and so we suggest a great reliance on CTR-keys and only the most common function keys: Tabulator (ctr-i), Backspace (ctr-h), Enter (ctr-m), Esc, ctr, Home, arrows, PgDn/PgUp, End, possibly Ins (although some notebooks hide this a bit), and combination of Ctr, Alt or Shift with some of the common function keys. The use of F1..F12 is good but for max compatibility with linux and such avoid combining F1..F12 with two of the set Ctr, Alt, Shift at the same time if you wish compatibility with such as Linux. The g15sp_j is nearer the y6.zip than the Firth when it comes to compatibilities, generally. Note that some setup screens for some notebooks and laptops can affirm the presence of the function keys as natural while having to press an extra key like Fn in order to achieve background functionality like brightness adjustment; this is the preferred setting we suggest. Having big keyboards make use of functionkeys enormously more pleasant and fun. {More notes on keyboard below; in general, the most recent comments in this readme.txt are in its first pages in cases where there are not quite consistent notes.} We have decided to work out our applications and games on the premise of big keyboards with EASILY VISIBLE F1..F12 FUNCTION KEYS, because this feature is too important to be ditched. The notes below are mostly unchanged from when we emphasized the 32-bit version, which is and will remain the classic version. If you run 64-bit Linux, then please, as for the the notes below, mentally substitute g6.sh for g15.sh. (The program it starts is g15-64 rather than g15pvi in these cases.) Known issue when running on the tiny mini-PC screen which is only 600 in height: there are some cases, for some hardware, where the Linux functionality for the button PrtSc leads to a black screen. If this occurs when having pressed Delete button to access linux menues, having (most of) G15 screen enframed, the solution which generally works seems to be this: click PrtSc then very fast indeed press Delete. Then PrtSc will work on the whole G15 and it will store a screencopy accurately (probably, what confuses PrtSc button is that many frames go outside of the range of the tiny screen, but when in proper fullscreen mode, there aren't any cropped frames). The solution works because there is a pause, usually, between the pushing of the PrtSc button and its action, of about one second. In many Linuxes, both 32-bit and 64-bit, Ctrl-Alt-F7 (or -F1) is the ordinary graphics mainframe, while e.g. Ctrl-Alt-F3 is an alternative textual frame where one can log in and do particular tasks that require text focus, or do a certain instruction as to reboot if one has a need for it due to an issue with the ordinary graphics arena. This, and what's said next, is pretty typical of modern linuxes: In some 32-bit Linuxes you can go back and forth between these alternative aspects of Linux and the G15 graphics can run all the time. In running the 64-bit it's probably best to click Delete button inside the G15PVI so as to give the G15 graphics a pause, and THEN switch; and switch back, and restart the graphics (this isn't necessary if you switch in order to reboot). See notes about how to reboot using these function keys and the alternative login later on in this readme.txt. {In some versions of CentOS on some machines, there's a workaround as for the use of some programs e.g. gedit from a Terminal when the PC has hibernated, or used a fullscreen-demanding application, -- in some cases, the editor won't be able to get a 'display handler'. The workaround is to select Log Out and, as soon as the Log In screen appears, log back in. The gedit will then work at once for all about display is then generally reset.} I suppose it goes rather without saying that it's best, when one can, to close G15 orderly, so that one can be sure the content of the *.g15 files (which it call 'disks', due to the context of the G15 PC hardware where it actually will be corresponding to some form of volumes) -- that these files have been flushed to the disk properly. Take backup often when you work and especially right before you try programs that might easily call a forced restart of the G15PVI. Then you can simply delete the installation folder and unpack the backup afresh, if you're in doubt as to the integrity of the files. Many platforms will also regularly suggest, during boot-up, an integrity check of the disks with autorepair elements; and so it's good to reboot often so as to cleanse the PC, the RAM, and allow such checks. This is especially so for those who use the PC intensively. About G15 Yoga6dorg programming The G15 Yoga6dorg programming language is compiled in a JIT -- Just In Time -- approach, directly to the code numbers of the G15, and this approach has its acknowledgements a far way back, not only to such as the USCD Pascal and its p-code, but also to Chuck Moore's way of doing interactive compilation in Forth (which, like the script language PMN built on top of G15 is stack-oriented). It is first-hand in that it is designed so as to evoke and train the mind of the programmer to constantly related to 32-bit numbers, and to a direct connectedness with the underlaying hardware and its RAM in a way that enables also advanced programming, even though it is complicated to start out with. But once one has started, there aren't really any much more complications about it. Thus, there are about 240 instructions to be learned, and just a couple of more features about a syntax around 'warptables' and such. This comes after a great deal of experimentation over a long time with other but related approaches, as a summing up of what we also (confer manual) call a 'quantum touched' approach, where a relationship to constraints is sought in a resonant way, stimulating for the mind. The resulting programmes also have a finesse that reflects this, and we think and hope to a greater extent than with any other programming language. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: WHY NUMBERS IN NAMES G fifteen? Yoga - six - d? Why numbers here? The notion of using a number, in these cases 15 and 6, as part of a product name, is in tune with a philosophy that sees numbers not merely as a sequence, but rather so that each number has unique features, for instance in how it is composed of prime numbers. (15=3*5). WHY 32-BIT HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH HUMAN PROGRAMMING It is further part of this philosophy to look to the psychological quantity of digits in a meaningful number as an axiom of construction for computer programs. No more than about 9 or max 10 digits should be allowed for numbers for the numbers to stay within what is meaningful. So the G15 is proudly and forever 32-bit. That doesn't mean it is not compatible with contexts where a billion bits are used. It is. But the presentation, the format, and the total inter- compatible form of the programs of G15 YOGA6DORG are always 32-bit. In both 32-bit and 64-bit the Delete button on the keyboard gives you access to Linux. The 32-bit way of doing this (technically, by X11) is to toggle off fullscreen. The icon for G15PVI will typicaly show like a question-mark, to indiciate the spirit of enquiry with which we approach life and philosophy :) So you press Delete again to get fullscreen back, when it's 32-bit. In 64-bit, you press G and lineshift, when the frame of the Terminal is in focus. The 32-bit will continue performance in the background, the 64-bit version will actually pause. In 32-bit, the menu button on the keyboard can be used together eg with a mouse movement to somewhere to access a Linux menu bar, but in the 64-bit version, to press Delete is the way to get to that menu bar (and anything else). Note that the y6.zip as released at norskesites.org/fic3 is a neutral core package to run G15 YOGA6DORG programs made by anyone, which anyone can bring along to self- made programs. Our own free core example games are provided in a separate packages -- programs or applications which we also sometimes call by the abbreviation 'app', and which we call 'mountable', as the mount command MNT is used to call in such packages and temporarily use these instead of one or more of the G15 disks labelled F, H, I, J, K, and L. The G:15 card contains the startup menu for the platform and so G disk isn't re-mountable. The H disk always contain the menu for a freshly mounted app and so is compulsory to be included when one makes mountable programs. Confer links from http://www.norskesites.org/fic3 as for any recent mountable apps added to our main list. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: Here follows background, notes on computer hardware, notes on licenses, how to remove any earlier version, and such. PHILOSOPHICAL SCIENCE BACKGROUND OF "6D" Once upon a time, in early modern science, some mainstream scientists had as a programme idea that reality was built out of three- dimensional building blocks interacting by forces. With the works of, amongst others, Planck, Einstein and Minkowski, it gradually emerged that a proper description of reality along these lines cannot do without at least one more dimensions, within which there are curvatures or fluctuations affecting the very elements of process and duration, the time-flow of things. But as it turned out, this was only the beginning of a series of developments, branching out in different directions in the 20th century, and never coherently brought together by the formalistic attempts of quantum physicists and string physicists and Stanford Standard Model particle physicsts and all the other forms of physicists schools there were. The only consensus seemed to be that we have got to go higher up than even four or five dimensions. But in going higher, the notion that time was associated with the fourth dimension became gradually less clear-cut. For time certainly involves change, and changes could occur also in the higher dimensions. A complete rethinking through the level of ideas, not merely the level of numerical crunching, leads to such thoughts as you find introduced in the popular philosophy mini-articles in the lower half of the yoga6d.org/economy.htm "eco-nomy" column, and in links from there to archive section and so on. Indeed, as further background see also 1000s of pages of original and also somewhat intellectually stimulating texts (by undersigned) at our core sites www.yoga4d.org www.yoga6d.org -- especially as concerned the theory of 'active models', or supermodels (for short, and for fun), as a novel nonformalistic and biologically as well as spiritually aware conjunction of the major branches of general matter and energy science. This theory MUST be nonformalistic, or else the lack of coherent capacity of mathematics to treat infinity situations will enter into the scheme of complexities. A nonformalistic -- also called 'informal' (in a very scientific precise sense) -- theory, is then what physics must have, also in order to meet with biology in a fully consistent way that doesn't seek any mechanistic reduction of life. This has implications for psychology etc, -- far beyond that which (my teacher) David Bohm indicated with his general philosophical approach to physics in his 'implicate order' notion, but quite compatible with that, too. In contrast, magazines such as Nature and Science have gone into a state of being overly enthusiastic about engineering efforts to manipulate and exploit features of nonlocality physics that is not understood whether by theoretical physicists nor by these engineers (such as the EPR/Bohm/Aspect situation, when expanded on slightly). Put simply, the mainstream scientists, the Academies of Science in the various countries, the leading professors, the leading assocations of science, the Nobel price committees, and so on, are all composed of people who are no better than the worst programmers that worked for Microsoft. These are people who consciously suppress incoherence and use various techniques to suppress discourse around all but paradigmatically "safe" questions. They may speak, for instance, of 'quantum teleportation', or of 'entanglement', or of 'exploring the strange nature of quantum superpositions', and so on and on, employing any of several dozens of concepts that all hide that they are talking of that which they have got absolutely no coherent understanding of, and which most precisely is called nonlocality. With a set of incoherent physics ideas, physics as science has reached a state of being a hoax. Nothing less. It is a financial fear of loosing public support and budget means that drives these journals to keep on producing their incoherence, instead of revealing it to the public in full clear light. But what really is the key problem for mainstream science is that they don't have any Albert Einstein alive who can approve of what he NEVER even SLIGHTLY approved of, which is the whole branch of theorising that quantum theory became, and which has been the paradigm of theorising in atomic physics since. The production of the works of the undersigned is necessarily therefore outside of mainstream, and that doesn't mean that the undersigned automatically ascribes greater truth to something JUST BECAUSE it is outside of mainstream. In the case of physics theorising, it is a necessary but very far from sufficient criterion for the physics theory to have any chance at being coherent that it is breaking solidly with the mainstream, and also solidly with the formalistic tendency in physics. All this has been investigated over several years with great care, attention and patience in the writings that have been privately published with great rigour by this author; it requires hundreds of pages of in-depth study of the premises of the works on numbers, forms of theorising, and the roles of the formal, to see that the programming language Lisa GJ2 Fic3 and this entirely fresh restating of the same core content in what we call G15 YOGA6DORG is a necessary complement to informal english writing over the same understanding of reality. Humanity also is in a state of flux, planet Earth is creaking under the pressure of billions of people and their pollution and exploitative attitude to nature: but then worldviews become more important. When mainstream science has ceased to be a trustworthy supplier of such worldviews, and religious fanatics with their petty-minded quasi-holy texts have come to lead the various large religious groupings, formally or informally, then one must go to individuals -- not mainstream science nor mainstream religion -- in the quest for a genuine inner light that can lift the gaze of attention above the level of petty discourse and give a true ripe wholeness. This is what yoga4d.org and yoga6d.org sites are devoted to. We have taken this into the practical realm with Stamash martial arts boxing at stamash.com and into the beauty/fashion/photography realm at the photosite beautyphotos.soup.io; and into the scifi realm with Anaiis Blondin, galactic agent thriller booklets. It is a wonderful enterprise, full of joy for those who really go fully into this. But it requires a sensitivity for nuances, a willingness to lay aside dogma and perceive reality afresh, aided by these intuitive concepts as here outlined. The G15 YOGA6DORG approach to computing can be a radical and vital part of this philosophical quest, which is not assumed to be very easy, nor to go very fast (but take years, even -- in an eternal or reincarnation angle, millenia and more). In this wholeness, it is clear that it is an organization of events along six dimensions (and more), so that time no longer is confined to any one of these dimensions in particular. To speak very lightly and popularistically of these complex things, we can say that the dimensions which are entirely real and yet beyond what is easily seen by the senses of the body can be said to be composed of "subtle energies". Further, it is possible to go beyond physics altogether and bring in a sense of the spiritual, in that the carrier wave, so to speak, of all these dimensions ultimately is a godhood. To HONOR and REMIND ourselves of the fact that subtle energies and dimensions beyond the obvious have to be incorporated into our active daily life worldview and inform and infuse all our actions on all our levels, the name YOGA6DORG has been coined as name for the programming language and its context of cards, including the 'home card' called G:15, or just G15, in a card-oriented programming language with a quantum touch, building on lots of earlier forms of programming language development work. The word 'yoga' means whole, holistic, coherent. Then the expression 6D for six dimensions. Then the three letters ORG as in ORGanising, ORGanized. Note that for reasons derived from reflection over what Russell, Goedel, Turing and others worked out (see the Goedel essay in the norskesites.org/fic3/fic3inf3.htm), a digital computer cannot have a generalised type of intelligence, but only particularised kind of algorithms: there is no artificial intelligence. For reasons derived from, amongst other things, the natural philosophical worldview and informal (by necessity informal) theory of the quantum phenomena as we have indicated under the heading of 'super-model theory' in various places (see also q-fields), processes going beyond the digital into the quantum nonlocal with superpositions cannot be exploited or manipulated so that any 'quantum computer' can be made. In this way also, there is no artificial intelligence. There is, however, a different take on all this, if we go for instance to art. This writer (Aristo Tacoma alias Stein Reusch Weber, or srw) undertook to be, in a fashion, a kind of pupil of Frans Widerberg, a painter with considerable influence on the art scene in Norway for decades esp in the 20th century; this also led to the publications, first in own magazine Flux, then as intro to the art exhibition at Gallery K called 'Aurum', interviews (or conversations) with Widerberg. In this exploration -- which is the ground for the art, similar to what Widerberg done, signed SRW by this writer, -- a recurrent theme was how the energy of the artist -- and of the moment of perception beyond the ego of the artist -- can come into the movement as expressed in painting. In other words, that the structure created can reflect, in a first-hand way, something of the mentality of the moment beyond a theory. And this is what we can generalise in terms of what a program sometimes (with G15 PMN, perhaps often, or even normally) can achieve: that there's a sense of an imprint, first-hand, of the mentality of the programmer. When done in a way that has sufficient humility for the sophistication, depth and also beyond-thought energy required to do this, programs can have, not artificial intelligence, but, with luck, what we can abbreviate to FCM, as we have called it: First-hand Computerised Mentality. The included MTEliza, among other things, is however a realisation that in order to sharpen the mind, and not to lull it into illusions that the PC may have 'clever' programs, it should be consciously mechanical and entirely easy to read for anyone who bothers to look at the source. However the name reflects a lot of thought processes and references, where, among other things, the 'mt' abbreviation connects to a label for a very early version of this programming language that G15 is all about. Also, it refers to what was instinctively felt to be the right name for the early scifi explorations which somehow went into the production of the Firth/Freedos formulation, the Firth OS also called, namely the Manhattan Transformation. Obviously, in some contexts, it may also refer to the notion of honoring the greatness of the human mind when we do programming: 'mt' as abbreviation of a 'match', which is more properly what a program does rather than 'recognise' or 'perceive' or other things which require life. A further study of consciousness brings in the notions of fluctuations (cfr also quantum fluctuations), as well as responsivity, and the notion also of this response happening in a psychologically meaningful time. When all these things are brought together in a 32-bit digital computer program in a well-meditated way, then, just as an artwork can convey an energy which is directly mental even though the materials are, well, distinctly material, then also can a program convey something of a mind. That's as far as we can go in approaching something true about the blending of mind and program. Right? Good! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: G15 Yoga6dorg is for Art, Science, Entertainment, Use, and the sharpening of clear, logical & intuitive thinking and kinesthetic mindfulness MOUSE: Your PC must have mouse or mousepad. Monitor of the touch-type is not recommended for first-hand programming. KEYBOARD: Your PC should have full english keyboard. Note that laptops may have some variations in keyboard layout. Often, the Home End PgUp PgDn keys are available in a clean-cut way, as are arrows. The keyboards that are the most compatible with the G15 approach are those that have separate keys for PgUp etc, rather than blended in with other keys for multiple functionality. Most keyboards have F1..F12 of course, but some of these have settings which enable them only when pressed together with a separate additional functionkey ('Fn') (this might sometimes be changed by clicking esc, f1, f2, del, ins or the liked during startup of PC, where you also turn off some options such as 'Secure boot' when this is necessary to install Linux). The keyboard and graphics display here is anglified standard english ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ only, as a s standard. Note that the Tabulator key is often available both as CTR-I and also as the typically left-side of keyboard arrow which rather looks like -->I or something (if it doesn't say TAB). What the geeks know: Backspace can always be accessed, in G15, also by CTR-H, and lineshift can always be accessed, in G15, also by CTR-M. TYPING ADVICES WHEN USING THE G15 APPROACH: Our caps lock is the tabulator key when combined with SHIFT or CTRL key. This is easy, logical and intuitive. (Technically, CAPSLOCK key may sometimes not perform as expected, its implementation is much a remnant of the IBM PC days.) The fingers know where SHIFT and CTR keys are, and where the TAB is, for all these are much used in the G15 approach. So to get many letters capitalised, press SHIFT-TAB or CTR-TAB and when done, press SHIFT-TAB or CTR-TAB once more. This can be done rapidly because the computer memorises keyclicks ahead of processing when processing takes any time, as a general rule of thumb. Note that some programs like ART accept letter-commands in a case-sensitive way, meaning that a is not the same as A. This also means that in some cases when one has inadvertedly switched capital letters on (either with SHIFT/CTR-TAB or with Capslock on the keyboard), one should toggle it back to normal. For instance, to quit the Curveart program the lowercase not uppercase letter q is expected (e.g. after a backspace), but if q suddenly doesn't seem to provide a quit, then it is most likely that the keyboard has been inadvertedly put into the capital lettering mode -- either by SHIFT-TAB, CTR- TAB (or by the Capslock key on the keyboard, for keyboards that do have such a key and in cases where this key do work). For keys like PgUp and PgDn which during such programs as CAR involve disk access it may be better to manually press them rapidly in tune with how fast the program is accessing each card rather than holding the button down (so as to avoid a buffering of lots and lots of clicks which take time to unroll while one just have to wait). The notion of percentage has been over- represented in conventional ASCII keyboards, and its representation, moreover, has been that of a disconfirming instance of 'zero divided at zero', rather like 0/0. This has been ruthlessly deleted from the our approach to ASCII. Instead, an upward-pointing flower, branch or antenna is found at the same position of the keyboard. Let's expand on some technical aspects of how this is used in the CAR card-handling program, which forms a core of the G15 approach (OAC), and which allows anyone at once to set up any types of menues and cross-references they please, switching between the menu-mode ctr-w and the edit-mode by right-click mouse if one likes several times a minute. When cards are accessed as programs, we use this new symbol instead of colon between the disk letter and the card number. So k:25 on a menu would mean -- at mouse-click -- open up card 25 in disk k. But if the new symbol is inserted instead of the colon, it means run the machine code form of the program (e.g. compiled yoga6dorg) which as asm starts at this card. Technically, normal programming development uses ctr-a and ctr-x inside CAR for controlled startup after compilation of g15 yoga6dorg programs. When installing the program for regular & often usage, one arranges a menu on a card that allows an easy mouse-click to start the whole process of assembling it and running it as machine code without having to view it from a programmer's perspective at all, on the assumption that the program has been enquired into and found flawless enough. Assembly programs are best stored as assembly because the compilation to machine code happens fast and allows any welldone program to be started not just in one release of the G15 OAC, but in any of a wide set that can accomdate specialised computing hardware (eg inside robots or domestic devices with a number of adjustments to RAM setup, which may typically be smaller, and with added drivers and such to access hardware). This is a far more transparent and solid way than building processors and assemblers around notions of relative addressing, and for long-term evolution of clarity and coherence as well as good collaboration in our humane computing enterprises, transparency has proven to be important. (It is therefore only a very short- sighted commercial point of view which has led to the immense focus on relocatable relative addressing in x86 processors.) So the approach taken is in productive attunement with the notions in our recommended generous license yoga4d.org/cfdl.txt, which was written at a much much earlier stage. When percent is required in a text, it is suggested that any of 'per.c.', the word 'percent', or 'percentage' are spelled. In addition, this will sometimes lead the mind to think through whether it is really called for to speak of percentages in each particular context, instead of being an unconscious habit that seems to put money- like ideas onto too many things in life! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: LEGAL DISCLAIMER AND STATEMENT OF INTENT: THIS IS ENTIRELY ORIGINAL FREEWARE, OUR OWN WORKS, CONTAINING ALSO SOME RELEVANT yoga4d.org/cfdl.txt LICENSED SOURCE (ALSO NEWLY MADE, ORIGINAL STUFF) GIVEN FREELY TO ALL AS A CORE PACKAGE WITH WHICH YOU CAN RUN PROGRAMS ALSO FROM OTHER SOURCES, COMMERCIAL AS FREE, EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIIFIC, FOR ENTERTAINMENT, USE, ART, PORN, WHATEVER. THE CORE PACKAGE COMES FOR LINUX, JAVA AND ALSO WITH SPECIAL-DESIGNED HARDWARE. IT IS CREATED BY ARISTO TACOMA AT YOGA6D.ORG ON A GENEROUS INTENT AND DELIVERED FREELY WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. THAT MEANS THAT EACH PERSON WHO USES ANY OF THE y6.zip PACKAGE IN ANY WAY DOES SO ENTIRELY ON OWN RESPONSIBILITY. ANY PACKAGE NAMED AS y6.zip AND DISTRIBUTED BY OTHERS MAY BY INTENT OR UNINTENTIONALLY HAVE BECOME CORRUPTED AND SO ALSO FOR THIS REASON, WE RE-ASSERT THAT ANY USE OF THIS IS BY YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY ENTIRELY. STILL, WE RECOMMEND OTHERS TO REDISTRIBUTE THE y6.zip. IT HAS BEEN MADE WITH THE HOPE THAT THIS "WAVE-IN-A-BOX" PACKAGE WILL ENLIST GREAT ENTHUSIASM OF A MIND-STIMULATING, THOUGHT-SHARPENING, AND ALSO INSIGHT-AWAKENING KIND, THAT ALSO CAN PROVIDE GREAT GLIMPSES OF HAPPINESS FOR THOSE WHO RELATE TO IT PROPERLY. YOGA6DORG, G15, B9 FONT, ROBOTFNT, YOGASM FLUX, LISA GJ2 FIC3, GAMEV, FIRTH, AND F3V, AND THE G15 OPERATING APPROACH FOR COMPUTERS WITH THE INBUILT COMMANDS CAR (FOR DRIVING CARDS, AS WE SAY), ART (FOR CURVEART, AS WE CALL THE QUANTUM- TOUCHED DRAWING TOOL TO MESH PIXEL-THINKING WITH SMOOTH ANATOMY-THINKING/DESIGN), AND SUCH, ARE ALL ORIGINAL CONCEPTS AND, BY FIRST USE, INFORMAL TRADEMARKS OF THE PRIVATE COMPANY Yoga4d von Reusch Gamemakers, Holmenveien 68, 0376 Oslo, Norway, phone +47 915 740 41, WHO ALSO IS AUTHOR OF THIS DOCUMENT, OWNER OF www.yoga4d.org, www.yoga6d.org, www.norskesites.org, www.moscowsites.org, AND A NUMBER OF OTHER SITES. THESE CONCEPTS ARE ARTISTICALLY COPYRIGHT THE AUTHOR OF THIS DOCUMENT. ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS SUCH AS WARP-FRIENDLY PROGRAMMING ARE EARLIER DEVELOPED ALSO ORIGINALLY HERE IN CONNECTION TO EARLIER FORMS OF THE PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE, LABELLED LISAMENU ETC. However as long as acknowledgements are in order (such as to the site http://www.norskesites.org/fic3 which provides the newest version of this free for download by all), anyone can do anything respectful with these products and include such as the labels YOGA6DORG or G15 or G15 CPU in their own webpage names, article or book titles, etc, when these contain content referring to these works. So the copyright is not intended to exclude, but to ensure consistency of use. So, please appreciate that the http://www.yoga4d.org/cfdl.txt license is used for any texts here included, and the spirit of acknowledgement as indicated in this generous license also for any binary files as here included. Also, let's mention that: Fonts, the CURVEART inbuilt command, etc are all original works for which proper acknowledgements are good so we know what came from where, thanks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: YOU ARE FREE TO DISTRIBUTE y6.zip TOGETHER WITH ANYTHING YOU MAKE, WHETHER YOU SELL WHAT YOU MAKE, OR GIVE IT FREE; AS LONG AS IT IS DONE IN A WAY THAT IS RESPECTFUL OF THE WHOLE APPROACH AS PHILOSOPHICALLY INDICATED IN www.yoga4d.org/cfdl.txt AND WITH PROPER REFERENCE TO THE y6.zip MAIN PAGE http://www.norskesites.org/fic3 Apart from the capacity of the G15PVI to import and export files, and similar such, there is no call to a higher-level i586 or Linux or SDL function when any of this is run. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: BE SURE YOUR LINUX IS SDL-ENABLED (A NORMAL THING!) Do you have the very normal SDL 1.2 (Standard Directmedia Layer, version 1.2 which is the established standard having been around for years and years) library already installed in your "X Windows" oriented Linux? If so, proceed straight to INSTALLATION. If not, consult get-sdl.txt in this y6.zip for helpful info about how to get it. In most Linuxes, it is very easy to install, because all sorts of programs use it all the time. This is needed in order to display something on the screen, and get input from mouse and keyboard -- otherwise this package is not used by the G15 practical virtual implementation. All the commands you run inside the G15 are written exclusively in the G15 CPU assembly and a handful of the assembly instructions interact with the SDL library. So that's what it is about! If you don't know whether the SDL is already in place, I suggest you install any typical little application that uses the same SDL 1.2. Note that SDL 1.2 works with a range of Linuxes also e.g. Centos 5.5 but requires a bit newer graphics library than that offered e.g. by Red Hat 8.0 (however much I like this classical version from rather near year 2000). G15 starts in all linuxes we have tried it on. Develop your artistic skills by having a real mouse -- both mouse and keyboard costs but the price of an inexpensive t-shirt and can be plugged into the machine in USB, when you use any standard type of PC from Lenovo, HP/Compaq, Dell, Asus, Acer, Sony, Fujitsu-Siemens, etc etc etc etc. Then you can buy it at inexpensive electronic hobby- oriented gadget stores, first-class keyboards and mouse devices, and get real experience of quality time work even with small laptops. This is also a way to save a laptop where the keyboard has got smashes. But you need to be sure that the mouse moves at exactly the right pen-like speed for your hand. Too often Linux implementations haven't bothered to include deceleration of mouse speed as standard. Cfr norskesites.org/fic3 for how to type in a command in any Linux which has the very standard X Windows graphics package. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: PRIOR TO INSTALLATION: GET EARLIER VERSION OF Y6 AWAY After development of core package is complete, we always emphasize stability of our programming language approach greatly but still we're talking some forms of updates; and you normally want to have the latest update. This is one way (pls change the '111' to a number that is unique, the -i will tell you if it is unique because it won't ask about overwrite then). First, open Terminal and get the sudo (Switch User to administrator and DO something) as described in point 1 and 2 of INSTALLATION. Then type cd / mv y6 y6bkp111 -i This will leave the directory y6bkp111 containing the earlier version. To remove this, rm y6bkp111 -fr but always pause several seconds when entering any rm command in Administrator mode, before you press the lineshift button, especially when -fr is used, as this can remove core OS code. Or to backup it instead of removing it, make a zip and insert a pendrive if you like, then do something along these lines (that is, if the sum total when zipped are within 2 GB, otherwise see the completion of this paragraph): zip -r y6bkp111 y6bkp111 ll /media/patricia/ [In OpenSuse, at least in some installations, when you click at 'Open with file manager' or sth like that, it may be /var/run/media/patricia instead, and note that you can sometimes simplify this into something like /var/run/m*/p* if you haven't too many things mounted at the same time. For other things concerning /media/.. in this description, then, when using something like OpenSuse, add /var/run/ up front.] By typing the two small L letters (or just one, for more snappy info), you'll see what is plugged into the PC, -- shift 'patricia' with your username (in some linuxes, it is just /media, it was like that in Ubuntu 11, or in some linuxes it is another folder-name altogether, like /dev/sda1 or /dev/sdb1). Suppose the media you have plugged in is called PEN1515. Then to copy it over there by Terminal command, type cp y6bkp111.zip /media/patricia/PEN1515/ -i The -i ensures that it asks you whether it should overwrite if it already exists. (In Administrator mode, the -i is necessary to get this question.) Unplug the pendrive in the safe manner as you normally do (eject button on the file manager window), or do sth like umount /media/patricia/PEN1515 Alternatively, if the sum total of files in the y6 folder is above ca 2GB when zipped, the zip function, which is a good rugged 32-bit definition, won't do. The easiest way is then to simply copy it all in (or look up other archive methods, RAR, TAR etc). Here's a command that copies over folder y6bkp111 without zipping it: cp y6bkp111 /media/patricia/PEN1515/ -r However, note very carefully that if you do not zip or bzip2 or tar or rar or whatever, the files might get messed up when transferred to the pendrive -- text- files and text-like files might have their lineshifts changed into a different OS type, and programs might loose the mode distinction they have -- one must use chmod 777 progname on them to get the mode set right. So, as a rule, don't trust individual files and folders to be copied correctly to pendrives when done without an archiving program. In any case, when you do want to copy folders, the clue is to add 'r' to recursively get into the directories. To remove the same from the pendrive, try rm /media/patricia/PEN1515/y6bkp111 -fr but be careful with the -f force combined with the -r option, as it can move much to much if you type something thoughtlessly. To copy back in, cp /media/patricia/PEN1515/y6bkp111 . -r will do. Then remove it. Do not use the 'mv' to move files of any sort between a proper disk and a pendrive, as the pendrive may be of an earlier format that doesn't allow the mode bytes that Linux has to have (ie, that distinguishes programs from datafiles). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: ***INSTALLATION!***** First get into the Terminal of that Linux. Most Linuxes have a way in which you can search for programs, and you can type in this name. There may be a quick-key for it. In some,, CTR-ALT-T. Then find a way in which you can call on the administrator mode. This is, as talked about in other places in this text, a powerful mode, and when you know what you're doing, it is your own machine, and it is unplugged from the net and you only start very trustworthy programs in this mode, it allows the machine to respond more totally to your commands without any fuss. (It is also possible to run the content of y6.zip in a non-administrator mode if you experiment with it.) In debian linuxes and other branches, the command to get into administrator mode is often sudo -i while in such as Fedora and OpenSuse it is (usually) su and you are prompted for password. In some Linuxes, you are typing in the user name root and giving the particular root password during startup, which may or may not be the same as the normal user name password. The rh8.ova can also be used by logging in as root, when you are aware of this fact. Cfr the EcoNomy column at yoga6d.org about the various virtual platform options. Fetch the y6.zip if you haven't got it already, the newest one, from the norskesites.org/fic3 If this is stored into a Downloads folder, get it to top level of the PC disk e.g. by typing in this: cd / to go to top level. If you use something like OpenSuse, you may want to go to the place where the harddisk has the most space, and that place is often associated with the username. (So you then type sth like cd /home/USERNAME instead, in such cases.) mv /home/USERNAME/Downloads/y6.zip . -i where you type your username instead of the USERNAME text. If you aren't sure that this is the location of the Downloads folder, try open any file manager tool in your Linux and look around for the Downloads folder and it should be able to tell you the right location of it. The -i means that the mv command will ask you for overwrite if the file already exists, it is a good rule to always add -i after any mv command. unzip y6 to unzip it and thereby make the folder y6. 4. Next step is necessary only if you have a monitor size other than 1366 times 768. If you are unsure about the exact number of pixels in width and height, go hunting for Systems Settings --> Displays or a phrase like that until you have found it, and then you will be told! If this is any other than 1366 and 768, please type the numbers into a certain file in this way: cd /y6 gedit g15.sh [[[as noted on top of this text, any reference to g15.sh becomes g6.sh when you run it in 64-bit Linux, this applies also here; be aware of this throughout the text, thanks. The g6.sh is much more stable than we had imagined it would be, when we first completed it, and it is also much more stable than what it says about itself -- just so that is said!]]] You will then get up an editor and you'll see the numbers 1366 and 768 there. Don't change anything at all except replacing with the correct numbers. Then press CTR-S to save and CTR-Q to quit. The correct monitor size is required or else the program will reset the monitor resolution to the number it has got in here, and you want it to be set to that which is the normal that you are used to. If you experiment and the monitor gets messy just reboot and it'll be fine, then change the numbers next time on. Too small monitor resolutions won't work with the implementation (1024 x 768 okay if you have a monitor of the 4"3 proportion; any monitor of any other proportion will have a portion of it blacked out, and the visible area will be left and topmost; a trick for those with monster-sized monitors is to find an adjustment of width and height in such as "Settings -> Display" that amplifies the size of all shown on the monitor without undue stretching or squeezing of the pixels in any direction, so that the Y6 experience is most salient). Notebooks with 1024 times 600 monitors will get some programs within G15 to work but not necessarily without some messages produced (concerning, really, writing to pixels outside of boundary) for some of these programs, on the Terminal. 5. We are ready to start it. You can, if you like, now exit the Terminal by typing the word exit and restart it. Then, to start the practical virtual implementation of the G15 CPU with the YOGA6DORG content you restart the Terminal by clicking on the launch icon for it (if you did put it to the launcher), type sudo -i (which is necessary to properly access several key features the files that correspond to the G15 disks, named such as cdisk.g15 and gdisk.g15) -- or you have perhaps already made it so that sudo -i starts automatically when you click on Terminal, as explained above, then type your normal login password (which is, in the normal standard setting-up of some linuxes, also an administrator password), and then type cd /y6 ./g15.sh This should start up. If it doesn't, try unzipping the folder again but more consciously done from the same Terminal and in the same mode. Or else do e.g., chmod a+x g15.sh chmod a+x g15pvi in case the info bits as to the fact that these programs indeed are executable programs somehow got lost. If you have a standard new X Windows linux it ought to work! [[[Added note: for stability of performance, a good chunk of linux RAM is requested by G15 during startup -- the same amount, roughly, whether tiny or huge G15 applications are run. This might lead to a usually insignificant percentage-increase of heat on a typical laptop; but if the laptop already tends to have a heat-issue, pay attention during the first hours of G15 performance to a possible need for such as a laptop fan tablet and/or change of CPU 'speed/over-drive' settings or the like in the setup panel typically available the first half-second after power-on when a suitable key like esc, ins, f1, f2, or del is clicked. For computers doing hard word in a separate machine room where noise and extra fans don't count as disturbances, you can get enhanced performance out of some up-speeded laptops and larger PCs by simply placing a large fan beside it.]]] When you start up G15 the first time, spend time on learning the essentials about how to go back and forth between the mouse/menu mode and the edit mode, this is by means of clicking CTR-W and right-clicking the mouse. Learn the anglified keyboard layout as it is with G15, and where the percentage sign in ASCII has become a flower-like symbol, used to start up programs: we believe that this is an improvement, a huge improvement, to get the symbol which looked like a zero divided by a zero out of the keyboard set. Learn that uppercase is achieved by SHIFT with TABULATOR (the ->| symbol) -- and this is an uppercase that works independently, and in addition to, any additional uppercase CAPS LOCK that there may be on the Linux computer. The DELETE key functions as a go-between the Linux menues and the G15 platform. This is most fluid in the 32-bit form, with ./g15.sh rather than ./g6.sh as startup command. GOOD LUCK!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: A note also on the new CURVEART, started with command ART when the G15 is up and running: This is designed so that a certain set of combinations of a t x space and backspace can give drawings of quite a character. It takes a bit of explorations as to finding out how these work, and how backspace must be used often to switch between the very large pixel drawing mode a and back to the normal mode, and also from the small pixel drawing mode, and back to the normal mode. Backspace reverts the green/black so that the mouse movement next can erase instead of draw. Space means don't change anything as you move the mouse. This is suitable for drawing with mouse-pad, not just mouse. Further, the clear screen x acts differently when the green/black is reversed by bkspc, so that you can use the same program and the same commands to draw black on bright as bright on black. Prior to drawing, you can also make a frame around the visible area by moving the mouse just outside the Curveart drawing area, all around it, fast enough. MORE NOTES ON PILOT WAVE PHILOSOPHY OF THIS A prolonged study into form and process of essential energy events in the quantum and also macroscopic realm (what is called "neopopperian" studies, and in the context of a theory of a necessarily informal but beyond-normal coherent kind encompassing both the quantum and gravitational realms of physics, with elements also from what we can call 'perception psychology'), led to such thoughts as the importance of the 'relatively self-enclosed' coherent wave box (cfr enclosed g15birth.txt essay, which, regardless of some typing errors, gives what I believe are valuable advices to artists and all those who seek to engage a sense of art in all avenues of life, also programming and gaming, and money-making as well). This has to have several characteristics. One of them is that no element is pure utility; nor is any element of esthetics ONLY esthetics, but it has to have a (wave-influencing, ie, nonlocal supermodel or pilot wave influencing) coherent function as well. In order to achieve the tightness of functionality, well-defined number ranges are called on (e.g., 32-bit), and also well-defined ranges of functionality so that there are not many elements of unharnessed fluidity. The clunky computer is more predictable in interaction and so gives the upper hand to a human; this also means avoiding to make an over-helpful computer, because the over-helpfulness disengage the human person in the contact. The notion, then, of fruitful boundaries is explored throughout -- syntax, semantics, disk storage approach (card-oriented), graphics output (bright green/black oriented, consciously aware of the mind- stimulating features of visible large pixels at many places), fonts (arrythmic, rather than monotonous). The computer is asserted to be one instruction at a time, fundamentally; the different sensory modality of sound is asserted to be best handled by physical separate machinery so that a tightness of form is achieved. MANY MORE SUCH CONSIDERATIONS evolved over the years since the earliest forms of our programming language explorations took shape. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: FOR THE ADVANCED PROGRAMMERS: If at present you don't want to go into programming, pls go along to the next paragraphs, which has some notes that are useful for all! PC RESTART DURING INTENSE PROGRAMMING SESSIONS -- AND SOME NOTES ON GENERAL PROGRAM CORRECTION First of all, when you program, backup the recent changes you have done before you start the program in case the G15PVI reboots or something. For instance, if you have done changes to diskk.g15, you exit the G15PVI, put a copy of diskk.g15 to a backup place, and then re-enter. For instance, cd /y6 mkdir backup9 ./g15.sh ..do the work here, then REB for reboot cp diskk.g15 backup9/ -i ..confirm the yes/no overwrite with yes ..when you have an earlier version of ..the file in that backup location you ..don't need, and have more backup ..locations ./g15.sh ..then you test your new program You need to know how to exit the G15 Practical Virtual Implementation when it has frozen -- as easily can happen when you do wild programming, and wild programming you should do! (It's not so chock-full of controls that you cannot put it into a freezed state.) If you just need to run games you probably don't need to know this, but I write it here anyhow. Here's how: bring Terminal in focus. Then click CTR-C, and the program should exit. If it is frozen so badly it doesn't Terminal back, try CTR-ALT-F5 (or e.g. F6, while CTR-ALT-F7 will bring the main login back -- this is in the normal configuration of the many linuxes. Type your normal user name and password, then type sudo shutdown -h now or in some linuxes type 'su' first then only shutdown -h now the PC will reboot. In 64-bit, there's the additional possibility that the graphics will close and the Terminal become available simply switching by back to the main linux graphics menu after you have switched away from it. That is, press something like CTR-ALT-F3 then CTR-ALT-F7 and you may find that CTR-C then quits the program. For it's so that in linux 32-bit, the graphics of SDL is maintained when one switches between displays like this, but in linux 64-bit, the graphics of SDL won't be maintained, meaning that the program won't be kept running if one does such a switch (unless one has succeeded in getting it to pause mode by pressing Delete). Try also the Delete button, of course, if you try and get the program to exit when it won't. On rare occasions, even such these options of going to a text mode by CTR-ALT-F3 won't be available and then one holds the on/off-button in for a number of seconds; then one waits half a minute, and then put it on again. (It'll likely offer some extra startup options then but usually it'll work to select just ordinary startup.) There are other ways to close a frozen program also, but these two should be adequate. In case that you were in the midst of updating disks in G15, the suggestion is that you change the folder name from y6 to e.g. y6backup, and make a fresh folder -- e.g. with the files copied from y6backup, or from a .zip or such if you have good versions of them, just to enhance likelihood no file pointers are cluttered at all. By the way, I often find that with some installations of Linux, with some heavy types of programs installed, that the PC stops before it gets on with the start-up. Good then to know that keeping the on-off switch in for many seconds switches the PC off and that next time on it will usually start flawlessly. A kinder way that a program can abruptly exit, esp. when you experiment with making new G15 programs is that it leaves fullscreen mode and goes straight to the Terminal with a cryptic GNU C-like message like "Segmentation fault" and some internal numbers that can be ignored, including to 'line 1' in the g15.sh startup file. Or it may be that the program behaves peculiar but that upon exit of the G15, you find that the G15PVI has given a decent enough indication that something is indeed an issue somewhere. A number might be indicated, such as the RAM position where it first encountered an issue (it will then typically only report the issue the first time it arises); often this number is best ignored although in some rare circumstances it COULD be very useful to track an issue with a program. Such messages or issues or peculiarities means, for instance, that there is an attempt to access an area of the computer's memory that is not defined to exist. It can be as simple as trying to access an array with negative values -- leading possibly to a corruption of the program right before the array was defined, and then again to something like a meaningless instruction to warp to a zero address or the like. An issue can propagate like this and it is part of the art of programming to be fearlessly also engaging in the art of correcting programs. The best of the best of the best of programmers always naturally assume that program correction is something that in the typical case has to occupy at least as much time as to writing the programs in the first place. The simplest way to track where most such issue arises is that you develop the program in a series of tiny and extremely well-tested steps, each step tiny and yet can be seen on their own as, in a sense, "victories". Then, when there is a issue with the program, it will logically be connected to just the last little addition or modification you did (or that last addition revealed that there is an issue, and it should point to where it roughly is). In some cases, it arises later on, when a program is being tested more strongly. In order to track it in more complex cases, the key is to insert something like visual output, step by step, perhaps with a lineshift required after each step, so that you get a clear confirmation of just how many steps near the zone of the issue that do in fact perform perfectly well: and when the message re-arises, you will know exactly or almost exactly where it comes from. When a program has an issue, be sure you note exactly how you produced a this issue, and keep on re-producing it until you have fixed it, varying one factor at a time. For there may be several issues, and each one of them should be corrected independently when this is possible. (In cases where a rethink of the program is necessary, a series of connected issues will indicate this, and in such cases it is best to develop a fresh program, or a fresh module within a program.) Another note: When you program and there is a behaviour of the G15PVI that might come from such as a jump to a nonexisting address -- but you are not sure -- then it makes sense to take a look at the terminal window frame, and see if there is any output there that indicates such. For instance, there may be a single message of such a jump; or an unexpected behaviour like a sudden G15 reboot, and usually, just before such behaviour, there is an unexpected pause (more noticable in not-too-fast computers). By programming in small steps, you look then at the most recent step and reflect on it until you figure out what it is that triggered such behaviour. To see the terminal window, either bring it in focus or do a quick reboot of the G15, which in any case cleanses the warp tables. These warp tables must be refreshed by a reboot whenever they have got messed up by overly inventive assembly programming for the Just In Time (JIT) compilation into assembly and from assembly to G15 machine code in RAM to be performed to work out perfectly. Note that you should always keep a backup of the original G15 disks in case you have inadvertedly changed some of the G15 OS content on disk C or D or such, and in that way caused a feature that you didn't intend. Most program proceeds rather like paintings: they begin with thinking and feeling and intuition and fantasy, then a more clear vision forms; then a sketch -- which in programming is often called 'pseudocode', in a purely positive sense of 'pseudo' (also as pseudonym, artist name) -- english snappy sentences telling you what instructions, roughly, you want to call and what, roughly, you are going to feed them of parameters and all that stuff. Then you refine the sketch -- you begin swapping pseudocode (possibly with several levels of refinement) into real code. However this process can easily lead to a bit relaxed handling of such exact details as any real, robust digital computer have got to have perfect -- such as the sequence of parameters, or exactly what the local variable is; and more such. So there is a period which we can call 'program correction', which (as also said elsewhere) can take up considerable time. It may involve trying to compile several times, while gradually getting syntactical errors away; then it involves testing first with simple examples, then with more complex, then tough boundary checking -- always tough boundary checking in real programming! -- so as to correct the whole setup of the code -- to correct in the sense of tuning, 'setting straight', whether or not any actual fixing of the code is necessary. Learning to love boundaries is part of getting the knack of the 'quantum touch' of programming, and, by analogy, the same goes for appreciating the subtle mind-stimulating features of visible large pixels and jumpy characters and other arrythmic features which doesn't convey the illusion of such continuity as the past of computing industry has seen too much of; and which isn't compatible with a transparency relative to a holistically well-thought worldview in which the notion of quantised energies at all levels must enter. About program correction, let's also note that it is a known and well-working practise amongst programmers that, in such cases where the spirit is over you and you simply can't help yourself but programming much without doing it the step-by-step-to-check- each-bit-carefully way, program correction is then simplified by 'commenting out' portion of the program. This is especially suitable where a sudden peculiar performance of the PC happens but it is not, at first, easy to guess which particular program line is the source of this behaviour. So you temporarily transform a bundle of statements into comments (doing whatever you have to do to make the program work through the other steps, such as by giving artificial values to some variables), and keep on 'commenting out' the program until the strange behaviour vanishes. Then you will be able to locate more about the source of the issue. Note that program correction is part of the art of programming and sometimes requires at least as much mindful presence as the initial creative sketch-like impulse to program something in a certain way. It may also, significantly, reveal that you need to do a whole lot more thinking; in that way, the PC is able to give you a feedback in a way that matches very closely indeed what in neopopperian science involves getting instances not only of confirmation, but also instances of disconfirmation, in a play that intelligently teaches us how to adapt our theories to fit reality. Science is not about pretending to understand reality, and religion is not about giving up on all understanding of reality. Rather, science is a quest to understand that which meaningfully can be understood, while religion is a quest to feel that which it is most significant to feel, and their fields overlap. Computer programming is a microcosmos where your feeling of order and your understanding of order is constantly given instances of confirmation and instances of disconfirmation so as to enable you to learn not just more about it, but also about order as such, and get a feeling for the sense of mindful awareness of the deeper forms of beauty as well. But let's also say that it's a healthy variation of personalities and temperaments in humanity, and not everone is of the temperament where computer programming is most obviously nourishing of what has to be nourished in the mind. Don't let it eat on your sense of your own intelligence if programming doesn't come easily to you in a phase of life. To come back to the more mundane business of program correction, it is part of the joy of getting a program right that you know the pain of not getting it right for a good while. Typically, a really good program with a single silly but critical sensitive mistake can behave so drastically wrong one gets the feeling that nothing about the program is right. So one must recognise the pattern: often the most deep-looking issues have the easiest solutions. When the program 'refuses' to be corrected, one must treat this gently. Psychologically, is one trying to tell oneself about something else -- in synchronistic terms as it were -- that one should work more on? Concretely, there is nothing like getting a view of variables and data step by step, and/or portion by portion, to work out what happens. The visualisation one has of the data may be not accurate in a way that provides a key to the program correction. So spending time on getting the program to dutifully do what we can call a 'probe', namely an output that details the relevant data, may be the best way to do program correction in a significant number of cases. Also, keep the spirits up, relax, shift position, read the program meditatively, ponder on the issue: the solution WILL present itself. When much programming has taken place, the number of issues to be corrected can easily be correspondingly higher -- one can regard the percentage of issues to be corrected of new code as relatively stable. So keep in mind that an apparently single giga-problem might be just a sequence of issues, each of which admits a simple solution when the pattern is properly recognised and responded upon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: OTHER NOTES (LOOK THROUGH THIS EVEN IF YOU'RE NOT AT PRESENT CALLING YOURSELF A PROGRAMMER, THANKS!): If you want to start a program such as gedit (or audacious when you have installed that music player) from the very same Terminal as you then next start ./g15.sh from, you can do so by a phrase like gedit filename.txt & audacious & [[[For my part, I often start more than one music player at the same time -- preferably from different gadgets than the computer, but when I'm somewhere where I have to stick to just one gadget, that gadget is the laptop and for creative work, it seems ideal to have several harmonious sound sources with crossing influences -- e.g. two pieces of relatively arrythmically mixed music, and one piece of BBC quality talking. The G15 PC is made on the more luxurious assumption that we do indeed have alternative boxes for sound production so as to focus the 'quantum touched' resonances of the apparatus ALSO in this way. For the boundaries of the apparatus become much more well-defined in this way; and thus the 'pilot waves' governing the active (or super-) models of the whole fluid interactive process sharpen up in coherence by less such fuzzy factors.]]] When it comes to the use of & on the command line, restrict it to those applications that are exclusively frame-graphics-operated. So, for instance, the ./g15.sh itself is best started from the Terminal without using the & instruction, for it uses input directly from the Terminal frame during the startup. In general, as an advanced linux interactor, it is good to know a couple of things about sh-files, also called batch files. One must only start such from trusted sources, as these can do mostly anything at all with the computer when started in an administrator terminal. An .sh file included in the a folder is to be started in the same way as ./g15.sh above, namely, by specifying present folder by a dot and the belonging to this folder by a slash, prior to the .sh name. In e.g. the y6 folder, try l *.sh (small letter L to list files). Then, for an .sh file named xxxx, you can type more xxxx.sh where you see how the .sh file is made out of simple unix-style commands. In Firth, this corresponds to .BAT batch files. Note that the characters 0a 0d are used in Firth textfiles by many Firth programs, such as the E editor. You will find that if you make a working .bat file in Firth, then transfer it to a linux environment and open it in Gedit, modify the commands to fit with linux, and save it as .sh without attending to formatting options, it may be partially unworking due to the simplistic parsing of lineshifts in the linux shell. The clue in such a case, if you don't want to look into formatting options for the editor, is to rename the batch file to .txt, open it in Mozilla Firefox, copy the text there and paste it into Gedit, and save. Then it will be a linux-native text file, for Mozilla Firefox normalises its textual presentation. A comment on seefile.sh and seecode.sh: The *.g15 files inside the /y6 folder contain the cdisk, ddisk, up to ldisk [[[there is a brief mention of a disk a and b also, but in the case of the g15pvi these boot and g15 o.s. containing disks are 'hardwired' into the program]]]. There can be other disks imported and exported from this folder, then typically with a seven-digit number followed by a letter, and then the .g15 suffix. These are mounted by the MNT command and may contain autostart [[[always at disk h, card 1, and this means that the identities of at least disk h, possibly also letters i, j, k and l, are affected when there is mounting]]], so that by a simple MNT command where you identify the right package of imported .g15 disks -- as files, in a Linux context -- you can open up and start a game or any type of program, document, database, graphics. The .g15 files may be small or big, they may contain text -- but then the characters are every fourth byte, as this is a consistently 32-bit approach. To see a small such file, possibly kdisk.g15, in a quick crude way that sometimes comes handy, type cd /y6 ./seefile.sh kdisk.g15 but to see more of how it is full of codes, roughly translated (by cat) into such as ^@, try instead ./seecode.sh kdisk.g15 When looking through stuff in this way, press [SPACE BAR] to go from one page to the next (it does scroll, although it may appear not to, when codes are the same), and press eg the letter Q to quit listing more. Linux offers other ways also to look into things. The highest card id that the CAR inbuilt program in G15 allows is such that it corresponds to a filesize that is just within two billion bytes and so we cohere with the 32-bit approach also in this sense. A program with data files and such can easily be distributed over more disks and in this way made ready for mounting by other G15 interactors, gamers & developers. Other .g15 files are typically composed of 7 digits followed by the disk letter h to l, in order to be part of a package -- such as a game or an utility -- which has this number as identity when it is mounted or given to others. More than one package can be mounted if they don't overlap on all the disks (ie, if one of them has some of the letters higher than h that the other doesn't have). But it is typically easy, in the CAR program, to copy content from any of these g15 disks -- also mounted disks -- into other g15 disks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: PREPARING SUCH AS .JPG FILES FOR IMPORT: put them to size 500 x 500 and then use Firth or Dosbox with the JPG2BMP stuff given on the norskesites.org/fic3 or moscowsites.org/fic3 pages to make a perfectly standard 8-bit BMP of the classical kind. This will have the same exact size as the included file MUSCLE.BMP {added note: BLACK.BMP is the same, only it's completely black and so more easy to paste a picture not quite 500x500 onto} which is easily injected into G15 by means of the utility menu in G15 which lists an Import of Images. See more info in the jpg2bmp.zip. At SOME (repeat, SOME) versions of thoughtfully made image editors it is possible to make the standard 8-bit BMP -- which has the exact number of bytes as the MUSCLE.BMP (check!) -- {1} convert the image via RGB to grayscale, {2} crop it to 500x500, {3} Select Copy eg by selecting all and the CTR-C {4} Open up MUSCLE.BMP which is in this y6.zip folder, {5} Paste it on to of it, {5} Save it as try1.bmp or the like {letters a..z and max 8 letters, or some of the letters can be digits, avoid other signs and spaces in these filenames used for conversion between platforms and at net}, where you must specify, maybe in a section of the save called eg 'Advanced compatibility options' the option of 'NOT saving color space information'. Having done this, {6} you type ll try1.bmp in the terminal and ll muscle.bmp and compare the number of bytes. If they vary, the image editor is no good for this type of work, and rather do the .jpg to correct .bmp it in Firth, where it is all superbly easy! {Linux is troubled by too many options, too much flexibility, so it has lost contact with many standards.} Anyway, It is part of the steady, bold design strategy of G15 to affirm standards rather than fleeting generalities that complexify. These bold design strategies involve taking a stance on what is psychologically suitable for maximal education, stimulation, fun and good living as for the computer output, because limitations have to be somewhere, and we might as well start out by thinking about them. This is also systematically done in the G15 Yoga6dorg PMN package relative to what we call the 'quantum touch'. To summarise, the notion of 500x500 greentone photos combined with 1024x768 graphics capabilities in the G15 Yoga6dorg assembly-like programming language and its PMN script or higher-level interactive compiler allows the whole range of artistic stimuli required for psychological benefiting and artistically valuable and professionally useful programming. Some sample images have been included, created by the process next described, and stored at D:90000 (viz., card 90000 in disk D, as seen from within G15PVI). These are shown by the Photo viewer in the suggestion it gives as to where to look for photos initially. The first of these include rerenderings (strong editing with an artistic slant, adding new components) of classic fashion photos -- leading models Candice Swanepoel, Miranda Kerr, Hailey Clausson just before her breakthrough as teen top model, and Karlie Kloss, educated as dancer, on top of her exquisite career. The images have been prepared so as to have a larger degree of geometric self-similarity, and with some element of a canvas-like raster, so as to encourage a painting of something that can start like this, but then finish in a way that is creatively decided in the painting process so it is not mere imitation of work done (although originally) also with a computer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: HOW TO COPY IMAGE AROUND ONCE THEY HAVE BEEN PREPARED CORRECTLY AND IMPORTED WITH THE D30000 UTILITY If you haven't any experience in working with G15, here's a somewhat detailed explanation of every keystroke and mouseclick for that. It is in fact very easy as it is the same set of commands used ALL the time when working with programs in G15. Start G15, get up CAR, click CTR-W to activate mouse, get into Utility menu -- the right utility menu for Image import -- Type in the .bmp name. The image will then be at card C:9000 in proper G15 format. Click CTR-L and type in C9000 to go there. Press right-click on the mouse to switch from menu mode to edit mode. Click CTR-C to Copy and type 220 cards, which is more than roomy enough to contain any such 500x500 image. Go to a new place, e.g. click CTR-L and type e.g. i1000 if this is a free place (make a note of the places you want to use permanently in e.g. the first card of a disk, like i1), or else you can clean the disk later by copying something else over it -- e.g. from an updated y6.zip. Once in a good place with room for 220 cards ahead, press CTR-T and confirm overwrite by pressing SPACE (the space bar). Then CTR-W for menu mode again, click HOME key to load menu card G:15 and there click on the Photo view, and you indicate eg i1000 as the place for the first photo. If you put the next image at i1220 and the next one after that at i1440 and so on, the ENTER key will allow going from one image to the next; any other key to quit the photo viewer. You may want to note, if you do a lot of imports in a series, that the ctr-c in this case concern position not any particular content, meaning that you don't have to redo the ctr-c after each import -- each time you paste by ctr-t it will be newly importent content that's pasted; also note that by diligent use of the page g:14 -- reached by pressing Home then PgUp -- you can speed up the process vastly. Type in the calling to the convert program there -- d%30000 you type there -- type in the place where you want to copy the image to -- e.g. k:1000 -- and type in c:9000 also, as well as type in the location, such as i:1 and i%1 where you put a modified version of the c:500 photoviewer so that it opens up straight ahead to your present album. Then you simply click on this page and also each time add 220 to the k:1000 so as to get the images after one another, saving the card after each such update with CTR-S, and going back to menu mode with CTR-W. So since the CTR-C that you do initially is remembered, you can do CTR-T after each image without makinga new CTR-C. It will correctly copy from the c9000 to the location you land on when you click on the k:1000 or k:1220 or k:1440 .. that you have typed in, say, at the upper left corner of the g:14 cards. The more you learn to work with cards, the more such possibilities you see for making quicklinks and shortcuts. Some might ask: why have monochrome set to exactly green? But this is part of a range of artistic intuitions that each can verify personally by experimentation. Fundamentally, each monochrome range has unique features, and as long as the range is relatively large enough -- spanning a great enough variety of tones -- all sorts of particular projections can be made, but it remains also the question of what relative distinction this range has compared to real life colors. If the contrast to real life colors is near nil, then the experience of the 'wave-in-the-box' becomes, in the mind, blurred, and the computer activity competes, it can easily become addicting in a way that leads to a subtle reduction of mental inner vivid grip on reality; and this has a feature of what we call 'simulation'; and it is a slogan to say, affirm, and implement, through and through, 'stimulation rather than simulation', in that which we have coined as 'first-hand computing'. Having settled this point, we must then select the proper contrast. If this is grayscale, it leads to the experience of overstimulation of those rods in the human eye retina that are primarely used when there is reduced light, such as after sunset, and often a colder tinge in the air. And so grayscale has a tendency to be associated vaguely with coldness; even more strongly with bluescale; while redscale goes too far in the opposite direction. Redscale has little capacity to portray abstract shapes because of its blood-like general association connected to vague shapes. Let's finally consider such ranges as remain. The most important are the violet scale, the green scale, and the brown scale, and a variation within what broadly can be called light brown to black scale includes that which in some contexts is called "nude colors", or the touch of light, slightly pink brown, so as to resemble the skin of a blonde girl. The fact is however that the contrast between a color photo of a nude girl against black or white or brown background and one that has been rerendered to this color range is, apart from minute tone differences in lips and such, and apart from eye color, rather much the same. So the argument that this type of color range is too near real life applies once more. This leads us to violet, which is, interestingly, one of the most harmonious colors to show alongside bright green; although bright green has a complementary color in pink and so leads computer use while using much bright green to have the not unpleasant effect of tinging the skin of people around you with a healthy pink! Violet has potential, but when used as the main color range partakes in some of the coldness of blue, while more strongly than any other color associates with a kind of hallucinogenic evening of many illusory dreamy shapes. It is a color that invites perhaps a romantic frame of mind but it is unlikely to suit the business mode with equal ease as the porn mode: for instance, few color combinations as for computer work can beat the green and black combination when it comes to being buisiness effective. And the looks of stunning beauty photos of human beings in any color range is just about, almost without exception, the most stunning when tinged with the natural optimistic moderate warmth of the bright green to black range. Similar arguments for other variations. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: GOOD LUCK!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEEEEEE~~~~~~~~\\\FIFTEEEEEN///: Reproduction of whole text parts in our works or works derived from connection with our productions are always ok without asking first if you follow the intent and spirit of our yoga4d.org/cfdl.txt Copyright and Further Distribution License ***Note that when in April 2006 we finalised the production of the Firth platform with such startling, novel, original propositions as its included, published 2005 book on physics and philosophy (privately published and launched in 2005 seminar at Thon Hotel and available National Library of Norway) led to -- namely that the duration dimension involves a possibility of seeing a section of time, before a certain point, as simulation, -- we had an anticipation that this Firth platform could become central in education and for creative people and young people all over. A phase with hardware changes followed. It seemed Firth could not follow through, and so we actualised our GNU/Linux interest instead. It turns out that Firth after all, with a little bit of tweaking, and with a highly interesting extra stimulation to mind in its 'NOISY.BAT' version at widescreen laptops, works all over the place and excellently so with the G15 Yoga6dorg appraoch. [[[Added note: the Y6ALL though is even better!!!!]]] We are now going to keep putting Firth up, with pressure, and hope also that there will be an increased generosity in the many artists and other people who have used concepts derived from conversation with this author or by contact with our works in alignment with the 2004 yoga4d.org/cfdl.txt license, so that our works get more imbued into the world of thinking, theorising, artistic work, philosophising, education thinking, politics thinking, etc. These references we haven't craved, but we have seen that it would make sense to get more of them, for the influence has been very real. So, to repeat, pls note: Reproduction of whole text parts in our works or works derived from connection with our productions are always ok without asking first if you follow the intent and spirit of our yoga4d.org/cfdl.txt Copyright and Further Distribution License with Lisa, Athina and Helena S. ATWLAH////avenuege