          experts on
          -- Absolutely no

The most powerful tactics for gaining a powerful and economically viable impression -- that your company is robust, has success, and wants a good and rewarding relationship to its customers, may be to stand out from the world of over-eager presentations, with utter simplicity, in plain language, and good English. When one knows what powerful presentation is one doesn't add more and more until it works, nor does one substract more and more until barely nothing is left. Rather, one aims at a first-hand relationship between text and reader, image and observer, product and buying event. This takes time, to mature that art enlightenment skill; and it takes still more time to put it into the form of computational powers, programming language tools to generate just the exact abstract imagery to complement your own company's pictorial base of photographies. By good language, the strongest search engines will be eager to link into your pages. We use Perl, which is part of the Linux enterprise which powers the biggest search machines on the net, for all advanced server services; we put the machines to work for you. By reliable, timeless criterions, put into the time dimension -- quickly, because of the thousands of hours of expert knowledge we have behind us. If you are ready for a grown-up webpage, contact us. The email is design@yoga6d.com.